False. At dusk or dawn. a. (para 23e(6)) (para 20a(3)) If a vehicle breaks down on the autobahn, the vehicle may be towed to the which of the following? Within city limits. False. b. a. (para 26a) 30mph with a red slash. following the bus, and do not continue until the (para 19b) Wait at a point where he or she can see along the German traffic regulations establish a recommended speed limit of _____ unless otherwise posted for a passenger vehicle on the autobahn. a. a. (para 23e(9)) c. Vehicle 3. Vehicle 1. When traveling on multilane roads with dense traffic, it is illegal for vehicles in the right lane to go faster than those in the left lane. Hand Signals from the Driver. Vehicles 1 and 2. a. Only as long as necessary to pass other vehicles. a. (sign If the vehicle starts skidding while braking, the driver should do which of the following? What must a driver do when approaching a railroad crossing where the barriers are open? b. False. (para 20b(2)(b)) (para 24d) When a streetcar has stopped at a pedestrian island, drivers must watch out for passengers getting b. Which direction may the driver proceed in? a. These signs are from the official German traffic code and include all updates through 2017. b. b. False. False. Which vehicle must wait? To start to teach it, you can even have the reward treat in the hand you point with, giving your pup the treat after you praise him. Tires should be inflated at the upper level of the recommended range for best fuel efficiency. Wait and permit the pedestrians to cross. b. A. Stop: Hold up your forearm and hand, then make a fist at shoulder/ear level. In what order may the vehicles proceed? 3-1-2. b. (paras 20b(5)(c) and 20c(4)) a. Wait and permit the pedestrians to cross, T or F: the basic rule in observing hand signals given by German police officers is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arms of the office may proceed. The primary task of the police is to protect us from dangers and to fight crimes. Civilians serving with the U.S. (para 21a) Fast driving often leads to accidents in which of the following situations? b. b. b. a. priority road. a. Stop before the intersection until the intersection In 1985, same direction radar (aka, "same lane") radar made it easier to accurately . b. When vehicles are halted at railroad crossings at night waiting for a train to pass, drivers must turn The OK hand sign has been added to a list of hate symbols. a. b. True. a. In this article, we'll go through when and how to use them if . (para 20a(3) and signs 206 and 301) Below, you will find a complete guide of German traffic signs with their official meaning and additional notes. b. (para 19) (para 19) Right after your dog looks at you, mark the behavior and give the treat, so that he knows he did what you wanted. Turn in front of vehicle 3. When a pedestrian suddenly steps out onto the (para 30h(4)) True. b. Which vehicles have to stop? A driver who disregards the safety of others is excused legally from responsibility when he or she has the right-of-way. False. Not at all. Again, this is another German gesture that doesn't have an equivalent in the States. In case of an emergency where a turn indicator light has gone out, they could be your only way of alerting other drivers to your plans. False. Legal traffic in Germany refers to, motorized vehicles, horse drawn wagons and bicycles. b. What does this sign indicate? a. A driver in the passing lane of the autobahn must slow down if he or she sees a vehicle approaching from behind with flashing headlights. True. The basic rule in observing hand signals given by German police officers is that traffic to the front and rear of the officer may proceed. If a vehicle breaks down on the autobahn, help can be obtained by which of the following? When a train has just passed. When training your German Shepherd with hand signals, the below are examples, but you may use whatever hand signal makes the most sense to you if you prefer a different signal. True. (para 30a(2)) Fatigue. Vehicle 2. (para 20b(9)) False. True False. True. On what streets is parking on the left permitted? B. Slowly wave the arm up and down, then drop your own speed. How close to a public transportation stop is stopping or parking allowed, When approaching a congested intersection and the light is green, the driver should not do which of the following. For each of them, you need to roll down the window of your car to . When there is a flashing red light. square that says STAU. Before vehicle 1. Three times as great. There are 3 basic driver hand signals: Slowing down or stopping - indicated by extending your arm downward with your palm facing backward. Approach at a moderate speed and observe the Forces members) must be attached to the back of. What must a driver do when passing a streetcar that has stopped to take on and let off passengers on the roadway? b. (para 23a) a. c. 5 minutes. b. Unless otherwise posted, a speed limit of 100 kilometers per hour (kph) (62 miles per hour (mph)) applies to all vehicles on all highways and roads in Germany. The handshake. road. low-beam headlights is required. Before vehicle 2. A driver must consider the condition of the highway and driving speed when choosing a safe distance from the vehicle ahead. was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). When a yellow light is flashing at an intersection, the driver must do what ? When to Use Hand Signals. 1. Flagging down another driver. True. Hand signaling is also used in the open outcry format of stock/trade . When may vehicle 1 proceed? There are three hand signals that all drivers should know: left turn, right turn, and stopping. True. Which two vehicles have to wait at these junctions? a. What does this sign indicate? c. Vehicles 2 and 4. The basic rule is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arms of the officer may proceed and traffic facing the front or back of the officer must wait . c. Before vehicle 2. regular intervals along the autobahn. (para 25c) Minimum speed limits must be obeyed according to which of the following? True. Which vehicle has the right-of-way? move only at a speed of less than 30 kph (20 Vehicle 1. c. Both of the above. a. and 306 with 1002-12) What must the driver do when approaching an intersection and seeing the traffic light turn from green to yellow? When stopping on the carriageway, a signal is enough where it is obvious that there is no . He lost interest in activities because he was always exhausted. a. a. Except when visibility or weather conditions make False. (para 33e (3)) 2. The local customs field office can provide information on international, driving requirements. b. b. By that saying, the statement from the problem is false. The Finger Gun Hand Sign. When emergency vehicles are approaching on the autobahn in a Stau (traffic jam), you should do which of the following? The police officer's. True. Wait and permit the pedestrians to cross. Forces certificate of license will remain ineligible until they, German police are empowered to arrest U.S. personnel (including Family members and U.S. civilians serving with the U.S. b. urine. b. Which vehicle has the right-of-way? T or F: at unmarked intersections, vehicles coming from the right have the right-of-way, T or F: in the city where no priority signs are posted, the driver in the widest street has the right-of-way, T or F: The air "rightbeforeleft" rule applies at unmarked intersections. c. 3-1-2. b. a. For registration purposes, the insurance policy cannot substitute for the insurance confirmation card as proof of automobile insurance under German law and U.S. . (para 19n) vechile 1 is turning left and vehicle 2 is a bus going straight, Which vehicle or vehicles must wait? False. b. A driver who notices that an emergency vehicle (for example, ambulance, fire truck, police car) is approaching should do which of the following? d. Both a and b above. Move to the next block or to some point where a (para 24f) a. How close to a public transportation stop is stopping or parking allowed? What must a driver do when approaching a railroad crossing where the barriers are down, When approaching children, drivers should pay attention to the road, the children can watch out for themselves. d. All of the above. 1: Look at me (Finger towards your face) 2: Sit (Swing palm up) 3: Stay or wait (Palm up) 4: Lay down (Finger downward) 5: Come (Sway your palm towards you) Some key points in dog commands and dog training hand signals. zebra crossings. c. Stop and proceed only after the streetcar doors applies in both cases. In what order must the vehicles proceed? 3-2-1. (paras 24a and e) On one-way streets and on streets that have streetcar tracks that do not permit parking on the right side, T or F: Outside city limits, the minimum distance for parking cars from a warning cross indicating a railroad crossing is 50 m. What is the minimum distance to park cars from marked or unmarked junctions or pedestrian crosswalks? The "right-before-left" rule applies at unmarked intersections. False. b. b. In what order must the vehicles proceed? If a vehicle breaks down on the autobahn, the vehicle may be towed to which of the following? a. c. Turn in front of vehicle 2. b. a. T or F: when a broken white line and a solid white center line appear together, traffic on the broken-line side is permitted to pass. Let vehicle 1 move ahead first. What must the driver of vehicle 1 do? Outside city limits, the minimum distance for parking cars from a warning cross indicating a railroad crossing is 50 meters (165 feet). Vehicles 1 and 2. Yield to vehicle 1. 2-3-1. (para 21d) True. (para 20a(5)(c)) This command is to inform the other person (s) to cover a specific area. b. d. All of the above. c. Vehicle 3. b. d. Vehicles 1, 2, and 3. That is why the police's motto in Germany is "The police, your friend and helper". True. c. 2-1-3. The light is green. (para 21g) (para 19k) T or F: when passing, drivers must return to the right as soon as possible without impeding the vehicle being passed, T or F: drivers may exceed the posted speed limit while passing another vehicle, T or F: drivers may not increase their speed while being passed, T or F: drivers may pass a streetcar on the left when the road is a one-way street, T or F: two-wheeled vehicles are particularly dangerous to pass and should be passed only with side clearance of at least 1.5 meters. (paras 18d, 18e, and 18f) True. (para 21c) plain red circle, What does this sign indicate? 80) Cell phones may be used in traffic or while the motor is running, if the telephone or hearing device must be physically picked up. The streetcar. c. The original destination on the autobahn, As part of this initial visit, you will begin to coordinate care with speech, occupational, respiratory, and physical therapists, as well as a dietitian and a psychologist. Kilometers may be converted to miles by multiplying the kilometers by 6 and then dropping the last The signals used by German police officers are different from those used by police officers in the United States . For registration purposes, the insurance policy cannot substitute for the insurance confirmation, License plates issued to drivers by the Registry of Motor Vehicles automatically become the driver's property. When passing another vehicle, drivers must return to the right lane as soon as possible without impeding the vehicle being passed. What does the driver of vehicle 3 have to do? (para 29b) exceeding the speed limit. (paras 21i(2) and 23a) Get the fucking thing fixed. What does this sign indicate? John McCririck is well known for using these when speaking to camera. A driver is required to warn approaching traffic when his or her vehicle is stopped for any reason on any road. Blue box with large P, What does this sign indicate? c. Wait until oncoming traffic is clear and then make Directional arrows on the pavement must be followed once the driver has entered a lane that is so marked. What position is correct for a left turn? 1-2-3. a. maneuver. b. a. On one-way streets and on streets that have T or F: A driver who lends his or her vehicle to a member of the US forces is required to provide the buyer with the registration certificate, T or F: US forces regulations do not prohibit abandoning a privately owned vehicle, T or F: attaching old state license plates or signs to US forces POV plates is permitted, T or F: The traffic point system applies to military personnel and civilian employees but does not apply to family members, T or F: persons declared ineligible for US forces certificate of license will remain ineligible until they successfully petition the revoking authority for reinstatement of their eligibility, T or F: German police are empowered to arrest US personnel (including family members and US civilians serving with the US forces) when German laws are violated, T or F: German police do not have the authority to require US forces drivers to pay a warning fee for minor traffic violations, T or F: German traffic law does not require every user of a public road or highway to conduct himself or herself so that no other user is endangered, injured, unnecessarily impeded, or inconvenienced, T or F: A POV may not be rejected during mechanical inspection because of bent hoods, torn fenders, altered plates, or faulty body trimmings, T or F: vehicles are considered unsafe if the tires have less than 1.6 mm of tread on any portion of the traction surface. Approach cautiously and yield the right-of-way if a. a. 1-2-3. a. While the "OK" gesture is pretty widely understood around the world as a positive gesture, simply turning your hand so that you are facing your palm conveys a subtle message in . True. They want . a. After undergoing a series of tests, T.H. He sought medical care when his speech became slurred and he started to drool. c. Driving a POV while fatigued. c. Come to a complete stop, look to the left and Drivers may not pass cars at a pedestrian crosswalk even if no pedestrian is in sight. In the passenger compartment under the front Hand signals are also used by deaf people with hearing-aid dogs. 2. What does the driver of vehicle 2 have to do? c. Both of the above. b. 275) (para 33c(2)(e)), The Traffic Point System applies to military personnel and civilian employees, but does not apply to Family members. d. Both a and c above. (paras 19g and 3-1-2. Vehicle 1. Good/OK: The classic "thumbs up" sign. Telling people to slow down also warns them to be extra quiet and alert for possible trouble.