Surya Bonaly naci en Niza, Francia, el 15 de Diciembre de 1973, al principio su vocacin era ser gimnasta de competicin, pero a los 11 aos, empez a centrarse en el patinaje sobre hielo llegando a sobresalir ms en este terreno.. Bonaly, tiene una trayectoria envidiable dentro de este tipo de competicin, ha obtenido tres veces la medalla de plata en el Campeonato Mundial de Patinaje . And everything was fine until the day before the short program. Latif Nasser: She said she just wanted something that was hers. TV Announcers: And where is the European Champion? Now I'm preparing to go on a big tour in Europe for Holiday on Ice. Particularly injury problems. We just need time and you know, power from some people.". TV Interviewers: What did you think of those marks? Robert Krulwich: I'm Robert Kruller. Sandra Bezic: Thank you for listening. Robert Krulwich: I mean, the idea that she's some kind of black forest princess or something? sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices. Studying at the Universit Polytechnique Hauts-de-France. Surya Bonaly: Yeah. How will I say? TV Announcers: Style and grace. TV Announcers: Another triple. Surya Bonaly: No, I was a kid, I was like, whatever, my coach Gailhaguet, he's the one who speak English-. Yet, commentators claimed she couldn't skate, and judges never gave her the high marks she felt she deserved. Reported by Latif Nasser and Tracie Hunte, Special thanks to the Sky Rink at Chelsea Piers, the Schwan Super Rink, Richmond Training Center, Simon Bowers of Bowers Audio Service, Vanessa Gusmeroli, Phil Hersh, Allison Manley, Randy Harvey, Rob Bailey and Lynn Plage, Michael Rosenberg, and Linda Lewis, If you heard "On the Edge" and you're looking to fall in love with figure skating all over again, start here: Latif Nasser: No, no back flips, sadly. Original music from Matt, and also from Dylan Keefe. She had it all. She would be scratchy. Elle a atteint le sol, mais elle est tombe environ un quart de tour avant de terminer quatre rotations dans les airs; les juges ont jug que son effort tait sous-tourn et ne comptait donc pas comme un quadruple saut. It's like a really good story. Tracie Hunte: Yeah, she was just absolutely fearless. navigator.sendBeacon('', payload); TV Announcers: Oh my goodness! document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { She was good, you know. She continued, "I hope I opened doors to change that. TV Announcers: I'd like to see her stop jumping for six months and learn to skate. Latif Nasser: And that she had, that she, what was it? Surya Bonaly: Like Holiday on Ice. "I don't know if race made it more difficult, but it. And you're always second guessing. Dominarik kolkoratu ez arren, ospe handia lortu zuen 1998koetan, backflip izeneko jauzia egin baitzuen, hanka bakarraren gainean lurreratuz. Ils refltent galement un athltisme croissant dans le patinage artistique fminin, que Bonaly a tent de stimuler tout au long de sa comptition carrire. Surya Bonaly: Yeah, no. I pulled a muscle. Latif Nasser: So in her rerouting, she turns around from skating forwards to skating backwards, picks up speed, just like she's about to do a triple, but instead-. Let's get back to our story about Surya Bonaly, or Bonaly as it's said in French, from producers Tracie Hunt and Latin Nasser. Lorsque vous avez matris un certain aspect, vous devez continuellement vous efforcer de lamliorer en essayant quelque chose de nouveau et de diffrent plutt que de vous en tenir aux mmes vieilles choses. [crosstalk 00:08:04] I'm just saying that we making up stories because you want to hear them. "A stunning back flip," Newsday wrote, 20 years ago this week. Just doing it like it was nothing. Malgr cela, la patineuse, qui a concouru sous le drapeau franais, a un CV t ce qui lui permettrait de revendiquer plus dun titre : neuf fois championne de France, cinq fois championne dEurope, trois fois vice-championne du globe (senior) Pourtant, malgr le fait quelle ait disput trois Jeux Olympiques , Bonaly na jamais pu siffler du haut du monde, ni complter sa collection de mdailles olympiques (1992, 1994 et 1998). Those top three ladies: Oksana, Nancy, Lu-. Tonya Harding: Hope that's okay. Surya Bonaly 1973 - Figure skater. That she had a bad attitude. Tracie Hunte: Not immediately. Latif Nasser: Again, that's Sandra Bezic. TV Announcers: And is now getting ready to skate for her country. TV Announcers: Her opening, a triple lutz and a triple toe. And look, I've never been a huge fan of figure skating, but this story, I think, asks a really interesting question. And there's no end to what she might achieve. It'd really help us out if you answered a couple questions. And she didn't seem to care about artistry. Latif Nasser: They are still illegal, yeah. Tracie Hunte: And when she gets to the podium, she congratulates Yuka Sato, but then-. The contrast of her skin on the ice was beautiful. Surya Bonaly, 2010.jpg 821 1,125; 130 KB. Search instead in Creative? Surya knew she belonged on the ice. The radius could be huge, but it's still a circle. Robert Krulwich: In a similar pattern? I'm the only one who did it. If anything, I felt more like, man, it really must suck to be the only black woman skating at that kind of level, and not really understand why things are happening. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb. Surya Bonaly: I don't know, I'm just not lucky. The French figure skater was able to perform backflips on ice, and in 1998, she became the only person to land a. Robert Krulwich: I'm Robert Krulwich. Tracie Hunte: That's Johnette Howard-. Surya Bonaly: It's [inaudible 00:29:43]. Black girl magic Depending upon the beholder, Surya Bonaly is the most gifted and athletic figure skater in the world today, or she is a unique but squandered talent whose career seems destined to stall at. They rewarded skaters who performed a series of complicated, at times delicate - and approved - ice skating moves. Backflips were, and still are, illegal in. RELATED: To see more famous athletes of the past now, sign up for our daily newsletter. Surya Bonaly: She did good, she did good. She was adopted by white parents when she was only 18 months old and began skating at the young age of 11. As a former champion. Sandra Bezic: It's a beautiful sound. And I split my eye open and almost broke my neck and I was just like, you know what, I don't think this is going to be a good thing. TV Announcers: She's heartbroken. She shakes her head. xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); Robert Krulwich: Don't you think that that's a little unsportsmanlike? Black?". Latif Nasser: Yeah, you get your low fives, which sounds like it's a good mark, but that's not a good mark. Tracie Hunte: Outside of competition she would do these ice shows and exhibitions, and that's when you would see what she can really do. Robert Krulwich: The question would be: What if you, with all your heart, wanted to be the best at something? Latif Nasser: The sound I have in my head is like a hockey stop. Latif Nasser: She's never medalled at the Olympics before. How are we going to introduce this? Did you feel that any of the difficulty was because you're black? Mais ce nest pas fait, et je nentrerai pas dans les codes. TV Announcers: Off to the dressing room for the new champion. Surya Bonaly was born on December 15, 1973, in Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France. Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. Tracie Hunte: Well, she retired from figure skating after the 98 Olympics. Therefore when the judges fired back at her flip with technical marks ranging from 4.8 to 5.3 and presentation scores from 4.9 to 5.3 that dropped Bonaly from sixth to 11th place, the skater didn . It's not like all of a sudden figure skating rinks across the world were flooded with little black girls learning their salchows and their lutzes and things like that. Latif Nasser: Well I asked her. Tracie Hunte: So, Surya was actually adopted as a baby by this white couple in the south of France. I was competing on the national team [in France] for 12 years, and there are [kids] who watched me for years and years performing while they were small. Jad Abumrad: She swings one leg over-. What was the problem? I improved like every week, every month you can see a difference. Latif Nasser: She pulled a muscle. Latif Nasser: Oh, you'll see. Born in Nice, France, Bonaly, who is black, was adopted by white parents and grew up in a world where she felt she had to try harder. Il faut prciser que lancienne gymnaste tait bien consciente du fait que le backflip est interdit en patinage artistique depuis 1976 du fait quil ncessite un atterrissage sur les deux patins. Latif Nasser: And the salchows and the double salchows and the you know, quadruple double triple axels. Latif Nasser: You're like the GPS lady. What has happened since this story ended? Here we go.". Que faire quand tout le monde sait de quoi vous parlez ? Latif Nasser: Marie-Reine is an outsider in the figure skating world these days because of an unrelated scandal, and so we weren't totally sure what to think about that, but-. When the French international figure skater stepped onto the ice in the 1990s, the skating field was overwhelmingly white. Absolutely. Surya Bonaly is a former French skater and current coach known for her tremendous technical ability and, famously, for the one-footed illegal backflip she landed at the 1998 Olympics. "I never really quit skating. Games Participations 3. Loretta Swit begged the writers to stop using it. But it was figure skating that had her heart. She won a 1986 World Trampoline Championships silver medal for France in team tumbling at age 12. Tracie Hunte: And, at the Olympics, which were just a month before, the top three ladies-. Tracie Hunte: She does a back flip. She is a notable French-American professional figure skater best known for her unique skating style and bold jumps. She told the Olympic Channel podcast, "If I would have been white, maybe I would have my title long ago but who knows? But, I can kind of see where he was going because what he was trying to do, was that he was trying to present her to the world as this radically new kind of skater. Surya Bonaly: Well, I did start skating because of my mom, actually. Surya Bonaly a dmnag Minneapolis, dans le Minnesota, o elle vit avec son petit ami, et a endoss le rle dentraneur pour un groupe de jeunes espoirs amricains quelle forme dans ltat du Minnesota. TV Announcers: I really hope she doesn't go through with this. Il y a un nouveau grade de chevalier dans la Lgion dhonneur, quelle a reu en reconnaissance de ses services. I don't know if there was racism. Valieva est incontestablement au centre de lattention aux Jeux de Pkin, mais elle nest pas la seule attirer lattention sur les quadruples sauts en patinage artistique fminin. If there's one thing Surya Bonaly is remembered for, it's her backflips. Latif Nasser: We'll get there. As a Black skater competing in the late eighties and nineties, she is still cited as a prominent example of how racism and figure skating conventions affect . Gosh, I wish I had a good word to describe it. Surya Bonaly: From the local ring, I guess a coach kind of call and have a meeting with your parents, say "Hey, you know, it will be nice if you could come like two times a week. "We don't want her because she's black? Again. Latif Nasser: No, no, no. Tracie Hunte: So Yuka gets off the ice, she goes to wait for her marks. TV Announcers: Notice her hair-. Tracie Hunte: She could barely speak English, she was barely 16. En plus davoir dcroch un palmars quasi ingal en patinage tricolore bien quil se soit vu refuser une mdaille olympique pour cause de blessure Surya Bonaly peut se vanter davoir invent une figure dsormais considre comme classique mais interdite en comptition, une variante du salto arrire , qui porte son nom. Tracie Hunte: After that, it's just triple, triple, triple, triple, triple. Everything is about edges and leaning into those edges and leaning into the turns, and carving massive circles on the ice. Latif Nasser: Eventually after about four and a half minutes, she finishes her skate-, TV Announcers: Surya Bonaly, to Vivaldi's Four Seasons. Well, we had the World Championships in Japan. Tracie Hunte: Oksana Bayul got gold-, TV Announcers: Nancy Kerrigan is physically-, Tracie Hunte: Nancy Kerrigan got silver, Chen Lu got the bronze, and fourth place was Surya. When you're black, you know. She was black. Travaux TER en cours. Jad Abumrad: And does she quit at this point? Surya Bonaly : l'ancienne patineuse victime de discrimination et de racisme durant sa.Dans les annes 1990, une jeune patineuse originaire de la campagne n. In fact-. In the 1980s and '90s, competitive figure skating enthralled me. She's the kind of skater that puts a smile on your face. And the crowd loved it. Surya Bonaly: Sonja Henie. Sandra Bezic: No, no, no, no. TV Announcers: It's just the opposite from the technical marks, 8 of the 9 judges, all but the French judge, giving her higher marks. But that's probably not the sound you're [inaudible 00:17:50]-. There's such jumping ability. She wins 8 out of 9 technical merits. Jad Abumrad: That's our producer Matt Kielty. TV Announcers: Now Yuka Sato, the 21 year old from Tokyo-. Tracie Hunte: S-U-R-Y-A. RELATED:See Figure Skater Nancy Kerrigan Now, 28 Years After Her Last Olympics. Robert Krulwich: It's always close. That's okay. Latif Nasser: But this little teenage girl, Surya Bonaly, no problem. TV Announcers: She really is amazing. And then there were these fanciful stories that sprung up about where she came from-, TV Announcers: We are now taking you about as far away from the skating world as possible-. Surya Bonaly: No, not the Olympics. February 25, 2023 Surya bonaly enceinte 2020; Lors de sa performance libre aux Jeux olympiques de Nagano en 1998, l'olympienne Surya Bonaly est peut-tre surtout connue pour avoir choqu les juges en faisant un saut prilleux arrire, ce qui tait une premire pour elle l'poque. Marie Bashkirtseff, a souvent rsid Nice. You were really terrific. "Illegal but astounding . Latif Nasser: The figure skating official who was giving out the medals, he gives Yuka the gold, puts it around her neck, but then when he turns to Surya, he just sort of stands there, looks at her. It's probably my last competition, I don't want to just retire like that. Latif Nasser: Pretty much as soon as she hit the scene, you started hearing these rumors that she had adopted been adopted from a coconut-strewn beach in Reunion Island, off the coast of Madagascar. Tonya Harding: I went through it, I know all about it. Didier Gailhagu: We used the press very well. En 2015, elle accorde sa confiance nos confrres : Comme le montre le fait que jaurais prfr passer mon aprs-carrire en France, qui est mon pays dorigine ! A lot. And that she was defiant. Tracie Hunte: And then she lands on one foot. Latif Nasser: The margin was so close. Didier Gailhagu: Yeah, she was still a young baby-. Read on to find out about her life today. Deux jours plus tard, le maire de Nice, Christian Estrosi, lui a fait un cadeau inestimable : sa nomination comme chevalier dans lOrdre de la Lgion dhonneur. "A stunning backflip," Newsday wrote, 20 years ago this week. She just stood right next to the podium. var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-72659260-1&cid=2866d88b-3367-46e9-830f-a0b5094509a2&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=252002770277883946'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); If I don't, do you kill me? She grew up in Nice. They've changed the scoring system. How do you get noticed [inaudible 00:38:34] competition? She's French, 24 years old, she's black. This is Sandra Bezic. Jad Abumrad: What did she do? I have to keep going. Rechercher une fiche travaux. Surya Bonaly.jpg 709 980; 697 KB. It's my last competition.". Lorsquelle a tent un quadruple saut aux Jeux olympiques dhiver de 1992, Bonaly a failli devenir la premire femme le faire lors dune comptition internationale. Latif Nasser: They called out Surya. Georges Ayache, crivain et avocat, a rsid Nice. Latif Nasser: She didn't come out. Elvis Stojko: She wouldn't stand on it. Jad Abumrad: This is Radiolab. Don't steal my back flip. Sandra Bezic: And the other thing about skating that you don't necessarily get on camera is the sound of the edge. Que l'on en soit victimes, tmoins, auteurs, complices ou proches, ces violences nous concernent toustes, et les . TV Announcers: Bonaly has chosen not to stand on the podium. Jad Abumrad: Story comes from our producer Latin Nasser and also, producer Tracie Hunte. Really I was so messed up. Latif Nasser: Things take a really strange turn. Did she get nailed? You're listen-, Introduction: You're listen-, Jad Abumrad: Okay, so then if What? Latif Nasser: She said that she backed Surya. TV Interviewers: Very disappointed? Sa tentative a chou, mais elle a ressay aux Jeux olympiques dhiver de 1996 et a failli devenir la premire femme russir un quadruple saut lors dune comptition internationale. Tracie Hunte: So it's a jump forward, but rewind, we're in Nagano, Japan, 1998 Winter Olympics. Jad Abumrad: Special thanks to Vanessa Riley, Moira North, skaters Elisa Angeli, and Christian Erwin from The Ice Theater of New York, and to Ed Haber for recording it all, and a very heartfelt thanks to Marilyn Wiggins. But when I asked Surya if that's what was happening, she said-. Was there just the one sort of-. TV Announcers: Oh, what's going on inside that young woman? Surya Bonaly: I thought, it's still sport, sports mean challenge. L'Amour est dans le pr . Sandra Bezic: Our fact checkers are Eva Dasher, and Michelle Harris. Surya Bonaly of France does a back flip during the ladies technical program at the Winter Goodwill Games on . Elvis Stojko: I didn't want to skate like what they wanted skating to look like. Just hold, hold, at this point, just hold. Jad Abumrad: Why was it illegal? Tracie Hunte: Yeah, totally. Tracie Hunte: That's Tonya Harding again. Latif Nasser: Not at Olympics, not at the World Championships, no. In the 1990s, Surya Bonaly was the rising star of figure skating. Sandra Bezic: Soren Wheeler is Senior Editor. What is that about? Latif Nasser: And she would attack everything. Well, how about every day?" Surya Bonaly: Yeah. And then, after about a minute. Jad Abumrad: So she never gets first? Yet, commentators claimed she couldnt skate, and judges never gave her the high marks she felt she deserved. You cantake the survey we mentioned at the beginning of this episode here: you! Matt Kielty: Did she skate in a lot of other competitions after 95? They first called out Yuka, she comes out from this tunnel backstage onto the ice, waves, smiles at everybody. Elvis Stojko told us that one time he tried it and it did not go well. Bonaly, 48, is touched that people remember her skating and amused that new fans enjoy videos of her competing and performing. Surya (Bonali NDLR.) As Surya blows up, and all these people who never liked figure skating fall in love with her, over and over-. We didn't have the same one. She's not elegant. Latif Nasser: Now, Tonya Harding, she said that she had this issue. And-, TV Announcers: So we've seen the girl-. Will it be gold? Jad Abumrad: I'm Jab Abu mrad. Marie-Renie Le: Marie-Reine Le Gougne speaking. She was athletic. Tracie Hunte: Combination after combination. But then there's also the gentle, almost soundless quality of, say a Yuka Sato or a Katia Gordeeva, where they're like a whisper across the ice, and yet they're flipping from one edge to another edge and forward to backward, and it's just this glide. Only 18 months old and began skating at the Olympics before to care about artistry us out if you a..., waves, smiles at everybody 'text/plain ; charset=UTF-8 ' ) ; robert Krulwich do... A series of complicated, at times delicate - and approved - skating! 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