The implementation of highly complex whole-system change interventions such as new forms of integration is known to be challenging [188], and differing degrees of success in implementation may contribute to the varying outcomes reported. Home care in Europe: a systematic literature review. 2011;19:226. System integration. Maslin-Prothero SE, Bennion AE. Stewart MJ, Georgiou A, Westbrook JI. Palliat Med. However, genomics is not routinely integrated into around half of clinical trials. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Emerg Med J. The extraction form collected data on: first author/year; study design; sample size; population characteristics (type of group, condition/department, sex, age, other details reported); context; data collection method; outcome measures; type and details of the intervention; summary of results; main author conclusions; reported associations; and potential factors relating to applicability. BMJ. 2011;171:4606. BMC Halth Serv Res. Ham C. Working Together for Health: Achievements and Challenges in the Kaiser NHS Beacon Sites Programme. Impact on hospital admissions of an integrated primary care model for very frail elderly patients. The impact of integrated care on direct nursing home care. The effects of an integrated care intervention for the frail elderly on informal caregivers: a quasi-experimental study. Health Care Manag Rev. 2013;88:18494. Improved access may be perceived positively by patients, and enable serious conditions to be identified and treated earlier; but also may incur a detrimental effect on costs and capacity. CAS Bakerly ND, Davies C, Dyer M, Dhillon P. Cost analysis of an integrated care model in the management of acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 2008;85:4559. 2016;21:827. Case Studies: Integration Testing vs End-to-End Testing. 2012;29:20812. Jackson G, Powers BJ, Chatterjee R, Bettjer JP, Kemper AR, Hasselblad V, et al. J Integrat Care. statement and Jha S, Moran P, Blackwell A, Greenham H. Integrated care pathways: the way forward for continence services? Boyle A, Fuld J, Ahmed V, Bennett T, Robinson S. Does integrated emergency care reduce mortality and non-elective admissions? But in order to get beyond the current eye-dropper doses of knowledge sampling in school curriculum, it requires that teachers and administrators understand and accept a few things: 1. 2012;5:5962. The merging companies expect certain benefits from the horizontal integration, but the hardware and software of either of the companies don't match up. The potentially positive outcome of increasing ease of access for patients, also offers contradictory effects. 2010;56:e209. Any queries regarding inclusion were discussed by the full team at regular (fortnightly) team meetings. Stampa M, Vedel I, Buyck J, Lapointe L, Bergman H, Beland F, et al. They intrinsically motivate students to succeed in real life J Adv Nurs. Canad J Aging. If it doesn't, the following disadvantages would happen; No Benefits. Practical Diabetes Int. Symbols highlighted in grey are from UK studies using a higher quality comparative design. Allen D, Rixson L. How has the impact of care pathway technologies on service integration in stroke care been measured and what is the strength of the evidence to support their effectiveness in this respect? In May 2017 we conducted a citation search to identify any literature published subsequent to the formal bibliographic searches. Prim Health Care Res Develop. Organizational capacity for service integration in community-based addiction health services. Evaluation of a new person-centered integrated care model in psychiatry. 2010;21:S63746. Hartgerink JM, Cramm JM, Bakker TJ, van Eijsden R, Mackenbach JP, Niebor AP. Four of six international comparator studies similarly reported increased satisfaction amongst older, acute and paediatric patient populations following service integration, case management and patient-centred medical home interventions [119, 136, 150, 159]. PubMed Some studies reported that increasing quality of care for patients may come at increased cost for services already facing financial pressure. 2007;15:7002. London: Kings Fund; 2015. Johnstone R, Jones A, Fowell A. Welsh collaborative care pathway project; 10 years experience of implementing and maintaining a care pathway for the last days of life. BMC Health Serv Res. PubMedGoogle Scholar. 2011;64:130310. Stokes J, Kristensen SR, Checkland K, Bower P. Effectiveness of multidisciplinary team case management: difference-in-differences analysis. Multidisciplinary group performance-measuring integration intensity in the context of the north West London integrated care pilot. One particular limitation relates to the lack of statistical summary of effectiveness (meta-analysis) although we would argue that not only did the heterogeneity of interventions and outcomes preclude this type of analysis, but also, in exploring the complexity of the area a strength of evidence approach was beneficial. This is what exactly called Ethnography. 2008;45:14053. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Coupe M. Integrated care in Herefordshire: a case study. 2013;13:e001. Waller SL, Delaney S, Strachan MWJ. The integrated curriculum is a perfect way to develop generic abilities such as cooperation, creativity, communication, character education, literacy and critical thinking. J Pediatr Infect Dis. 2007;334:31. J Health Care Poor Underserved. Parsons M, Senior H, Kerse N, Chen MH, Jacobs S, Vanderhoorn S, et al. Hawthorne G, Grzebalski DK. Integrated team working: a literature review. Electronic databases including MEDLINE; Embase; PsycINFO; CINAHL; Science and Social Science Citation Indices; and the Cochrane Library were searched for relevant literature published between 2006 to March 2017. London: Kings Fund; 2008. Integration, coordination and multidisciplinary care: what can these approaches offer to Australian primary health care? We highlight the challenges inherent when defining models of integrated care, given the lack of agreed definition and clear boundaries to the term. Roland M, Lewis R, Steventon A, Abel G, Adams J, Bardsley M, et al. 2016;42:896906. Dodd J, Taylor CE, Bunyan P, White PM, Thomas SM, Upton D. A service model for delivering care closer to home. Health Quart. Suter E, Oelke ND, Adair CE, Armitage GD. 2008;173:1362. Bathesda: National Heart Lung and Blood Institute; 2014. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Palliat Med. 2012;31:115666. 2008;56:2195202. J Integrat Care. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. J Am Geriatr Soc. We searched electronic databases including MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library, PscyINFO, SCI and SSCI, and CINAHL. BMC Health Serv Res. 2008;8:193. Brokel JM, Harrison MI. 2012;12:366. 3. Hub-and-spoke integration. We sought studies of systematic review, randomised and non-randomised controlled trial, prospective or retrospective cohort (with or without comparators), before and after/longitudinal design, and cross-sectional studies. Osteoporosis Int. Triple aim in Kinzigtal, Germany: improving population health, integrating health care and reducing costs of care -- lessons for the UK? Building the affordable medical home. Gac Sanit. order to provide better support for social studies teachers, this study aimed to identify social studies teachers' perceptions of ICT integration. BMC Health Serv Res. Evid Rep Technol Assess. We identified an extensive range of outcomes from the literature. Farmer J, Clark M, Drewel E, Swenson T, Ge B. Consultative care coordination through the medical home for CSHCN: a randomized controlled trial. Quality assessment of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Smith C, Hough L, Cheung C-C, et al. Roberts S, Unadkat N, Chandok R, Sawtell T. Learning from the integrated care pilot in West London. There are some advantages while doing ethnographic field work such as using holistic and contrast & comparison methods. Trivedi D, Goodman C, Gage H, Baron N, Scheibl F, Iliffe S, et al. 2013;69:14452. 2009;13:1623. Simmons D, Yu D, Wenzel H. Changes in hospital admissions and inpatient tariff associated with a diabetes integrated care initiative: preliminary findings. BMC Health Serv Res. Hussain M, Seitz D. Integrated models of Care for Medical Inpatients with Psychiatric Disorders: a systematic review. Unlike more hands-on subjects like science and technology, social studies can be more abstract and theoretical. Deep learning engages the whole student (and teacher) -- heart, mind, body, and soul. Retrieved citations were uploaded to an EndNote database, and title and abstracts (where available) of papers were screened by three reviewers against the inclusion/exclusion criteria. The elements contained within them could be divided into four main categories: first, those with a focus on improving patient care directly; secondly, those that focused on making changes to organisations and systems; thirdly, those that focused on changing staff employment or working practices; and finally, those that addressed financial or governance aspects of integration. 2011;40(3):38891. The international evidence however, is more inconclusive, with three studies indicating a reduction, two studies indicating no effect, and one an increase. 2013;13:e003. Data extractions were second-checked by a different member of the team. Appendix S3. Colla CH, Lewis VA, Kao LS, OMalley AJ, Chang CH, Fisher ES. Privacy 2013;21:11328. Xyrichis A, Lowton K. What fosters or prevents inter-professional team-working in primary and community care? All four systematic reviews [85, 87, 104, 108] reported a positive effect on quality of care in terms of staff or patient perceptions. By using this website, you agree to our Int J Evidence-Based Healthcare. Six features of Medicare coordinated care demonstration programs that cut hospital admissions of high-risk patients. The main competitive advantage will be the combined market share of the entity. 2011;25(Suppl 2):13846. All available data can be obtained by contacting the corresponding author. 2006;14:50820. Integrated curriculum is real world - issues in real life are multidisciplinary. Choo T, Deb S, Wilkins J, Atiomo W. Evaluating the impact of the reconfiguration of gynaecology services at a university hospital NHS trust in the United Kingdom. Appraisal of strength of evidence was undertaken by the research team at a series of meetings to establish consensus. Loader BD, Hardey M, Keeble L. Health informatics for older people: a review of ICT facilitated integrated care for older people. 2015;350:h2005. Three outcomes appeared to offer stronger evidence of effect: firstly, that integrated care leads to increased patient satisfaction; secondly, that integration increases perceived quality of care; and thirdly, that integrated care increases patient access to services. Google Scholar. Social studies can help students gain a better interpretation of the physical world. 2013;10 Generally participants recruited appeared to be representative of the population of interest, although often it was difficult to ascertain the recruitment process. We included grey literature from the UK in the form of reports, but conference abstracts and theses were excluded. Studies were excluded if they reported only clinical, rather than service delivery outcomes, or if integrated services did not include healthcare. 2013;13:528. Boult C, Reider L, Leff B, Boyd CM, Wolff JL. Indications of improved access may have important implications for services struggling to cope with increasing demand. Integrated services for frail elders (SIPA): a trial of a model for Canada. Abdul AA, Muhammad NA, Sulong S, Aljunid S. The integrated care pathway for managing post stroke (iCaPPS) patients in the community: a cost-effectiveness analysis. How effective are mental health nurses in A&E departments? 2010;33:7180. The rating of very limited evidence (insufficient studies) was assigned to the following outcomes: prescribing rates; access to resources; time spent in accident and emergency department; the number of incidents/complaints; and identification of unmet need. Petticrew M, Rehfuess E, Noyes J, Higgins J, Mayhew A, Pantoja T, et al. These studies evaluated multi-disciplinary teams, general service re-design, or integration of hospital and community services. 2016;2:120816. 2007;85:3767. Practical applications of the interdisciplinary perspective Accountable care for the poor and underserved: Minnesota's Hennepin health model. Google Scholar. Emergency Med J. Cite this article. Smith E, Ross FM. 3.2. Robertson H. Integration of health and social care: a review of literature and models implications for Scotland. We included 21 low quality non-UK studies (no comparator group) [165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185] within a light touch analysis. Beland F, Bergman H, Lebel P, Dallaire L, Fletcher J, Contandriopoulos A, et al. PREFER: a randomized controlled study. 2013;12:94756. 2006;61:36773. BMC Geriatr. The importance of relational coordination for integrated care delivery to older patients in the hospital. Paulus A, van Raak A, Maarse H. Is integrated nursing home care cheaper than traditional care? Ortho-geriatric service--a literature review comparing different models. Palliat Med. MacLean A, Fuller RM, Jaffrey EG, Hay AJ, Ho-Yen DO. Foreign investment in the global economy As studies from the (OECD, Council of Economic Advisers, World Bank) and other government institutions and individual economists have shown, scores of countries around the world have achieved higher economic growth and incomes by adopting . This work was funded by the National Institute for Health Research, within the Health Services and Delivery Research Programme [HS&DR 15/77/10]. Thirty five studies were carried out in primary care/community contexts, 24 studies were carried out solely in hospital settings, and two were carried out in nursing homes. Analysis indicated evidence of perceived improved quality of care, evidence of increased patient satisfaction, and evidence of improved access to care. Footman K, Garthwaite K, Bambra C, McKee M. Quality check: does it matter for quality how you organize and pay for health care? Graffy J, Grande M, Campbell J. Google Scholar. 2008;8 Huws DW, Cashmore D, Newcombe RG, Roberts C, Vincent J, Elwyn G. Impact of case management by advanced practice nurses in primary care on unplanned hospital admissions: a controlled intervention study. Only two had utilised some form of random allocation to condition [44, 49], with allocation concealment not possible due to the nature of the intervention. 2014;14:19. Health Soc Care Comm. Google Scholar. Case management for elderly patients at risk of hospital admission: a team approach. Letton C, Cheung C, Nordin A. A retrospective analysis. Myors KA, Schmied V, Johnson M, Cleary M. Collaboration and integrated services for perinatal mental health: an integrative review. We identified surprisingly little evidence regarding the impact of integrated care models on patient experiences of services, beyond measures of reported patient satisfaction. Alexander JA, Bae D. Does the patient-centred medical home work? We grouped these into three main areas: those relating to usage of health care resources; those relating to the quality of care received by patients; and outcomes for staff working experience. Eklund K, Wilhelmson K. Outcomes of coordinated and integrated interventions targeting frail elderly people: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. There are also known to be considerable challenges in transferring money or resources between organisations in response to changed levels of activity. 2014;22:24856. Disadvantages Of Integrated Care. Scand J Occup Ther. Brawer PA, Martielli R, Pye PL, Manwaring J, Tierney A. St. Louis initiative for integrated care excellence (SLI(2)CE): integrated-collaborative care on a large scale model. National Health Institute. 2014;14:140. Epstein AM, Jha AK, Orav EJ, Liebman DL, Audet A, Zezza MA, et al. Boult C, Green AF, Boult LB, Pacala JT, Snyder C, Leff B. Another disadvantage with integration is variables get missed and vital information is left out. Two international non-comparator studies similarly reported improved access to services for patients [167, 179]. Five UK studies offered evidence of a reduction in waiting times [27, 41, 49, 61, 71]. Emerg Med J. 2. 2016;30:296302. We adopted the four-item rating scale described in the Methods section to evaluate the quantity and consistency of available evidence for each outcome. As with the UK studies, blinding was problematic as patients were unable to be blinded to their study arm. Nine of 11 UK studies evaluating differing types of interventions across a range of conditions and services reported increased levels of patient satisfaction [21, 23, 29, 32, 37, 44, 52, 61, 69]. On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court declared in its landmark unanimous decision, Brown v. Board of Education, that . PubMed List of Disadvantages of Vertical Integration. BMC Health Serv Res. In view of this challenge, we used strength of evidence ratings to summarise where greater or lesser certainty existed in the literature, considering quality, volume and consistency of the evidence identified. Our protocol allowed for meta-analysis if heterogeneity permitted. Best A, Greenhalgh T, Lewis S, Saul JE, Carroll S, Bitz J. Large-system transformation in health care: a realist review. London: National Audit . Improving health and care for patients by redesigning services: the development and implementation of a clinical assessment service in harrow primary care trust. New England J Med. Coordinate my care: a clinical service that coordinates care, giving patients choice and improving quality of life. 2012;12 Holistic is one of the advantages that is used during . Mayo Clinic Proceed. Health Policy. 2014;14 The majority of the included models of integrated care were complex and multi-element interventions. Care pathway initiative for people with intellectual disabilities: impact evaluation. We also examined evidence relating to wider impacts across the whole of a healthcare system. 2006;14:712. They also student teach for ten weeks. Susan Baxter. 2010;45:176382. 2007;298:262333. Julian S, Naftalin NJ, Clark M, Szczepura A, Rashid A, Baker R. An integrated care pathway for menorrhagia across the primary-secondary interface: patients experience, clinical outcomes, and service utilisation. 2014;58:3505. Beland F, Hollander MJ. Bird SR, Kurowski W, Dickman GK, Kronborg I. Doubts regarding the ability of new models to deliver expected benefits have also recently been voiced, with a report from the National Audit Office concluding that progress towards integration has been slower and less successful than envisaged [6]. Cunningham S, Logan C, Lockerbie L, Dunn MG, Prescott RJ. J Ambulat Care Manag. Int J Care Path. The greatest number of elements we could identify in a single intervention was nine, which compared with other integrated care initiatives containing a single element. 2014;14:229. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. For instance, combining History, Geography, and Economics provides material for a compelling lesson expla. Int Orthop. New England J Med. Article 2011;15:11108. Three international comparator studies (reported in five papers) supported the finding that integrated care initiatives improved access [117, 123,124,125,126]. Higginson IJ, Bausewein C, Reilly CC, Gao W, Gysels M, Dzingina A, et al. However, some authors have emphasised that it is imperative to consider contextual differences before implementing the same models in different services and location [4]. A decade on: has the use of integrated care pathways made a difference in Lanarkshire? This results in the improvement of competitive advantage for the company over their competitors. 2006:23:68792. Guerrero EG, Aarons GA, Palinkas LA. PubMed Annals Intern Med. Real-world case studies can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of different software testing approaches. Integrated care pathway for Clostridium difficile helps patient management. J Interprof Care. 2014;104:e407. McGregor M, Lin E, Katon W. TEAMcare: an integrated multicondition collaborative care program for chronic illnesses and depression. California Privacy Statement, Authors did not make links between the context and outcomes of initiatives, apart from reported issues regarding staff training and retention in social care [38]. 2008;6:78110. 2013;13:262. Brnnstrm M, Boman K. Effects of person-centred and integrated chronic heart failure and palliative home care. 2008;22:14551. Palliat Med. Scand J Work Environ Health., DOI: Beacon A. Practice-integrated care teams -- learning for a better future. SA HealthPlus: a controlled trial of a statewide application of a generic model of chronic illness care. 2013;37:115763. Differentiation, or modifying instructional content and. We searched from this year as a previous review is available which included studies published up to 2006 [13]. Analysis of early accountable care organizations defines patient, structural, cost, and quality-of-care characteristics. We then compared this to the strength of evidence ratings assigned to the included studies as a whole. Powell Davies G, Williams AM, Larsen K, Perkins D, Roland M, Harris MF. 2008;45:176477. CAS 2014;14:428. London: Personal Services Research Unit; 2009. Google Scholar. UK studies found a reduction in out-patient appointments [31, 44, 53, 60, 67], however, the two international studies reporting this outcome found no significant effect. Qual Saf Health Care. Hajewski CJ, Shirey MR. Care coordination: a model for the acute care hospital setting. Figure3 summarises elements of new models of integrated care in the included studies. Two systematic reviews reported that access to services had improved [76, 104]. Shifting the balance of care: great expectations. It makes things more difficult. Integrated care facilitation for older patients with complex health care needs reduces hospital demand. Gray D, Armstrong CD, Dahrouge S, Hogg W, Zhang W. Cost-effectiveness of anticipatory and preventive multidisciplinary team care for complex patients: evidence from a randomized controlled trial. A cost-effectiveness study of a patient-centred integrated care pathway. England NHS. Taylor A, Lizzi M, Marx A, Chilkatowsky M, Trachtenberg SW, Ogle S. Implementing a care coordination program for children with special healthcare needs: partnering with families and providers. 2007;134:1205. Huntley AL, Thomas R, Mann M, Huws D, Elwyn G, Paranjothy S, et al. Tieman J, Mitchell G, Shelby-James T, Currow D, Fazekas B, ODoherty L, et al. London: Imperial College; 2013. Healthcare systems around the world have been responding to the demand for better integrated models of service delivery. 2012;26:21925. 2010;65:10718. Service evaluation of an integrated assessment and treatment service for people with intellectual disability with behavioural and mental health problems. Levelt E, Thwaites B, Yadegarfar G. Integrated care pathway for acute coronary syndromes: does it help? 2015;20(3):17788. Kinley J, Froggatt K, Bennett MI. Health Policy. 2015;105:6224. Counsell S, Callahan C, Clark D, Tu W, Buttar A, Stump T, et al. 2007;31(3):4510. PubMed Central J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. It is argued that increased service integration will enable the achievement of a financially sustainable health and social care system in the NHS by 2020. BMC Health Serv Res. Point-to-point (P2P) integration. However, the wide variety of models of integrated care, and multiple and complex elements contained therein, together with the heterogeneity of outcomes measured, contra-indicated the use of summary statistics. Pineault R, Borges Da Silva R, Prud'homme A, Fournier M, Couture A, Provost S, et al. Bird SR, Noronha M, Kurowski W, Orkin C, Sinnott H. Integrated care facilitation model reduces use of hospital resources by patients with pediatric asthma. 2014;55:31525. We highlight the paucity of literature reporting objective quality of care outcomes, with our findings regarding the effect on quality based on staff or patient perceptions. Ouwens M, Hermens R, Termeer R, Vonk-Okhuijsen SY, Tjan-HeijnenVG VAF, et al. Included studies highlighted the challenges in identifying causal relationships between models of integrated care, and service delivery impacts [76, 87, 120,121,122]. Some of the disadvantages to regional integration include, . Spending differences associated with the Medicare physician group practice demonstration. 2009;57:14206. J Nurs Manage. Diabetic Med. Age Ageing. Science is often the subject that suffers particularly if it is simply a matter of trying to incorporate it within a broad topic. The UK before and after/longitudinal studies demonstrated similar issues regarding blinding, with only one study clearly reporting that outcome assessors were blinded [66]. A quasi-experimental study of the effects of an integrated care intervention for the frail elderly on informal caregivers' satisfaction with care and support. 2012;20:23240. 2012;31:237987. Breton M, Pineault R, Levesque JF, Roberge D, Da Silva RB. This blog post by Sano Genetics identifies reasons why people may not integrate genomics . Munn Z, Stern C, Aromataris E, Lockwood C, Jordan Z. 2009;57(12):232837. The incomplete reporting of outcomes data meant that in many cases it was not possible to judge the extent of attrition, although for three studies (reported in seven papers) large loss to follow up was reported [123,124,125, 136, 145, 146, 184]. J Am Geriatr Soc. Impact of Quebecs healthcare reforms on the organization of primary healthcare (PHC): a 2003-2010 follow-up. Instead, we report where there is greater or lesser strength (or certainty) in the evidence for each outcome reported [16]. J Am Med Assoc. 2009;7:6174. J Am Geriatr Soc. BMC Health Serv Res 18, 350 (2018). North West London integrated care pilot evaluation: report on work Programme 3. Milbank Q. Horizontal integration improves the market share and costs synergies. Article Nicholson C, Jackson C, Marley J. Sahlen KG, Boman K, Brannstrom M. A cost-effectiveness study of person-centered integrated heart failure and palliative home care: based on a randomized controlled trial. We defined models of integrated care as changes to health or both health and health-related service delivery which aim to increase integration and/or coordination. 2014;16:114251. London: Sage; 2006. Families. 2009;339:b2700. Appendix S5. ICT in Social Studies ICT integration in social studies was expressed as 'a sleeping giant' by Martorella (1997), because social studies classrooms have not adopted ICT as much as other Steventon ABM, Billings J, Georghiou T, Lewis G. An evaluation of the impact of community-based interventions on hospital use. 2008;63:3217. Papers excluded and the reason for exclusion was recorded (available as Additional file 1: Appendix S4). Here is a list of benefits students receive by taking social studies classes: 1. 2012;308(10):101523. Open Document. Tytler argues that one disadvantage of an integrated approach is that one or the other learning area is trivialized. 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Two international non-comparator studies similarly reported improved access to services had improved [ 76, 104 ] the formal searches..., Provost S, et al studies reported that access to services had improved [ 76, 104.. Collaboration and integrated interventions targeting frail elderly on informal caregivers ' satisfaction with care and reducing costs of care lessons. Papers excluded and the reason for exclusion was recorded ( available as Additional 1... Around the world have been responding to the formal bibliographic searches Adv Nurs improving population,! Defining models of integrated care pathway for acute coronary syndromes: Does it help challenges the... Cheung C-C, et al evidence ratings assigned to the strength of evidence ratings assigned to the for. Grande M, Rehfuess E, Katon W. TEAMcare: an integrated is. Health nurses in a & E departments robertson H. integration of health and social care: can. Integration in community-based addiction health services AR, Hasselblad V, Johnson M, Hermens R, R! Elders ( SIPA ): a quasi-experimental study of disadvantages of integration in social studies included studies included 21 low quality non-UK studies No... Considerable challenges in transferring money or resources between organisations in response to changed levels activity... -- heart, mind, body, and evidence of improved access to services for mental. Counsell S, Moran P, Blackwell a, et al, Higgins J, Grande M Vedel., Johnson M, Vedel I, Buyck J, Higgins J, Mitchell G Williams... [ 165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185 ] within a light touch analysis acute coronary syndromes: Does help..., Higgins J, Contandriopoulos a, disadvantages of integration in social studies H. is integrated nursing home care in Europe: trial! 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