Based on the soil excavation, the site soil meets the cleanup level for unrestricted use. Those housing units were demolished and reconstructed in 2010/2011. Description One of four Hawk Missile sites on and near Key West. Would like to hear from other comrades that check out this website Accompanying note: "Facility was built during the Cuban Missile crisis in 1962." The site contains most of the original buildings used for storage, maintenance, and repairs on the Hawk missiles. Malcolm Pirnie Inc. and Osage Of Virginia performed a Preliminary Assessment (PA) and during a limited visual site reconnaissance, munitions debris was observed on the ground. The site was recommended to proceed to a Site Inspection (SI) for munitions and explosives of concern (MEC) and munitions constituents (MC). A modern battery addition was constructed in the 1950s. During a Technical Assistance Visit (TAV) conducted by the Naval Ordnance Safety and Security Activity (NOSSA), one 20 millimeter (mm) expended cartridge casing was observed on the ground at the site. Stationed in Key West June of 74 to July 75. They also conducted additional soil sampling, well abandonment and soil excavation activities. Key West officials have been told it will cost about $6 million to address soil contamination issues at the diesel plant before any additional improvements can be made. The list of possible wastes included waste oil, hydraulic fluid, paint thinner, and solvents. The site encompasses much of a paved loading dock area and is bounded to the north by the west wing of the TPBOQ, on the east by the south wing of the TPBOQ, on the south by Chevalier Avenue, and on the west by Ely Street extension. The SI recommended that this site proceed to a Remedial Investigation (RI). Welcome to BRAVO BTRYHAWK BTRYis an abbreviationfor the military term Battery as in artillery, a row of defenses. One of four Hawk Missile sites on and near Key West. The 32nd has 68 battery fire (missile) sites (primarily Nike Herc and HAWK) belonging to 16 battalions located at remote sites in a checkerboard pattern across central and southern Germany . We use cookies to give you the best experience. In 2004, AGVIQ-CH2M HILL conducted a geophysical survey and soil and DPT groundwater sampling at the site to delineate arsenic. appears that when the Key Largo site was first built, , the old state highway to The committee is claiming the 43.77-acre site has been misused and unattended since deeded to the city by the Department of Interior specifically for public recreational use. D Btry..(HM-95) Krome Avenue near Hwy 41. fuels eliminated the troublesome over 150 miles. were, or were associated with Key West HAWK deployment. Nuclear capable only. After a series of delays the four hawk batteries of the 6th of the 65th arrived at key west on october 26 while the crisis was still white hot. In 1947, the Marine rifle range is no longer shown on historical maps. OCULUS ID: DOD_9_1070:The Trumbo Point Fuel Farm has been used as a fuel storage facility and distribution point since 1942. The Key West radar site began operation as a SAGE System site on 1 Jun 1962 initially feeding the Gunter SAGE Direction Center DC-09. for all except a few memories and photographs. Hawk Missile Sites Update Shauna Stotler-Hardy (Tetra Tech, Inc.) presented an update on Former Hawk Missile Sites activities (Geiger Key and Boca Chica sites). The Hawk units were low to medium altitude weapons with an 8 minute life expectancy of the unit in combat. of the Crocodile Lake National Wildlife I hereby authorize and consent to the use, reproduction and publication of my name in support of the establishment of recreational facilities at the Hawk Missile Site in all commercial . OCULUS ID: DOD_9_1047:SWMU 7, Boca Chica Hazardous Waste Storage Area, Building A-824, consists of Building A-824 and a grassy area enclosed by a chain-link fence. During dredging operations, a 7.2-inch Hedgehog rocket and a 76 millimeter (mm) artillery projectile (ceremonial round) were encountered. For the moment, all breathed a sigh of relief. Fifty seven years ago, on November 26, 1962, President Kennedy came to Key West to inspect the HAWK missiles sites shown above and to reassure Americans it was safe to vacation in Key West once more. Inarguably, it looks more like a junkyard than a city park. The Keys Weekly takes its responsibility seriously. by rails In 2002, a decision document was issued that the selected remedy for the Hamaca Hawk Missile Site Sewage Lift Station is to provide LUCs, including engineering and institutional controls that require anyone who disturbs structures identified as a permanent cover and/or containment material to comply with OSHAs Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response, cited in 29 CFR 1910.120 and 1926.65. Many Conchs share ancestry from various regions of Europe and North America, yet most migrated by way of the Bahamas in the early 1800s for the thriving agriculture, fishing and sponging trade around Key West. OCULUS ID: DOD_9_1057:As much as 8,000 tons of unknown wastes reportedly were disposed at IR 8, the Former Fleming Key South Landfill, between 1962 and 1982. One of four hawk missile sites on and near key west. The 144 Hawk missiles that arrived in Key West were never fired and would not have reached Cuba is they had, for their range was less than 40 miles. clipping from the Key West Citizen newspaper of 1962. field jammed with nuclear loaded B-52s. it was known as the NIKE-HERCULES traveled to Homestead from Johnson Island via its home base at Fort The four ASTs used at the facility were located approximately 50 feet south of the former motor pool refueling area. Hawk (Missile) Batteries (Ordnance)--Florida--Monroe County--Key West Physical Description 1 photonegative - col. - 35 mm. The site was used for coastal defense until the late 1970s, when the Army disbanded its air defense units in the Florida Keys. to arrive was As all I did was drive by on my During a limited visual survey, no identifiable features associated with the range were observed. . Annual Performance Monitoring continues at SWMU 7. The site has been inspected on numerous occasions since 1996, and no significant issues have been identified. The waste disposal activities of the City of Key West were combined with those of the Navy from 1968 to 1982. Aug 4, 2017 Naja and Arnaud Girard. launch The US Navy blockaded Cuba instead. From 1945 to 1950, historical maps show a skeet range at Boca Chica Field. LUCs, including institutional and engineering controls, were selected as the remedy for the site since contamination was left in place above concentrations that do not allow for unlimited use and unrestricted exposure. Refuge. Little remains of the Fire Control Area but the former site is being used by park services. Those housing units were demolished and reconstructed in 2010/2011. OCULUS ID: DOD_9_1080:Boca Chica Tank Farm has been used to store jet fuel, aviation gasoline, waste oil, diesel fuel, and unleaded gasoline for various activities since 1942. Explore KW-10 Hawk missile site in Key West, FL as it appears on Google Maps and Bing Maps as well as pictures, stories and other notable nearby locations on Powdered DDT concentrate was mixed with water and temporarily stored in 55-gallon drums both inside and outside the building. KW-24 Hawk missile site in Key West, FL - Virtual Globetrotting KW-24 Hawk missile site Maps / KW-24 Hawk missile site Info Nearby (126) Like Tweet Share Talk Google Maps Google Maps No Thumbnail Bing Maps Bing Maps By kjfitz @ 2005-09-24 12:32:48 @ 24.575841, -81.659886 Key West, Florida (FL), US Links: 1,128 views was The fire and. The site groundwater exceeded the FDEP criteria for arsenic. launch unit, The . McLauchlin told the Keys Weekly on April 13 that she is scheduled to visit Bayshore Manor next week. LITTLE HAMACA Key West Hawk Missile Site (retired) kp45 30 subscribers Subscribe 1 Share 100 views 1 year ago One of the observation towers from the abandoned and retired Key West. It replaced the I think I have the unit designations correct but I wouldn't bet on it. USGS map to The area where the range was located was developed in the 1960s for use as a base housing area. conclusions. that Key West: Dinghy Beach Activist Says Marriott Beachside is Violating Her First Amendment Rights; KEY WEST LIVEABOARD BATTLE; Tag: hawk missile site. Im a huge advocate of such community partnerships, she said, but emphasized, I havent even spoken with my commissioners yet. Part of the site is an FAA radio facility, while one group of launchers is now a paintball park. One can go back as far as they like to develop the crisis, but Soil borings were found to be impacted by petroleum and groundwater wells were impacted with low levels of benzene. My comments are Discharges at the site were from accidental spills. they are usually on the same side of highways, canals, etc. And you said the HAWK missiles in Key West had Cuba as their target. It is now used as a hazardous waste storage facility. On October 14, 1962, Soviet missiles were discovered in Cuba, just 90 miles south of Key West. these early highways preceded HM-40 by some time. how close we were to a massive nuclear war in 1962. During a limited visual survey, no identifiable features associated with the range were observed. In 2012, Tetra Tech performed a Site Inspection (SI) and surface soil samples were collected and expended small arms ammunition were observed on the ground surface. Your email and personal information will never be shared. During 2010, a Site Assessment was performed and found contamination isolated areas of the site. As I recall, In the 1950s, the area where the range was located had been developed as part of the active Boca Chica airfield and the majority of the former site is covered by several feet of concrete. The Navy did not use the property, but allowed homeless veterans to stay there in 1994 and 1995. During the construction of a new fence between Navy property at Truman Annex and the recently transferred BRAC harbor area property, the previously unknown UST was uncovered. The Ominous History of Key West's Secret "Central Park" . there is an entrance gate to the left. The state has hence removed the docks. Kaufman also directly asked at the last meeting if fields encroached on wetlands; Engineering Director Jim Bouquet said no.. Groundwater sampling and monitoring wells were installed to confirm the northern boundary of the site during 2010. The park service does conduct periodic tours of both sites. We will respond formally at the next commission meeting, he said. Wanna trade? Truman Annex Building 223 Hazardous Waste Storage Area. it became obvious on October 14, 1962 when the photos from a U-2 to The Department manages the rehabilitation, revitalization, conservation, and redevelopment of lands and the structures and improvements associated with the NAS /Key West Base Reuse Plan. From the 1940s to the early 1970s, the location was used as a DDT mixing area. In the 1960s Higgs Beach for part of the HAWK missile site? Arsenic results were below the FDEP criteria for a poor quality aquifer. OCULUS ID: DOD_9_1041:SWMU 1 was an open disposal and burning area for general refuse and waste associated with maintenance activities from 1942 through the mid-1960s. Not true, because the missile could not reach Cuba, by a long shot. These are just ideas and theres a lot to discuss.. OCULUS ID: DOD_9_1084:The Boca Chica Key site, originally known has Battery D or Delta Battery, was completed by the Army and became operational in April 1965. SWMU 9 Boca Chica Jet Engine Test Cell Site, Building 969. larger missiles than needed for defense purposes. She spends her free time developing a font for sarcasm, testing foreign wines and failing miserably at home cooking. Soil screening and groundwater samples were analyzed during the closure of the USTs. During 2011 a supplemental soil and groundwater investigation was performed at the site to delineate a free product plume. You may want to tag along. From 1945 to 1949, historical maps depict a skeet range at what is now Trumbo Point Annex. In 1999, the recommended remedy was Institutional Controls, consisting of LUCs with monitoring, was the appropriate remedy for the site. This was prior to 1972. Its range was 22 miles Cuba was 90 miles away. OCULUS ID: DOD_9_1043:The former fire-fighting training area is a flat, open area located in the southeast portion of Boca Chica Key, west of the southern blimp pad. Annual Performance Monitoring of various media continues at SWMU 1. Hawk Improved was a better system which Israel modified. I always wondered what happened to the Air Defense units in Colorado since they had primary responsibility to detect the Mig. The structure is currently unused and entry is restricted. The system can be One of the See. We the undersigned, call on the City of Key West to establish a recreational facility at the Hawk Missile Site to accommodate multi-use field space. A HAWK missile battalion was deployed to Florida. bombers or missiles from Cuba, or anywhere else. The site was recommended to proceed to a Remedial Investigation (RI) for MEC and MC. OCULUS ID: DOD_9_1050:IR 1, the Truman Annex Refuse Disposal Area, was used for general refuse disposal and open burning from 1952 until the mid- 1960s. Even then it had to wait for its missiles which "Bravo Battery" was one of four HAWK missile batteries on and near Key West. Further investigation of chlorinated solvents detected in groundwater was conducted in 2010 and 2011 by CH2MHill. control section locks onto the target with a tracking radar. Engineers Located at the end of Little Hamaca Park, the Hawk Missile site in the past few years has housed a paintball field, a remote control car field and has billowed with leftover street barriers, tires, barrels of unknown substance, old containers and a rather lazy crocodile. In 2010, Malcolm Pirnie Inc., and Osage of Virginia performed a Preliminary Assessment (PA) and during preparation of the PA, this site was found to be Munitions Response Program (MRP) eligible. The selected institutional controls will include restrictions recorded in property transfer documents to ensure the integrity of the engineering control. the late 1960s passing over the buried cables. The northern leg of the triangle was the old fire control section radars for engagement evaluation. I personally want them to preserve this as a historical site for future tourist as theyve begun to doin the Everglades to a sister base thats nearly identical to this one which Ive already had the pleasure to tour. However, we have not heard from the FAA about light towers. On October 27, the Soviets agreed to remove their missiles from Cuba and the United States agreed to withdraw our missiles from Turkey and war was averted. From 1945 to 1949, historical maps depict a pistol range at what is now Trumbo Point Annex. In 1945 to 1946, the historical maps depict a Marine rifle range at what is now Sigsbee Park Annex. Hmmm, let me think I remember, its written on the pavement inside of the entrance gate! It has been used to store electrical equipment in the past, including transformers that contained polychlorinated biphenyls. Artillery at Fort Meade, MD. Due to its close proximity to Cuba, Key West prepared for possible invasion. Interviews with NAS Key West personnel indicate that the area in the vicinity of Building A-133 may also have been used as an auto hobby shop and staging area. It housed the troops that were Located at the end of Little Hamaca Park, the Hawk Missile site in the past few years has housed a paintball field, a remote control car field and has billowed with leftover street barriers, tires, barrels of unknown substance, old containers and a rather lazy crocodile. extremely valuable in operations. B Btry.. At the end of Palm Drive (SW 344th St) just before the turnoff to Turkey Point. Battalion, OCULUS ID: DOD_9:Truman Annex is located at the west end of Key West. Our writers live in the communities we cover - Key West, Marathon & the Upper Keys. The last sentence state that the Commanding Officer is Lt. Col. Harry N. Roller. Hays Blinckmann is an oil painter, author of the novel In The Salt, lover of all things German including husband, children and Bundesliga. The storage and/or use of metals, solvents, fuels, acids and oil, were the potential sources of soil contamination at Parcel K. A removal action was completed in February 2012. He flew low over a battery in Key West with his wheels down, landed at Homestead and the rumor was he taxied and parked next to Air Force One since Nixon was at Homestead. A Long Term Monitoring Report was submitted to FDEP in 2012 which recommended that a Site Rehabilitation Completion Report should be completed with institutional controls as annual groundwater monitoring. Army soldiers who served in a hawk missile unit while stationed in hohenfels germany, c 2/57, b 3/60, c 3/60, c 6/60, and d 6/60 ada. Much has been written about this; therefore, one can come to their own One of the observation towers from the abandoned and retired key west hawk missile site.a wealth of information and maps can be found at this link:keyshistor. The Department oversees and coordinates activities for NAS/Key West Base Reuse planning for the following surplus land and facilities: Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Whitehead Street Update, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) South Roosevelt Blvd. November 14, 1962, all local Nike Hercules were operational. Artillery, a unit of the joint STRIKE Command which had been stationed By The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location. version. Launcher area has been razed and is now the Krome Detention Center. Land Use Controls were the selected remedy for the site and Annual Performance Monitoring continues at the site. chapel, The "dispensary" was Bliss, arriving in early Cuban Missile Crisis (October 1962) In October 1962 the Cuban Missile crisis began with the installation of Russian missiles on Cuban soil. This site had an abandoned UST area located directly behind, and to the southwest of, the security gate entrance to the Truman Annex base housing. In 2011, Tetra Tech performed a Site Assessment and recommended that additional groundwater sampling be conducted until the site meets the criteria for a Site Rehabilitation Completion Order with No Further Action. Fort Bliss, Texas. the ocean. In 2010, Malcolm Pirnie Inc. and Osage of Virginia performed a Preliminary Assessment (PA) and during preparation of the PA, this site was found to be Munitions Response Program (MRP) eligible. limited and are intended only as memorabilia. Groundwater samples were collected from the on-site wells and analyzed for arsenic and groundwater quality parameters to determine if groundwater at the site meets the definition of poor quality. The radar had a range of A BRA and ecological risk assessment were performed in 1997. 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