Also, surgeons use stitches during operations to tie ends of bleeding blood vessels and to close surgical incisions. One analysis suggests that wound adhesive strips are the most cost-effective method of closure for appropriate low-tension wounds.56 The strips are applied perpendicular to the vector of the wound to approximate and secure the edges. Explain process to patient and offer analgesia, bathroom, etc. This 26-year-old man received many cuts and bruises after falling from a 7-story window. Importance of avoiding strain on the wound (i.e., if this is an abdominal wound, no straining during defecation; if this is a knee wound avoid kneeling). 3. In some agencies scissors and forceps may be disposed, in others they are sent for sterilization. This varies between surgeon and situation, but as a general rule sutures on the head and neck are usually removed between five and seven days post-operatively, while sutures on trunk or extremity wounds are typically removed . Lacerations of the fingers, hands, and forearms can be repaired by a family physician if deep tissue injury is not suspected. Once the wound is closed a topical antibiotic gel is often spread over the stitches and a bandage is initially applied to the wound. To remove dry adhesive, petroleum-based ointment should be applied and wiped away after 30 minutes. Sutures must be left in place long enough to establish wound closure with enough strength to support internal tissues and organs. Inspection of incision line reduces the risk of separation of incision during procedure. 4,9,12-14 The types of sutures used to secure chest tubes vary according to the preference of the physician, the physician assistant, or the advanced practice nurse. to improve lung expansion after surgery (e.g., coughing, deep breathing). The body of the needle is the portion that is grasped by the needle holder during the procedure. Therefore, the first skin suture should be placed at this border. Non-Parenteral Medication Administration, Chapter 7. 10. 7. The Steri-Strips will help keep the skin edges together. Glynda Rees Doyle and Jodie Anita McCutcheon, Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care, Next: 4.6 Moist to Dry Dressing, and Wound Irrigation and Packing, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Inform patient the procedure is not painful but the patent may feel some pulling or pinching of the skin during staple removal. For a video of suturing techniques, see Learn how BCcampus supports open education and how you can access Pressbooks. What patient teaching is important in relation to the wound? Staples are used on scalp lacerations and commonly used to close surgical wounds. If the same physician who placed the sutures removes them during the original procedure's global period, you cannot report the removal separately. All sutures are lost if one suture is cut by mistake or removed for drainage, Can cause skin necrosis and excessive scars, Most effective in everting triangular wound edges in flap repair, Fast and effective in accurate skin edge apposition, Suited for closing clean wounds, such as surgical wounds in the operating room, Effective in accurate skin edge apposition and wound eversion, Should be avoided if cosmetic outcome is important, Used to approximate clean, simple, small lacerations with little tension and without bleeding, Glycolide/lactide polymer (polyglactin 910 [Vicryl]), Deep dermal, muscle, fascia, oral mucosa, genitalia wounds, Mostly used in vascular surgeries; can be used for skin, tendon, and ligaments, depending on the needles, Used for hemostasis in ligation of vessels or for tying over bolsters, Not in a hair-bearing area (unless hair apposition technique is being used), Not under significant tension (or tension relieved with deep absorbable sutures), No chronic condition that might impair wound healing. Data source: BCIT, 2010c;Perry et al., 2014. 9. Wound adhesive strips can also be used. This is intended to be a repository for efficiency tools for use at VCMC. At the time of suture removal, the wound has only regained about 5%-10% of its strength. Cut Steri-Strips to allow them to extend 1.5 to 2 cm on each side of incision. Suture removal is determined by how well the wound has healed and the extent of the surgery. 18. (A): Suture of laceration (P): Closure performed under sterile conditions. The border should be marked before anesthetic injection because the anesthetic may blur the border. What would you do next. Apply appropriate sized Steri-Strips to provide support on either side of the incision, generally 2.5 to 5 cm. The general technique of placing stitches is simple. Sutures must be left in place long enough to establish wound closure with enough strength to support internal tissues and organs. Irrigate with minimum of 250 to 500 cc, or 50-100 ml/cm wound length (use 1000 cc or more if contaminated) Normal Saline irrigation, compressible plastic bottles (250-500 cc) with plastic adapter OR. Report any unusual findings or concerns to the appropriate health care professional. Autotexts How-To Videos All Posts Encounter Notes Addiction Medicine Clinic Procedure Notes Hospital Women's Health Pediatrics Plans If concerns are present, question the order and seek advice from the appropriate health care provider. Objective: .vitals Gen: nad 10. Continue cutting in the same manner until the entire suture is removed, inspecting the incision line during the procedure. One study found the same cosmetic outcomes with adhesive strips vs. tissue adhesive when used to repair facial lacerations.57, Once a wound has been adequately repaired, consideration should be given to the elements of aftercare. 3. Offer analgesic. 2021 by Ventura County Medical Center Family Medicine Residency Program. Bandages can safely be removed from the wound after 48 hours, unless the wound continues to bleed or has a discharge. Cleaning also loosens and removes any dried blood or crusted exudate from the staples and wound bed. Disclaimer:Always review and follow your hospital policy regarding this specific skill. Hand hygiene reduces the risk of infection. developed by Rene Anderson and Wendy McKenzie (2018) Thompson Rivers University School of Nursing. 11. Allow small breaks during removal of staples. There are three types of sutures techniques: intermittent, blanket, and continuous (see Figure 4.2). Learn how BCcampus supports open education and how you can access Pressbooks. As you start to remove the staples, you notice that the skin edges of the incision line are separating. This step reduces risk of infection from microorganisms on the wound site or surrounding skin. In general, staples are removed within 7 to 14 days. Cosmetic outcomes of facial wounds repaired without deep dermal sutures are similar to layered closure.37 The approach to repair varies by wound location. Which health care provider is responsible for assessing the wound prior to removing sutures. Latham JL, Martin SN: Infiltrative anesthesia in office practice. Confirm physician/nurse practitioner (NP) orders, and explain procedure to patient. What patient teaching points should be included as ways to support wound healing? Figure 4 is an algorithm for the management of lacerations. Confirm patient ID using two patient identifiers (e.g., name and date of birth). Remove remaining staples, followed by applying Steri-Strips along the incision line. For people with hypertrophic scars, a firm pressure dressing may aid in preventing them from forming. Many aspects of laceration repair have not changed, but there is evidence to support some updates to standard management. Instruct patient not to pull off Steri-Strips and to allow them to fall off naturally and gradually (usually takes one to threeweeks). PROCEDURE 130 Suture and Staple Removal Brian D. Schaad PURPOSE: Sutures and staples are placed to approximate tissues that have been separated. Place sterile gauze close to suture line; grasp scissors in dominant hand and forceps in non-dominant hand. Competency Assessment A. Report any unusual findings or concerns to the appropriate healthcare professional. Safe Patient Handling, Positioning, and Transfers, Chapter 6. The doctor may restitch the wound or allow the wound to close by itself naturally to lessen the chances of infection. Note: If this is a clean procedure you simply need a clean surface for your supplies. We are fullspectrum FamilyMedicine.Our graduates are empowered to serve with continuity of care in all settings, valuing all peoples. The use of nonsterile gloves during laceration repair does not increase the risk of wound infection compared with sterile gloves. Doctors use a special instrument called a staple remover. For problems with the EHR, call the HCA Helpdesk at (805) 677-5119. There are several textbooks that are good to have in your clinic for easy review before procedures. The Steri-Strips will help keep the skin edges together. Steri-Strips applied. Data source: BCIT, 2010c;Perry et al., 2014. Copyright 2017 by the American Academy of Family Physicians. They have been able to manage dressing changes without difficulty at home. The muscle layer and oral mucosa should be repaired with 3-0 or 4-0 absorbable sutures, and skin should be repaired with 6-0 or 7-0 nylon sutures. Figure 4.2 Suture techniques. Performing Physician: _ Do not pull the contaminated suture (suture on top of the skin) below the surface of the skin. This step prevents infection of the site and allows the suture to be easily seen for removal. All wounds held together with staples require an assessment to ensure the wound is sufficiently healed to remove the staples. Importance of adequate rest, fluids, nutrition, and ambulation for optional wound healing. Scarring may be more prominent if sutures are left in too long. eMedicineHealth does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Grasp knotted end and gently pull out suture; place suture on sterile gauze. "Suturing Techniques." Position patient and lower bed to safe height; ensure patient is comfortable and free from pain. Depending on the type of wound, it may be reasonable to close even 18 or more hours after injury. July 10, 2018. 14. Close the handle, then gently move the staple side to side to remove. Concern for peripheral vascular compromise should be considered a contraindication to the use of an epinephrine-containing anesthetic. Placing wound under Running tap water. Some of these are illustrated in Figure 4.2. This allows easy access to required supplies for the procedure. If this is a sterile procedure, prepare the sterile field and add necessary supplies in an organized manner. See permissionsforcopyrightquestions and/or permission requests. Use of clean nonsterile examination gloves rather than sterile gloves during wound repair does not significantly increase risk of infection. These changes may indicate the wound is infected. Provide opportunity for the patient to deep breathe and relax during the procedure. If the wound is well healed, all the sutures would be removed at the same time. Procedure Note: Universal precautions were observed. Record the time out, indication for the procedure, procedure, type and size of catheter removed, EBL, the outcome, how the patient tolerated the procedure, medications (drug, dose, route, & time) given, complications, and the plan in the note, as well as any teaching and discharge instructions. Skin Tag Removal; Procedure Notes from Ventura Family Medicine: . When removing staples, consider the length of time the staples have been in situ. What would be your next steps? 15. Injuries that require subspecialist consultation include open fractures, tendon or muscle lacerations of the hand, nerve injuries that impair function, lacerations of the salivary duct or canaliculus, lacerations of the eyes or eyelids that are deeper than the subcutaneous layer, injuries requiring sedation for repair, or other injuries requiring treatment beyond the knowledge or skill of the physician. 9. The wound appears improved to the patient. They may require removal depending on where they are used, such as once a skin wound has healed. Table 4.4. lists additional complications related to wounds closed with sutures. A rich blood supply to the scalp causes lacerations to bleed significantly. Instruct patient to pat dry, and to not scrub or rub the incision. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. A health care team member must assess the wound to determine whether or not to remove the sutures. Hypertrophic scars: Bulky scars can remain within the boundaries of the original wound. Foam dressings are more absorptive but mostly used for chronically draining wounds. Passage of the string or suture may be facilitated with the use of a mosquito hemostat. After assessing the wound, decide if the wound is sufficiently healed to have the sutures removed. Hand hygiene reduces the risk of infection. 2. 7. Allow the Steri-Strips to fall off naturally and gradually (usually takes one to threeweeks). CLIPS AND/OR SUTURES REMOVAL . 1. Apply Steri-Strips across open area and perpendicular to the wound. The aesthetic outcome may not be as desirable as a suture line, but staples are strong, quick to insert, and simple to remove. Sutures, needles, and other instruments that touch the wound should be sterile, but everything else only needs to be clean. Alternately, the removal of the remaining sutures may be days or weeks later (Perry et al., 2014). Medscape. The procedure is easy to learn, and most physicians . Think about how you can reduce waste but still ensure safety for the patient. Sutures must be left in place long enough to establish wound closure with enough strength to support internal tissues and organs. Remove dressing and inspect the wound using non-sterile gloves. Do not merely copy and paste a prewritten note element into a patient's chart - "cloning" is unethical, unsafe, and potentially fradulent. 18. The sterile2 x 2 gauze is a place to collect the removed suture pieces. The staple backs out of the skin the very same direction in which it was placed. Chapter 3. Patient information: See related handout on taking care of healing cuts. Remove remaining sutures on incision line if indicated. Parenteral Medication Administration. Only remove remaining sutures if wound is well approximated. Document procedures and findings according to agency policy. 11. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Biopsy: Excision Biopsy Pre-procedure Checklist, Biopsy: Punch Biopsy Pre-Procedure Checklist, Biopsy: Shave Biopsy Pre-Procedure Checklist, Incision and Drainage (I & D) Pre-Procedure Checklist, Laceration Repair Pre-Procedure checklist, Obstetric Perineal Laceration Repair Equipment, Shoulder Joint Injection Pre-procedure Checklist, IUD (Intrauterine Device) Insertion Procedure Note, Nexplanon (Etonogestrel Implant) Removal Note,, Central Line Placement Internal Jugular Vein, Complications of Intra-articular or Soft Tissue Glucocorticoid Injections, Contraindications to Intraarticular or Soft Tissue Glucocorticoid Injections, Emergency cricothyrotomy (cricothyroidotomy), Hemostasis agents for punch and shave biopsies, Medication Doses and Needle Choices for Intra-articular or Soft-Tissue Joint Injections, Needle Sizes for Intraarticular Steroid Injections, Procedure List for Family Medicine Residency, Suture Type and Timing of Removal by Location, Suture Types: Absorbable vs. Nonabsorbable Sutures. You may feel a tug or slight pull as a stitch is removed. Surgical staples are useful for closing many types of wounds. Areas with hair also would not be suitable for taping. Ear examination & Cerumen extraction and washing. Which healthcare provider is responsible for assessing the wound prior to removing sutures? Confirm physician order to remove all staples or every second staple. Next, the area is numbed with an anesthetic agent such as lidocaine (Xylocaine). Head wounds may be repaired up to 24 hours after injury.8 Factors that may increase the likelihood of infection include wound contamination, laceration length greater than 5 cm, laceration located on the lower extremities, and diabetes mellitus.9. Excellent anesthesia was obtained. Chapter 3. 16. All wounds form a scar and will take months to one year to completely heal. Welcome to our Cerner Tips & Tricks page. Gather sterile staple extractors, sterile dressing tray, non-sterile gloves, normal saline, Steri-Strips, and sterile outer dressing. Apply clean non-sterile gloves if indicated. Topical agents commonly used in the United States include lidocaine/epinephrine/tetracaine and lidocaine/prilocaine. Scissors and forceps may be disposed of or sent for sterilization. Grasp knot of suture with forceps and gently pull up knot while slipping the tip of the scissors under suture near the skin. Grasp knotted end with forceps, and in one continuous action pull suture out of the tissue and place removed sutures into the receptacle. Adhesive strips are often placed over the wound to allow the wound to continue strengthening. Do not pull up while depressing handle on staple remover or change the angle of your wrist or hand. Showering is allowed after 48 hours, but do not soak the wound. Alternatively you can use no touch technique. The lesion was removed in the usual manner by the biopsy method noted above. Snip second suture on the same side. Apply Steri-Strips to suture line, then apply sterile dressing or leave open to air. Instruct patient not to pull off Steri-Strips. The lowest rate of infection occurred with the use of an ointment containing bacitracin and neomycin.59 Therefore, topical antibiotic ointment should be applied to traumatic lacerations repaired with sutures unless the patient has a specific antibiotic allergy. Usuallyevery second staple is removed initially; then the remainder are removed at a later time (Perry et al., 2014). Topical and injectable local anesthetics reduce pain during treatment of lacerations and may be used alone or in combination.2123 Topical anesthetics (eTable A) are particularly useful when treating children. Wound dehiscence: Incision edges separate during suture removal; wound opens up, Patient experiences pain when sutures are removed. It also prevents scratching the skin with the sharp staple. Facts You Should Know About Removing Stitches (Sutures). An order to remove sutures must be obtained prior to the procedure, and a comprehensive assessment of the wound site must be performed prior to the removal of the sutures by the healthcare provider. After assessing the wound, determine if the wound is sufficiently healed to have the staples removed. Below are some good ones Ive come across. Used under theCC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO license. Care should be taken to avoid getting tissue adhesive into the wound or accidentally adhering gauze or instruments to the wound. Instruct patient to take showers rather than bathe. Staples are faster and more cost-effective than sutures with no difference in complications.40 The hair apposition technique using tissue adhesive has the lowest cost and highest patient satisfaction for scalp repair.41 A video of the hair opposition technique is available at Also, it takes less time to apply skin closure tape. All sutures used for traumatic skin laceration repair are swaged (ie, the needle and suture are connected as a continuous unit). What is the purpose of applying Steri-Strips to the incision after removing sutures? Wound dehiscence, a mechanical failure of wound healing, remains a problem and can be affected by multiple factors (Spiliotis et al., 2009). All sutures used for traumatic skin laceration repair are swaged (ie, the needle and suture are connected as a continuous unit). Syringe 30-60 ml syringe (requires multiple refills) OR. Provide opportunity for the patient to deep breathe and relax during the procedure. 12. 20. Laceration through the portion of the upper or lower lid medial to the punctum often damages the lacrimal duct or the medial canthal ligament and requires referral to an ophthalmologist or plastic surgeon. The advantages of skin closure tapes are plenty. Complications related to suture removal, including wound dehiscence, may occur if wound is not well healed, if the sutures are removed too early, or if excessive force (pressure) is applied to the wound. Staple removal is a simple procedure and is similar to suture removal. An order to remove the staples, and any specific directions for removal, must be obtained prior to the procedure. Gather appropriate supplies after deciding if this is a clean or sterile procedure. Confirm physician orders, and explain procedure to patient. Explain process to patient and offer analgesia, bathroom etc. This reduces the risk of infection from microorganisms on the wound site or surrounding skin. Remove non-sterile gloves andperform hand hygiene. 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