Aboriginal Places are a way of recognising and legally protecting Aboriginal cultural heritage. [11], Similar attacks occurred nearby, at "The Mill" and "Warren Gunyah". WebYindyamarra is a word that is often translated as respect, however, it has multiple meanings including, to give honour, go slow, and take responsibility. [11], Similar to other inland areas in Australia, the Gundagai area has often been visited by tornadoes, particularly in dry times. A fire hearth, believed to be up to 5,000 years old, would also be destroyed by the road. Gundagai lore is associated with Gundagai, Australia, a place of considerable reputed Aboriginal cultural significance, with both archaeological sites and anthropological associations related to sacred and spiritual beliefs of the local clan group and wider cultural associations. His replacement was Governor Thomas Brisbane who had different views through which he began asserting his authority. [8] More attacks followed with the murder of convict hut-keepers, scattered herds and speared cattle. The ward system originates from Scotland and Eastern England where wards, that are watchful spirits that protect settlements from internal troubles and external dangers, form nightly a ring of benevolent spiritual protection against harmful spirits. There are three ways to record Aboriginal [30], The variety of spellings for the name Wiradjuri is extensive, with over 60 ways of transcribing the word registered.[31]. The tribes led by Windradyne lived in the eastern parts of this territory, connected to the other groups by a common language as well as cultural and trade links. [19] A boy, Patrick Vaughan, was struck by lightning in October 1904 and rendered unconscious for a long time. In light of the sacredness of this site we are calling on the Bathurst Regional Council to seek agreement with us on a suitable alternative, he said. The Aborigines at Bathurst were noted as being timed, inoffensive and friendly. Gundagai's rich history of song, verse, epic sagas and notable events beginning first with that of Australian Aboriginal cultural heritage then on to multiple other ontologies with the arrival of the Europeans; that are also remembered within placenames and recalled throughout landscape is evidence of the rich tapestry that is Gundagai today. [17] A terrific thunderstorm at Gundagai in March 1877 set fire to the inside of Armour's house. Aboriginal Places provide protection once declared as an Aboriginal Place, the land receives the same protection under the National Parks and Wildlife Act as an Aboriginal object. 1), "18 Nov 1908 Snake Plague at Gundagai. [58], Gundagai has recorded several ghost and will-o'-the-wisp sightings. [7] So great can be some rainfall downpours at Gundagai that old mining dams have been known to fill and burst. The benefits of management planning for Aboriginal Places include: Keep up to date with everything happening at Council, from projects and major works to news and events. According to Transport for New South Wales' (TfNSW) own Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Report the "entire area within the project is significant to Aboriginal people", but has labelled the works as being of "national importance". Mrs Moroney spoke to her clergyman and also the Bishop and then vacated her residence. They roamed throughout the OConnell, Bathurst and Macquarie Plains and along the Wambool (Macquarie) River and one estimate, recorded in 1824, numbered 600 to 700 people. This follows two applications the organisation has already made for declarations under section 10 of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 in recent months. The 'Gundagai' placename meaning further refers to the reason for the bend in the Murrumbidgee River near the Gundagai showground at Gundagai and to the mythological landscape epic at Gundagai. [65] More recently a Gundagai resident saw a ghost at the old Gundagai Gaol and wrote a song about her.[66]. He spoke to them in their own language in such a manner as not to let them suppose he anticipated any evil from them. Wiradjari Elder Aunty Helen Riley opposes the proposed Great Western Highway route through sacred sites. [4], After passage through the Blue Mountains had been secured, assistant surveyor George Evans and his party had been instructed to further explore the country. In May 1813, Gregory Blaxland, William Lawson and William Charles Wentworth set out with a plan to find a passage through the impenetrable Blue Mountains. In 1892, Fraser had published a revised and expanded edition[5] of Lancelot Threlkeld's 1834 work on the Awabakal language, An Australian Grammar,[6] in which he created his own names for groupings, such as Yunggai, Wachigari and Yakkajari. The group has drawn up an alternative route further north, which avoidthe sites. Each was associated with a particular animal or plant. The floodplains of the Murrumbidgee below the present town of Gundagai were a frequent meeting place of Wiradjuri speaking people from nearby regions. Their eastern borders ran from north to south from above Mudgee, down to the foothills of the Blue Mountains east of Lithgow and Oberon, and east of Cowra, Young and Tumut and south to the upper Murray at Albury and east to about Tumbarumba. '[19], Colonel William Stewart, appointed Head of NSW Police and Lt Governor of the Colony helped oversee some of the government response to the Bathurst Uprising. If you find yourself in Dubbo or its surrounds and you come across a tree inside a cage, take note: youre treading on sacred Tubba-Gah Wiradjuri ground. Mount Panorama in the New South Wales town of Bathurst. Mudgee Historical Society Inc. | Copyright 2023. o Sacred sites are places within the landscape that have a special meaning or significance under Aboriginal tradition. [52] Also in 1929, Hubert Opperman famous cyclist, had a tiger snake encounter at Gundagai. In that context 'Gundagai' means place of birds but that placename may refer to the area to the north of Gundagai not to Gundagai town. The Sydney Gazette described the situation in the following: Advices from Bathurst say that the natives have been very troublesome in that country. Wiradjuri people also worshipped several mythical heroes in common, including Biami, his emu wife Gooboerangalnaba and the giant serpent Kurrea. Put simply, Aboriginal Places are a way of recognising and legally protecting Aboriginal cultural heritage. On the death of a distinguished Wiradjuri, initiated men would strip the bark off a tree to allow them to incise symbols on the side of the trunk which faced the burial mound. (From the Gun", "18 Nov 1899 The Sydney Morning Herald. [30] The Kimo bunyip is really interesting as it is accompanied by a large slash in the earth's mantle out of which the 'Jindalee Volcanics' extruded. In December 1821, Macquarie resigned partly due to undermining forces within his own government. Gundagai lore is associated with Gundagai, Australia, a place of considerable reputed Aboriginal cultural significance, with both archaeological sites and anthropological associations related to sacred and spiritual beliefs of the local clan group and wider cultural associations. Investigations to date have not assessed the Mountain precinct as being rare or of research potential," it said. In October, the Sydney Gazette summed up the situation by stating that "Bathurst and its surrounding vicinity is engaged in an exterminating war". Special thank you to the Dubbo Aboriginal Working Party that provided initial letters of support to the tourism centre project, nominated members to the Advisory Panel and remain engaged in ensuring the project delivers outcomes for community. Image caption: Architect's impression of the Wiradjuri Tourism Centre Some of the ceremonies held at sacred sites are a re-creation of the events which created the site during The Dreaming. Sturt, C., Two expeditions into the interior of southern Australia during the years 1828,1829,1830,1831 Chapter Two, University of South Australia, ebooks, Available [online], Frazer, J.G. Declaration of an area as an Aboriginal Place gives landholders and the whole community benefits by providing: Bomen Axe Quarry Report 2.1 MB Download. The location of Gundagai on a sizeable prehistoric highway, (the Murrumbidgee River), along with the significant and sacred Aboriginal ceremonial ground across all of North Gundagai, and other ancient archaeology, indicates it would have been an important ceremonial, mining, manufacturing and trading place for Aboriginal people before the arrival of the Europeans. Linguists refer to the three languages as the Wiradjuri group [ref]Mathews 1907; Keen 2004.[/ref]. 'West Ward' at Gundagai is still delineated by West Street. The story of the 'Ghost of Kimo Hill', (in 'Gundagai Ghosts' below), is one example of this. WebIf a new Aboriginal site is found in NSW it should be recorded in the Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System (AHIMS). On 11 December 1824, martial law was finally repealed, and on 28 December Windradyne appeared at the head of his people in Parramatta to attend the Governor's annual feast. As a result, in 1825, Colonel Stewart formed the NSW Mounted Police. Evans' reports confirmed of excellent pastures beyond the mountains to which Governor Macquarie ordered a road be built from the Nepean River. Darren Wighton and Trevor Leaman are sharing the stars' Wiradjuri scar tree located on the outskirts of Narrandera, NSW. Rob Williams, Author provided Aboriginal ontology captures the relationship between all worldly and spiritual phenomena, and relationship to Country. AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time which is 10 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), abc.net.au/news/great-western-highway-upgrades-anger-aboriginal-groups/100830566, Get breaking news alerts directly to your phone with our app, Help keep family & friends informed by sharing this article. Gundagai, Tuesday", "20 Dec 1904 Two Boys Struck by Lightning. Members of the Wiradjuri community are concerned over a14-kilometre stretch between Little Hartley and Lithgow, which is slated to becomea four-lane highway. In dry seasons, they ate kangaroos, emus and food gathered from the land, including fruit, nuts, They appear to be very inoffensive and cleanly in their persons."[6]. We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the Country on which the Museum stands, the Wiradjuri Nation, and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. The resulting roadworks would reduce travel time from about 40 to 29 minutes. Press; pp. J. Throughout that person's life, more skins were added, with the original skin eventually buried in the cloak. Aunty Helen Riley is an Elder on the board of the Mingaan Wiradjari Aboriginal Corporation. Friday", "26 Oct 1904 Horses Struck by Lightning. [10] Very deep snowfalls and severe weather were experienced in 1899. They were all clothed with Mantles made of the skins of o'possums which were neatly sewn together and the outside of the skins were carved in a remarkably neat manner. George Augustus Robinson, Chief Protector of Aborigines in Port Phillip, commented that Gundagai was remarkable for its nomenclature when passing through the town in 1844. [39] but is now composed of eight councillors elected proportionally. As Gundagai is a place of significant Irish, Scottish and English settlement post the arrival of the Europeans, Celtic and English landscape understanding or dindsenchas is also evident at Gundagai. Wiradjuri resistance to European settlement in Australia, Assistant Surveyor George Evans, Journal, 21/12/1813, W.H. [53], The efforts of Yarri, Jacky Jacky, and two other Indigenous men Jackie Douglas and Tommy Davis in saving many Gundagai people from the 1852 floodwaters were heroic. 'Gair' was recorded at Yass in 1836 by George Bennett (naturalist) and means 'bird', as in budgerigar or good bird. However, all of these attempts failed and it was to be over 20 years before a way across was found. Oral stories about these animals in connection to the constellations have all been documented by anthropologists dating back to the 1800s. [62] 'Kimo Hill' is a child hill of the 'Kimo Range' that has become distanced from its mother hill, 'Mount Kimo', on the northern end of the Sheahan Bridge at North Gundagai. R753X85274, 1986, Produced by the Royal Australian Survey Corps under the direction of The Chief of General Staff, ABC Country, 2010, Kerryn, Available [online], Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn, "11 May 1927 Canberra. [14], Norman Tindale estimated the territorial range of the Wiradjuri tribal lands at 127,000km2 (49,000sqmi). Four still stand near Molong at the Grave of Yuranigh. The Wiradjuri believe the track will damage the Aboriginal heritage sites on the mountain, where more than a thousand artefacts have been found. The Bathurst War (1824), was a war between the Wiradjuri nation and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. [16] Alfred William Howitt remarked that these trees incised with taphoglyphs served both as transit points to allow mythological cultural heroes to ascend to, and descend from, the firmament as well as a means for the deceased to return to the sky. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. The enormous influx of British colonists put massive strain on the traditional food sources[citation needed] and sacred landmarks of the Wiradjuri. In 1822, Wiradjuri warriors attacked a station on the Cudgegong River in which they drove away the stockman, let the cattle out of the yard and killed several of the sheep. The status, use or ownership of an area does not change as a result of a declaration but culture and heritage is recognised and protected.. (From our various Corresp", "17 Jan 1925 Earth Tremor. That means that any activities that will damage, destroy or deface the Aboriginal Place cannot be carried out unless specific consent is granted by the Director-General of the Department, which can only be granted after consultation with local Aboriginal groups. "If there's a road put through here, are we going to have to sit in the middle of a median strip to teach the kids that?" The Wiradjuri people (Wiradjuri northern dialect pronunciation[wirajduraj]; Wiradjuri southern dialect pronunciation[wirajuraj]) are a group of Aboriginal Australian people from central New South Wales, united by common descent through kinship and shared traditions. Things produced by art and labour, are the white fellows' as they call us." "The site will have minimal noise impacts and it complements Mount Panoramas racing history and future. [11][12], The Wiradjuri are the largest Aboriginal group in New South Wales. In turn, as a direct result of colonialism by England from the 1800s onward, the current culturally diverse Celtic and Anglo-Saxon origin dominant in numbers population evolved at Gundagai at high cost to the original inhabitants. A distinctive feature of the group was that they began with the term for no (wira) and concluded with the term for having (djuri) [ref]Grant and Rudder 2005; Howitt 1904: 108.[/ref]. [29] The figure has a kangaroo or dog-like head and is several kilometres in length. Windradyne himself had a reward of 500 acres of land upon his head. Key points: The Australian Museum is processing an application to Specific jin were connected to each section and together they regulated the marriage system [ref]The four Wiradjuri sections, also common to Gamilaraay and Ngiyampaa, were Murri, Kubbi, Ippai and Combo (along with their feminine equivalents of Matha, Kubbitha, Ippatha and Butha). [cartographic material] [41] Cursed is he who transgresseth the bounds or doles of his neighbour. These attacks included men being speared, weapons stolen, buildings burned and stock killed. [6] In 1859 the 'Aurora Australis' interfered with the operation of the Gundagai electric telegraph. The Wiradjuri leader, Windradyne, led attacks on white settlers, during which time approximately 20 settlers and 100 Aboriginal people were killed, and which culminated in the Battle of Bathurst on 18 September 1824, where several hundred Wiradjuri people were killed. Indyamarra Reconciliation Site sunset. Following Governor Brisbane's decision to open the flood gates to the west of the Blue Mountains, various attacks were soon made against the growing settlement. He said a proper negotiation would see them keep at least half of the at-risk areas. While Windradyne and his warriors engaged the area north-east of Bathurst, to the south related tribes also attacked, terrorising settlers and driving off cattle. Soon after Governor Lachlan Macquarie and a large accompanying party set out to view the country. Ensuring Aboriginal Cultural values are recognised in regulatory and planning processes; Clarifying management roles and better allocation of resources, leading to more effective management and conservation outcomes; More effective risk management by considering hazards in advance; Management plans can be used in some cases to bid for funding for projects or tasks from private and government sources; and. Web What is a Sacred/Dreaming Site? The area was known as "the land of the three rivers",[13] the Wambuul (Macquarie), the Kalare later known as the Lachlan and the Murrumbidgee, or Murrumbidjeri. Long before European settlers built a road through the Hartley Valley, it was where the Gundungurra, Darugand Wiradjuri people shared culture and trade. His names such as Yunggai, Wachigari and Yakkajari can be ignored as artifactsDuring the 1890s the idea spread and soon there was a rash of such termsSome of these have entered, unfortunately, into popular literature, despite their dubious origins. 73-74Available [online], George Augustus Robinson 'Report of a Journey of two thousand two hundred miles to the Tribes of the Coast and Eastern Interior during the year 1844', ca.1844, MLMSS 7335, State Library of NSW, Available [online], 'Parkes, W. 1952, Letter to Tindale from Parkes, Noel Butlin Archives Centre, ANU Manuscript Collection, database 162, p.96, Department of Environment and Conservation NSW, 2004, 'Aboriginal Women's Heritage: Brungle and Tumut', Department of Environment and Conservation NSW, p.42. Wiradyuri community members have expressed their concerns over a plan to construct a new go-kart track on an area of Wahluu (Mount Panorama) that Traditional Owners say is a sacred women's site. The ABC understands members of the Bathurst Local Aboriginal Land Council, employed by TfNSW to assist with the digs, are in discussions to re-design the stretch between Little Hartley and Lithgow. For this service and for rewards to the natives who assisted in the police, I have directed 50 subject to detailed accounts of its expenditure to be at your disposal. Cross, London, pp. One of the chiefs (named Saturday) of a desperate tribe, took six men to secure him and they had actually to break a musket over his body before he yielded, which he did at length with broken ribs Saturday for his exploits was sentenced to a month's imprisonment. 18601869. They say all wild animals are theirs - the tame or cultivated ones are ours. A man with no head called 'Craypton' lived up on 'Killimicat' and would ride down the mountain of a night on a horse. In the early 2000s the Mudgee Historical Society assistedAIATSIS(the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islander Studies), an organization based in Canberra, in compiling an extensive history of Diana Mudgee, an Aboriginal woman who was born in 1826 in the Mudgee district where she lived most of her life apart from a short break at Mulgoa with the Cox family. [15], The Battle of Bathurst began on 10 September when a Wiradjuri war party attacked a station on the Cudgegong River, they drove off the cattle before being pursued by the station hands. 1828, Interview with Goethe, p.181, James Macarthur, in 'Quadrant Volume 12', 1968, H.R. "The project is currently exploring all suggestions and options for further mitigating environmental and cultural impacts," Mr Lunn said. 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