In the Middle Ages, soldiers had to make sure their trebuchets had a long enough range to stay outside the range of defending archers on castle walls. No support or raft needed. Yet, one would assume that proper calculations or laborious trial and errors of various variations could produce an effective counterweight-trebuchet. This means that when the counterweight drops a little bit, the throwing arm and the projectile move a lot. weights from Dick's Sports for $6.99 a piece. Here, we build a computational model of a basic trebuchet with the Multibody Dynamics Module and version 5.3 of the COMSOL Multiphysics software. The catapult consisted of a solid base with a pivoting arm that would be pulled down and locked into place [1]. Pick something with a high ratio of strength to weight. Machines Power Source. A small-scale replica of War Wolf, a counterweight trebuchet that uses a boulder-holding sling at the end of a swinging arm. The word Trebuchet comes from the old French 'Trebucher' meaning 'to throw over', and that is exactly what medieval siege weapons like trebuchets were designed to do. The ratio of counterweight mass ( M = 2000 kg) to projectile mass ( m) is 100 The counterweight hangs from a beam of length L4 = 1 m The swinging arm is 6 meters in total length with L1 = 1 m The length of the sling is L3 = 3 m A schematic of the counterweight trebuchet model. Some errors that we might have had in our experiment include, wind, But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Elementary mechanics tells us that if we neglect air resistance and the height from the ground at which the projectile is released, the throwing distance s of the projectile (measured in the positive x direction) can be expressed as. In 1304, on one of his campaigns to defeat Scotland, King Edward I besieged Stirling Castle and ordered his engineers to build a giant trebuchet. The catapult operator would twist ropes that surrounded the pivoting arm, causing immense tension. The variables in Figure 3 are as follows: How can you use these variables to calculate the range of a trebuchet? Figure 1, below, shows a modern reconstruction of a trebuchet. The Counterweight Trebuchet Europe Medieval Siege Chariot Weapons It is equipped with a heavy object at one end near the fulcrum, is connected to a parabolic bag far from the fulcrum, and throws the stone through the principle of leverage. (France, John: Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades 1000-1300, p. 121) Something that was not the case with the Counter-weight Trebuchet, so lets take a closer look at it. An Introduction to Gear Modeling in COMSOL Multiphysics, The Motions and Mechanics of a Truck-Mounted Crane, Multiscale Modeling in High-Frequency Electromagnetics, All of the components are assumed rigid (including the sling), All hinged joints are assumed frictionless, The projectile is prevented from falling through the ground using a penalty stiffness, The counterweight hangs from a beam of length, The swinging arm is 6 meters in total length with. Your arms will float up from your sides, as if lifted by an external force. It is assumed that the usage of heavy missile throwers was far greater in siege warfare in the Middle East than in Western Europe. Trebuchet A siege engine for hurling heavy loads BuildingItem Health 5000 Container Size 15 Weight 50.00 Knowledge Engineer ID 89813 Engineer Recipe ID 89801 Level 25 Cost 3 Requires Teaches Siege Foundation A foundation for building siege equipment Crafted at Any carpenter's bench Trebuchet Base A rotating base for a trebuchet . Credit to Ben Goodwin for helping create this Trebuchet. Do you need to use household materials like cardboard, duct tape, and string? that being the 1:3 ratio (a trebuchet setup where the load arm is three times greater than the effort arm). In terms of operating, it depends to a certain degree on the perspective, which one was, Hill notes the following: The Hinged Counterweight Trebuchet (HCW) - a standard trebuchet. Another error that could have occurred was the axle The actual size of War Wolf is unknown but, we do know that once dissembled, the parts fit into over 30 wagons and modern estimates have the massive structure at over 300 feet tall. There are many different factors that can affect the range of a trebuchet; for example, the mass of the counterweight or the length of the lever arm. also different stuff as counterweight. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Since the middle ages, however, engineers have developed newer, more efficient styles of the trebuchet. There is a small trebuchet competition, You are allowed a maximum height of 1 meter, when it's in the cocked position, and the supplied ammo will be tennis balls. Some knowledge of physics will be helpful when doing this project. Since they could be mounted on towers they would also outrange the attackers machine. For a sling, I use the handle from a plastic grocery bag. If you are trebbing and run out of wood or iron, you can keep repairing the trebuchet up to 2500/5000 health with only one of the mats! The simplest trebuchet is basically a throwing arm pivoted on a fulcrum. Trebuchets were made of wood, bound together with leather straps and metal fixtures keeping the large throwing arm from becoming a projectile itself. To throw the payload as far as possible, how long should the beam be? (Hill, Donald R.: Trebuchets, in: France, John: Medieval Warfare, p. 274 & 280), The range of traction trebuchet was around 78 to 120 meters (255 ft 390 ft). 1. Traction trebuchets used human labor instead of a counterweight for power [2]. General advice is that the optimal ratio is 133:1. [3] If you want to launch items of various weights, you can set up your trebuchet with a bucket or bag to hold and adjust the counterweight. Any questions? (2006, Oct. 12) Military Technology., [8] R. Meyer, Column One; How Far Can a Piano Fly?, [10] D. Moe. The main beam measures 54 "workfeet," or 15.55 m, with a throwing arm of 46 "workfeet," or 13.248 m. The counterweight should be 75 to 100 times the weight of the projectile. It took over 1000 years of innovation, experimentation, and modification to transform a moderately effective projectile-throwing machine into an agent of mass destruction and fear, and finally, in modern times, into an agent of instruction and pleasure. L2 is the distance between the pivot and the sling's attachment point (m). The weight of the counterweight must be much greater than 10 times. Counterweight is filled with spare change. 2 There are five basic parts to a trebuchet: the frame, the counterweight, the beam, the sling, and the guide chute. This created an increase in falling distance and centrifugal force, both of which contributed to greater power. The projectile goes much farther than the counterweight in the same amount of time, which means that it moves a lot faster than the counterweight. In fact, a modern reconstruction was able to group shots within a 6m x 6m square at a range of 180m, a very impressive feat [6]. One can expect that only a limited number of these special stones were available and used. Yet, during operations it needed a large amount of manpower. the side of the tape the projectile landed, we just looked at the meter tape and Finally, watch your trebuchet go. The counterweight is raised and the trebuchet is cocked. We use cookies and those of third party providers to deliver the best possible web experience and to compile statistics. In order to change the trajectory of the projectile, the operators had the option of either angling the whole machine or changing the angle of the crossbar [1]. I assume if one includes maintenance into handling that the counterweight trebuchet was harder to handle. The whipper trebuchet is a modern take on trebuchets, geared toward throwing lighter objects long distance. Scrohammer happily hurls these wee glass spheres of doom a surprising distance of 40 feet. . When the trebuchet is fired, the counterweight drops, and the potential energy of the system is converted into a combination of kinetic and potential energy. Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. Yet, this depictions seems to be a big over exaggerated. On the other hand, at the 3:1 ratio there was just the right balance The potential energy can be calculated by W=mgh where m=mass of counterweight being lifted, g=standard gravitation9.81 m/s 2 and h=the height to which the counterweight is lifted to (or rather, height difference). It has many of the advantages of a floating arm trebuchet, but with fewer parts, less friction, and a unique projectile launch path. The Chinese needed so much power for the trebuchet that they had up to 250 solders pulling on ropes to operate the machine [6]. Please note: This post contains amazon affiliate links. One of the most important components of the trebuchet is the sling, which greatly increases the range of the weapon by simply extending the length of the throwing arm [5]. Large trebuchets of this type would typically feature a counterweight roughly ten times the weight of the projectile, which would put War Wolfs counterweight in the neighborhood of 1.5 tons! The trebuchet quickly became the Royal Mail of siege weapons, delivering virtually anything that would fit in its large leather pouch, from the afore mentioned large rocks to pile of dung or dead and decaying bodies, to scare and mentally beat an enemy. Thus, the counter-weight trebuchet had to be constructed with a stronger beam, which reduces its effectiveness quite considerably. If you search online, there are many different plans and designs for building a trebuchet. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Namely, the Warwolf. It is assumed that it is a Chinese invention and made its way to Europe via the Arab world around the 9th century. The longer arm length makes the projectile go further because being longer, it multiplies the mechanical force of the counter weight dropping a longer distance, the average was 3.2 meters, then a shorter arm, the average was 2.8 meters. The plot reveals that deviations of the order of 5 from this optimum only affect the throwing distance by a few meters. Start by making a reinforced card base for a Rolling Chassis, 210mm long and 100mm wide : Cut a rectangle of Thick Card (210mm x 100mm) and cut narrow strips (210mm x 25mm) to form the Chassis. The traction Trebuchet or Mangonel, which was adopted by the Byzantine empire some 100 years after their first recoded use in China, relying on man power to pull ropes and weights to thrown the projectile via the long swinging arm, a very time consuming and some what . Although they have not been used in any important military capacity in hundreds of years, trebuchets are awesome pieces of engineering that still create excitement in todays society. Edward called upon his master castle builder, James of St. George to oversee to construction of a massive trebuchet that would be able to hurl 300 pound projectiles at the walls. The earliest trebuchets were traction trebuchets [which] were invented in China in the 5th 3rd centuries B.C.E. [6]. Apparently, the French name Loup de Guerre (wolf of war) proved more than a mouthful for the English soldiers, so it was condensed into Ludgar. stones up to 275 meters, obliterating walls in their path[7]. page revision: 7, last edited: 29 Jan 2011 23:58. What should the various dimensions and parameters (lever arm length, counterweight mass, etc.) Edit Rate (0) Tags Discuss History Files . That's a weight ratio of 1:110., SummaryI rebuilt this Trebuchet design in Rhino, made it easier to 3d print. The counterweight-to-projectile weight ratio is 133-to-1, and the pivot arm is divided at its axle so the long end is 3.75 times the length of the short end. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. If the trebuchet is to be designed for maximum throwing distance, a question arises: At what point during its trajectory should the projectile be released? Catapulting Science Into Fun.. The maximum throwing distance is obtained if the projectile is released at 38. too much ballast can result in wasted energy and machine wear. (France, John: Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades 1000-1300, p. 120). How much weight can a trebuchet hold? Three parts. (Hill, Donald R.: Trebuchets, in: France, John: Medieval Warfare, p. 280-282) The frame supports all the other parts, and . All of the parts required to assemble one Trebuchet counterweight. The trebuchet is an ancient siege engine used for throwing large rocks. Yet, Hill notes that without the addition of a long sling, there was no possible combination that would have made it feasible weapon. Actual hand-to-hand combat was quite rare and usually only occurred during midnight counterattacks by the besieged or when the walls of the city were finally breached. 2 How long should the arm of a trebuchet be? This is why more than one wheel is used. Bernhard Kast is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Trebuchet. Internet:, [Oct. 11, 2006]. Despite the multitude of builds, very little has been published about. You can vary the weight on the back easily by putting more or fewer rocks inside. However, as I said earlier, a 1:4 ratio arm isn't going to throw anything very far on its own. Ether way the trebuchet became an essential part of a medieval sieges, and turning up without one was like forgetting to put your trousers on in the morning! The Traction Trebuchet is a siege weapon in Age of Empires IV that is unique to the Mongols. Another error Do you have time to do a fancy design, or do you need to build one quickly? Do you want any of the parameters to be adjustable; for example, a bucket that you can fill with different weights for the counterweight, or a lever arm with notches or holes so you can change the pivot location and adjust the relative lengths of each side (L. We tried this, 2 thralls is 100 weight, and is Max for the counterweight. Thus, finding the maximum throwing distance is equivalent to finding the combination of v0 and that maximizes s. Intuitively, you might think that the angle of release should be = 45. The ballista worked well against troops and cavalry, but had no effect upon walls and structures [2]. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Proudly created with, Weapons That Changed The World: The Counterweight Trebuchet, It is rumoured that Edward was so keen on trying out his new toy that he ordered the recently surrendered Scots back into the castle, quoted to have said ", You do not deserve any grace, but must surrender to my will" and. Larger trebuchets would have large 'hamster' style wheels on the side of them, allowing men to run inside them to winch down the large arm where the projectile would be added, a pin would then be removed throwing the large arm upwards. Once the arm was in place, the projectile would be loaded into a cup at the end of the arm. I added a cover for the opening to keep kids from adding or removing things. The word trebuchet has been used for convenience to designate the rotating-beam siege machines, in the full knowledge that other terms were also used in the Middle Ages, and that the question of nomenclature remains unresolved. (Hill, Donald R.: Trebuchets, in: France, John: Medieval Warfare, p. 271) A trebuchet works by using the energy of a falling (and hinged) counterweight to launch a projectile (the payload), using mechanical advantage to achieve a high launch speed. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. I designed the basket for 4x1 oz car wheel weights. It was also easier to transport and had a higher rate of fire. The animation below shows the motion of the trebuchet as it is fired. What experience do you need to become a teacher? l trebuchet counterweight to projectile weight ratio 3d models . Science Buddies Staff. Powered by STLFinder search engine. made broke, the connection between the new axle and the arm was loose and The horizontal distance the payload would travel is called the trebuchet's range. Counterweight trebuchets use gravity; potential energy is stored by slowly raising an extremely heavy box (typically filled with stones, sand, or lead) attached to the shorter end of the beam (typically on a hinged connection), and releasing it on command. By slowing down the system, the trebuchet experienced less strain, increasing the life of the machine and decreasing the jerking forces [3]. You manually load it by placing the ammo on the trebuchet in the inventory menu, then place rocks in the counterweight section to determine how far the projectile will fly. A heavy counterweight hangs on the short end of the beam. Why is it a complicated design? One of the worst cases of such early chemical warfare came in the 14th century when Mongols fired corpses that contained the Black Death into the city of Kaffa. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This allows the longer projectile arm to move 4 times as far for each . Your email address will not be published. Record the distance and time on a piece of paper, 8. However, there have been occasions where trebuchets could reduce the wall to rubble in a few shots. The easiest counterweight to attach is a small bucket. [4] We use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information. Now, one drawback of the Traction Trebuchet was that the men operating the machines had a varying pull on the ropes, thus the firing range was likely changed from shot to shot even without accounting for exhaustion. A trebuchet exists as a medieval rock throwing machine, but quite different to a catapult. The traction trebuchet, which was a rather simple design were the force for firing was provided by men pulling down ropes. For a small trebuchet, you may want to make them 1 foot (30 cm) long; for a larger trebuchet, they can be longer. Uninterrupted action by massed forces of large machines would surely have smashed masonry in time, but the conditions in which large numbers of such machines could be gathered and operated were relatively rare, and before the end of the twelfth century there is little evidence of artillery smashing the main masses of castles and walled cities. (France, John: Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades 1000-1300, p. 120), Another aspect in attacking walls was, that the quality of the stones was very important, because if the stone shatters on the wall, the damage is quite limited. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Bernhard Kast ist Teilnehmer des Partnerprogramms von Amazon Europe S..r.l. Its a cheaper version of the Counterweight Trebuchet (even cheaper than a Mangonel) with lower range, attack and hit points, in return for higher rate of fire, movement speed . In addition to building prototypes of a trebuchet, you can also use physics calculations or even a computer simulation to help you design it to have the best range. Which brings us to the next point, the overall effectiveness of trebuchets. The Trebuchet works functional but the connection between each parts seems weak and need to be improved. The counterweight is usually very heavy and provides the mechanical force to fire. General wisdom has a 5:1 ratio being the norm for a standard trebuchet, although 4:1 is sometimes used. This machine appears to have been invented somewhere in the Mediterranean area in the late twelfth century, and to have spread outward very rapidly from its point of origin into norther Europe and western Islam. The longer end of the beam would hold the projectile while the shorter end would hold a counter weight [2]. The first [traction] required greater skill in handling, the second in design. (Hill, Donald R.: Trebuchets, in: France, John: Medieval Warfare, p. 279) listed if standards is not an option). France, John: Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades 1000-1300, Contamine, Philippe: War in the Middle Ages, Ohler, Nobert: Krieg & Frieden im Mittelalter, McCotter, Stephen: Byzantines, Avars and the Introduction of the Trebuchet. recommend you keep the infill high for the pegs, and decently high for the legs, arm, and base. Good luck. If you are interested in learning more about multibody dynamics modeling, check out these additional blog posts: Wondering why War Wolf was also called Ludgar? To begin, enter the parameters of your trebuchet in the input boxes. Trebuchets may be dead on the battlefield, but they are still very much alive in the hearts of students and hobbyists who take joy in discovering the workings of these amazing machines. Trebuchet counterweight? L3 is the length of the sling (m). Most of these items were meant not to destroy walls, but to humiliate the enemy, taint their water supplies, and spread death and disease. Your internet explorer is in compatibility mode and may not be displaying the website correctly. The further between . The ballista eventually gave way to the catapult [3]. To further analyse this phenomenon I have created another graph that keeps a constant counterweight mass and but changes the ratio. Enjoy! Defenders used trebuchets against siege towers and the enemy artillery, thus providing what we would call counter-battery fire nowadays. The Floating Everything Trebuchet (FET) - a poor man's FAT, without the vertical guides. With its massive size came a long set up time and usually, a large setup cost, sometimes taking weeks if not months to construct. A golf ball projectile (1.62 oz) should fire best with 13.46 lbs of counterweight - and a 14 lb bowling ball should have 1862 lbs pulling on the other side of the arm to reach maximum distance. Hurl those stones. I also glued a small rubber band attached to the firing pin wheel to hold tension. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Trebuchet Essay. these errors, we could test it on a less windy day, be more careful timing, and Continued When the counterweight is raised up, it has lots of gravitational potential energy. A trebuchet is a long-range weapon that uses a swinging arm to send a projectile toward a target. (Weights) - drill the holes for the smaller axle in the first place. Trebuchets also worked better against a fortified position because of the types of ammunition they employed: metal or stone balls, heads, corpses, dead animals, excrement, trash, and even Greek fire a powerful burning-liquid weapon that could not be put out with water [2]. Press the backs of your hands against the inside of a door frame for 30 secondsas if youre trying to widen the frameand then let your arms down; youll feel something odd. Expect that only a limited number trebuchet counterweight ratio these special stones were available and.... End of the arm be a big over exaggerated by an external force and machine wear record distance... A fulcrum 11, 2006 ] have developed newer, more efficient styles of the order 5... One quickly and those of third party providers to deliver the best web. Used trebuchets against siege towers and the projectile is released at 38. too much ballast can result in wasted and... 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