Sa sortie est prévue … Probier es mit der Get your headset ready and embark on a beautifully immersive journey through nature. But you must be cautious, as dangerous predators await in these troubled lands…Having worked on the soundtrack for nature documentaries such as Life and Planet Earth II, we partnered with award-winning composer and audio director  to compose an enchanting orchestral score for AWAY.Ever wondered what games look like in the early stages of development?

Away: The Survival Series Videos. Findest Du nicht das was Du suchst? We're taking immersion to the next level with our brand new kinetic locomotion system, which makes it easier than ever to run, fly, jump, and climb your way through your surroundings.Our Playable Teaser is available for HTC Vive, so feel free to AWAY is also coming to VR! #TheFutureIsExciting TAGS; PS4; neuste älteste. Von leben­den Men­schen keine Spur, nur Über­reste ihrer Zivil­i­sa­tion sind im Trail­er zu ent­deck­en.
This seems extraordinary! Inspired by nature documentaries, AWAY: The Survival Series is a 3rd-person adventure game that takes you on the Sugar Glider's breathtaking journey into the wild. AWAY: The Survival Series est un jeu d'aventure/survie épisodique se déroulant dans un futur sans humains.

Its nice to see serious artistic indie games coming to VR.Inspired by nature documentaries, AWAY: The Survival Series is a 3rd-person adventure game that takes you on the Sugar Glider's breathtaking journey into the wild.The first episode is set to be released later this year.For more updates, make sure to follow us on social media!Having worked on the soundtrack for nature documentaries such as Life and Planet Earth II, we partnered with award-winning composer and audio director  to compose an enchanting orchestral score for AWAY.Playing as a new character in every episode, you must proceed with caution as you encounter dozens of friends and foes of all shapes and sizes out in the wild.Our kinetic locomotion system makes it easier than ever to run, fly, jump, climb, and crawl your way through an ever-changing world of danger and opportunity., the industry's leading engine for AR & VR applications.Both powerful and proven, the world’s leading brands consistently choose Unreal Engine to bring their stories to life through AR and VR experiences, and AWAY is no different!From tiny insects to mighty beasts, the world of AWAY is filled with animals of all shapes and sizes. Its nice to see serious artistic indie games coming to VR.Présenté comme un documentaire animalier, chaque épisode vous amène sur les aventures d'un nouvel animal à travers une mystérieuse planète en ruines., un petit studio de jeux basé à Montréal. AWAY The Survival Series jetzt online bestellen.

Das Entwick­ler­stu­dio Break­ing Walls ist in Mon­tréal, Kana­da, ansäs­sig und beste­ht zum Teil aus erfahre­nen Spieleen­twick­lern, die an Titeln der erfol­gre­ichen Rei­hen Assassin’s Creed, Prince of Per­sia und Far Cry mit­gear­beit­et haben. This seems extraordinary!
AWAY: The Survival Series - An animal adventure game Project We Love Montreal, Canada Video Games CA$ 135,789. pledged of CA$ 60,000 goal 2,685 backers Support. Pledge CA$ 25 or more About US$ 19 Basic Glider + DIGITAL COPY OF THE GAME You can choose between PC and PS4 + DIGITAL WALLPAPERS Get 5 high-resolution digital wallpapers of AWAY + YOUR NAME IN THE … Manch­mal kön­nte der resig­nierte Gamer fast zu dem Ein­druck kom­men, hier auf die ulti­ma­tive Auswe­ich­möglichkeit der Spieleen­twick­ler gestoßen zu sein: Wenn Dir nichts mehr ein­fällt, mach ein Sur­vival-Game. AWAY: The Survival Series est un prochain jeu vidéo d' action-aventure indépendant développé et édité par le studio canadien Breaking Walls. 3rd-person adventure game that takes you on the Sugar Glider's breathtaking journey into the wild Today, we are excited to announce that Away: The Survival Series will be coming out on PlayStation 4, and we can’t wait to tell you more about the game! amène son expérience en tant que compositeur et directeur audio reconnu à la série AWAY avec une trame sonore orchestrale qui restera avec vous bien après la fin du jeu.Playing as a new character in every episode, you must proceed with caution as you encounter dozens of friends and foes of all shapes and sizes out in the wild.Our kinetic locomotion system makes it easier than ever to run, fly, jump, climb, and crawl your way through an ever-changing world of danger and opportunity., the industry's leading engine for AR & VR applications.Both powerful and proven, the world’s leading brands consistently choose Unreal Engine to bring their stories to life through AR and VR experiences, and AWAY is no different!Prédateurs et proies vous attendent à chaque pas dans le vaste monde de AWAY.AWAY is also coming to VR!

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Copyright 2020 AWAY: The Survival Series