Bixby, Lindsay & Co., presumably McPherson, KS. Advertisement: "Silverware Rogers 1847 [Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] " [with no illustrations]. (Excerpt from above. Chicago Daily Tribune, p. 8, col. 6. (18 February 1900). G01430.). Rogers & Son Grand Elegance Holloware by International [Silver Co.] 1847 Rogers Bros. 20-pc. What does the Quran say about fasting times. D.H. Hurd & Co. in Town and city atlas of the State of Connecticut. Advertisement: " Thanksgiving is coming Meriden Britannia Co. [1847] Rogers [Bros.] " [with no illustrations]. William Lawton, Wilmington, DE. [Including Modernist lines: Modern Colonial; Arcadia; Legacy; see 1935 catalogue above for reference.] (22 October 1931). Buff the silverware to a shine with a soft, nonabrasive white cloth. (Viewed 7 May 2019; H00732-33). F. E. Burr, Barre, VT. (21 December 1916). The most common of these is to bring your silver to a local pawn shop, a silver exchange, a consignment shop, a local jeweler, or by using an online website. LIFE magazine, p. 136. LIFE magazine, inside front cover. The Republican-Journal (Ogdenburg, New York), p. 5, col. 6. (Viewed 20 October 2018. Famous 1847 Rogers Bros. (/ International Silver Company) stainless steel contemporary elegance" [with illustration of tableware]. Altamont Enterprise (Altamont, New York), section 2, p. 5, cols. Look for the name Wm. How do I date my Rogers Bros silverware? D00899). This may be your last opportunity to buy 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Company] " [with illustration showing 8 patterns]. (Viewed 17 November 2017. Advertisement: "Now you can choose your favorite silver-plate 1847 Rogers [Bros.] First Love [/ International Silver Co.] " [with photo of silverware in chest]. G01567. 1847 Rogers Bros. silverplate. Carbinos Jewelry Store, presumably Ogdenburg, NY. 1847 Rogers Bros RENAISSANCE Silver plated 7 pc place setting silverware for 12+ current price $1,350. Your best-loved 1847 Rogers Bros. pattern, gleaming in the soft candlelight " [with photo of model wearing "gown by Adele Simpson", and handles showing the Adoration, Eternally Yours, and First Love patterns]. J. N. Adam & Co., Buffalo, NY. Carbinos Jewelry Store, Massena, NY. (Viewed 25 January 2020. The Trader (Toronto, ON). The Malone Farmer (Malone, New York). G01794. (Viewed 1 June 2020. This is perhaps the most traditional of the mid-century silver plate silverware patterns to be produced. Advertisements: " A few well known lines that we carry 1847 Rogers Silver [/ International Silver Co.] " [with abstract illustration of jewelry company catalogue]. (19 July 1912). WD 9493, Online - University of Michigan library, Ann Arbor, 29 November 1907, unknown page number, col. 6, 6 December 1907, unknown page number, col. 6, 13 December 1907, presumably p. 5, col. 6, 20 December 1907, presumably p. 5, col. 6, Online citation - University of Michigan library, Ann Arbor. SCR NK7242 F55 R63, Online - Chronicling America project, Library of Congress, 18 November 1875, page number unknown, col. 5, 9 December 1875, page number unknown, col. 5, Online - University of Connecticut Libraries, Storrs, Online - Free Library of Philadelphia, PA, 11 November 1876, presumably p. 3, col. 6, Online - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 9 December 1879, presumably p. 6, cols. Jorgs Jewelers, Bloomington, IL. Leonora Ormsby of Saks-Fifth Avenue" [showing First Love, Lovelace, and Sylvia patterns; with CBS radio show mention]. (29 November 1912). (13 December 1906). Advertisement: "Introducing beautiful, beautiful Springtime, The first silverplate design with a hand cut look! (c. 1950s). It includes forks, knives, spoons, and some interesting items like soup ladles, cake servers, ice cream slice, and stilton cheese scoop! Advertisement: "Inlaid Silverplate From the International Silver Company, makers of Holmes & Edwards, and 1847 Rogers Silver " [with illustration of fork]. G01450. (Viewed 5 December 2017. H. W. Rathbun Jewelry Store, Ticonderoga, NY. 5-6, 3 August 1884, presumably p. 4, cols. Hartford Courant, p. 2. 4-8. J. F. Ratliff, Jeweler, presumably Richmond, IN. (Viewed 28 September 2018. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. 12, cols. Abraham & Straus, Brooklyn, NY. D01171-72). D01383-84). [With illustration of Priscilla pattern spoon.] R00205). (1950). G01788. Nonetheless, the daffodils are beautifully created and these sets are very pretty. (30 July 1969). Meriden Britannia Co. / 1847 Rogers Bros. (18 November & 9 December 1875). (12 December 1916). Connecticut Circle magazine. Some pieces though can be much more. Staple goods: Gold and silver plate. How do I date my Rogers Bros silverware. Siegel, Cooper & Co., Chicago. Simpson, Crawford & Simpson, New York. (24 & 31 October, 7 November 1917). (26 February 1945). Bullard & George, presumably Watertown, NY. ), 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company / International Silver Company. (16 October 1919). Advertisement: "A brides favorite wedding gift in 1847 A brides favorite wedding gift in 1947" [with illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours and First Love patterns; with Silver Theatre mention]. 24 pp. (Viewed 19 June 2019. ), Meriden Britannia Company. 5 Non-Christmas Movies to Watch This Holiday, Best Online Games to Play with your Friends, 12 tips for creating visual content on social media. Advertisement: "Id like to sing out the news, says Judy Garland " [showing photo of Adoration pattern, with CBS radio show mention; see later Silver Theater radio broadcasts starring the actress: 26 January 1941, 12 & 19 October 1941, and 12 December 1943 on the International Silver Co. historical information page]. (1875). G01683.). (Viewed 5 July 2020. (13 March 1881). 3-4. Meriden Britannia Co. / 1847 Rogers Bros. (1887). EastSideBazaar. (Viewed 5 October 2018. (Viewed 15 October 2017. ), 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. G01648. 1847 Rogers Bros. and Meriden Britannia Company. [trade catalogue]. A01496.). (Viewed 8 September 2017. G01651. (Viewed 20 October 2017. 5-6. D00932-33). The Evening Post (New York, NY), p. 1, col. 9. B00775-76). Harpers Bazaar magazine, p. 147. 1-2. 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. (Viewed 4 December 2021. For example, a piece stamped with 925 will indicate that the item is 92.5% silver.Jan 6, 2022,,,,,,,,,,, (21 March 1897). (Updated 8 May 2017. 7 & 9. Spinning Wheel, pp. Advertisement: " Brides china and silver. Advertisement: "Eyes have seldom seen hands have never held such perfection in silverplate! North Creek News (North Creek, New York). 4-5. Tableware Savings! G00887; G00889; G00891; G00893; G00895; G00897; G00899; G00929; G00931; G00934; G00936; G00938.). A02925a-c(-)27a-c). This set is large and comes in a box. Beir Bros., Niagara Falls, NY. New York: Chelsea House Publishers. 1-2. [with illustration showing the following patterns: Ambassador, Ancestral, Anniversary, Argosy, Her Majesty, Legacy, Lovelace, Marquise, Silhouette, and Sylvia]. G01742. The Trader (Toronto, ON). A. convention: The convention exhibits [Hotel Statler, St. Louis, MO (25 August - 3 September 1924)]. J. L. Brandeis & Sons, Omaha, NE. (Viewed 9 May 2019; H00802-03). 9364: Fork or similar article of flatware, Silver Magazine website, back issues webpage, The Strong library, Rochester, NY, call no. (Viewed 17 November 2017. Advertisement: "Eternally Yours classic yet new! G01793. (Updated 30 July 2020. (Viewed 1 May 2019; H00625-27). Authentic pieces may read, STER, 92.5%, or simply 925, which stands for its percentage of pure silver.Apr 9, 2021, Buff the silverware to a shine with a soft, nonabrasive white cloth. D01661). Advertisement: "Gifts for everybody 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ International Silver Co.] Set Silverware " [with no illustrations]. LIFE magazine, p. 86. Knives and forks, first quality " Newark Union (New York), presumably p. 4, cols. Advertisement: "One More Great Day of our 24th Anniversary Sale! Jewels by Gara, Manhasset, NY. Advertisement: "Heart-warming thought of a recent bride" [including illustration showing Adoration, Eternally Yours, First Love and Remembrance patterns; with The adventures of Ozzie & Harriet mention; with gown by Pauline Trigre]. LIFE magazine, p. 73. Rogue River Courier (Grants Pass, Oregon). (2004). L00798-99. ), 1847 Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Company. (c. 30 April 1958). 6-7. ), (November 1970). (Viewed 4 May 2019; H00669-71). How do I know if my old silverware is valuable? Advertisement: "Typical brides of 1939 marry for life" [showing the following patterns: 1810, Courtship, Empress, Enchantress, Prelude, and Wedgwood; with CBS radio show mention]. (1 January 1868). Ndy73 U2 +In8B, Smithsonian, NMAH Trade Literature, Washington, DC, call no 029588, Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, call no. Many flatware firms have used the name "Rogers" in name and mark. (27 June 1938). NK7240.5 .H63 1980, Online - University of Connecticut library, Storrs, c. 7 December 1893, page number unknown, col. 5-6, c. 11 December 1893, page number unknown, col. 5-6, c. 12 December 1893, page number unknown, col. 5-6, Winterthur Museum library, Delaware, call no. L01882-83; L01915). (Viewed 4 July 2019. [Catalogue; notations: "flatware", "1847"], 165 pp. A. H. Denny Jeweler, Saranac Lake, NY. Yeblon & Co, New York. (Includes mentions of 1847 Rogers Brothers, Holmes & Edwards Silver Company, International Sterling). G00520; G00523. LIFE magazine, p. 84. 26 piece chest; Rogers 1847 Pieces of Eight Rogers 1847 [/ International Silver Co.]; 34 piece chest " [with possibly relevant abstract illustration of silverware in chest]. (Viewed 5 October 2017. (10 August 1959). (Viewed 22 July 2016. ). Rochester Democrat and Chronicle (New York), unknown page number. If your silverware is fairly modern or untarnished, you can pop it in the dishwasher. Table Talk, p. 525. (Viewed 26 December 2020. (26 July 1943). (15 April 1940). 1. 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co.] F. M. Bennett, Jr."). (Viewed 11 August 2020. 163 pp. G01520. (Viewed 30 April 2019. LIFE magazine, p. 57. E. P. Miller, Albany, NY. "Tune In "The 1847 Silver Theatre", starring Hollywood celebrities. The Hecht Company, Washington, DC. HW-235]. ), 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. [with no clearly relevant product illustrations]. (August 1884). Bisbee Daily Review (Bisbee, Arizona), p. 8, col. 2. (Viewed 16 June 2019. Advertisement: "Of course you want to buy something unique but appropriate for Christmas 1847 Rogers Bros. [/ Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] Silver plate that wears " [with abstract illustration of cutlery in case]. (Viewed 10 June 2020. Advertisement: "Buy the Best. A star or eagle is a symbol commonly used by silversmiths. (Viewed 22 June 2019. R00583). D00976-77). E00963). (Updated 20 April 2017. Bangor Daily News (Bangor, ME), p. 3, col. 3. F00818). Buff It Out. (Viewed 25 October 2017. AAA03380-82; B01218.). (Viewed 2 June 2020. What are the side effects of Atkins protein shakes? QUARTO 739.2283 M561c, 1916, c. 25 October 1916, unknown page number, cols. Price list of 1847 Rogers Bros. spoons, forks, knives, etc. (22 March 1948). (Viewed 23 April 2020. L00679). Wilmington Morning Star, unknown page number, cols.5-8. LIFE magazine, pp. The Morning Call (Paterson, New Jersey). Advertisement: "1847 Rogers Bros. Fall Silver Sale" [showing photo of Daffodil, Flair, Heritage, Remembrance, and Springtime patterns]. (1949). Meriden Brittania [sic] " The Seattle Post-Intelligencer (Washington), p. 5. G01131.). (January-May & August-September 1884). Text-based advertisement: " 1847 [Rogers Bros. / Meriden Britannia Co. / International Silver Co.] knives and forks tea spoons " [with no illustrations]. Times News (Twin Falls, Idaho), p. 30, col. 2. (17 May 1948). ), International Silver Co. (October 1934). Christian Union, p. 1. (No exhibition checklist available. Evening Star (Washington, DC), p. B-14. H00587). ), (6 June 1898, p. 5, cols 7-8. (1891). (Viewed 6 June 2019. (25 October 1943). 1-3. (Viewed 22 August 2018. (19 December 1913). If each item was sold individually, they would be at less than $30 each. Palais Royal, Washington, DC. ), 1847 Rogers Bros. / International Silver Company. L01872-73). LIFE magazine, p. 78. Reflection by 1847 Rogers, Silverplate Cold Meat Fork. LIFE magazine, pp. Ogdensburg Journal (Ogdensburg, NY), p. 10, cols. 1847 Rogers Bros. (Meriden Britannia Co., ISC). (Viewed 25 November 2017. LIFE magazine, p. 70. (Viewed 8 September 2017.