One that you can easily relate to theatre, art and social gatherings? Moon-Pluto aspects can make a person intense and also your appearance can also have a Pluto influence. This asteroid confers physical beauty, as well as grace. His dr Valentine in Gemini in my 7th:trine my Moon in Aquarius in 2 (1)conjuncts my Karma in Gemini in 7th (2,5)! In return for Paris. The 7th House is a great place for Aphrodite. her mom is more emotional & social/extroverted. others may love your personality, your perspective of life, and think you have a beautiful body. Remember that Aphrodite (Venus) was very vengeful and extremely jealous. You could meet your future spouse while doing business, in a office, out door marketing, managing an office project or even in an education project where you chose to lead. fixed signs in the 9th house: may be religious. Thoughts on Aquarius aphrodite in 10h trine Saturn, conjunct Uranus, and square asc? these arent fixed signs but cancer in the 9th gives me mother mary vibes lol. And even add more asteroids which to me might also be important ones: 1943 -- Anteros -- The brother of Eros, love returned, or love avenged. Tumblr has 16.74 million mobile monthly users in the US. Your long-term aspirations may be revisited, or new ones formed, during transits here. their detachment makes them look more attractive The answer to love's longing, a place to finally meet. All you ever want to know about the houses in your natal chart! Apollo sextile mercury (gemini) square venus, trine mars and quintile saturn(gemini) . Pallas Athene was not afraid of war and fighting, but she preferred to solve conflicts in a peaceful way. Singers & Orators. Bound.' She paused and gave a bithy smirk and then said, 'Good luck with that." P.C. Transits through it may surface concerns around what you need to feel financially secure and powerful. i remember winning bingo like 5 times in one round and people started getting annoyed lol. the connection Eros promises is primal and hypnotic, but does not always align with our long-term relationship needs, or the values that our venus and mars signs stand by. Maybe it is part of my selfidentification? What do you think about gemini aphrodite in the 10th house, conjunct venus? Aphrodite definition, the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty, identified by the Romans with Venus. shes loud, hes quiet. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It would nicely illustrate my affinity for these two gay musicmen. Cyprus Paphos Aphrodite Hills. Having your 11th house in fiery Aries can show you're someone who is a true independent warrior. Others feel at ease in your presence because you're fun to be around, that's how you conquer them, - The general public enjoys your youthful aura and people find themselves agreeing with you quite often, - People might praise you a lot (they might talk about you quite often), - You might search for hints that someone likes you before showing any true interest them, - You might be quite flirty with everyone, - Suitors are career oriented, famous/popular, social. You cant stay mad at them. You also are the most charismatic at work. Give also the meaning of the astedois youve asked about: 16 -- Psyche -- Perseverance of love, connection of a psychic nature, awakening of intuition, soul seeking completion. He is one half of the production duo The Neptunes (with Chad Hugo) with whom he produces hip-hop, R&B and pop music. ------------------Air woman. and exactly opposite my Sun-Moon-midpoint, also widely conjunct Saturn (4); Conjunctions and oppositions in synastry: 1)His Adonis, Anteros, Pluto fall into my 10th house: his Adonis conjuncts my Adonishis Adonis conjuncts my Sappho, his Anteros conjuncts my Sapphohis Anteros opposite my Chiron, his Pluto conjuncts my Sapphohis pluto opposite my Chiron. BTW I loved your interpretation, you are becoming really great at it. Looking to the schema, note that the 9th house, opposite the 3rd house, is the rejoicing place of the Sun and it is called God. Posts: 4From: Falls Church, VA, USARegistered: Apr 2009, His Valentine conj my Venus & AphroditeHis Amor conj my JupiterMy Juno conj his JupiterMy Vertex square his Venus & AphroditeHis Vertex conj my MoonHis Vertex square my ErosMy Cupid square his Cupid & MercuryMy Eros conj his MC. #3 with that being said having harsh aspects to your rising doesnt make you unattractive. Their public image reflects a certain degree of sexuality, and they may even get their kicks from knowing this. might look good in darker shades of blue or purple 11th House Taurus: A lot of them started working early or had to be the caretaker of a sibling. DD -""Is it only me, or do these Sabians have a common theme? leo mars: might not like when people touch their hair, certain people like hairstylists may be excepted. might get judged for their eccentric tastes 2 Bed House for sale. If Juno asteroid (3) makes an aspect with Midheaven people might see you and your spouse as very attractive people, that type of couple who looks very good together. it's a powerful connection that doesn't necessarily correlate with romantic love. The 10th house of the birth chart describes our roles in society. - Intellectual stimulation as a flirting technique. But you probably don't have to recalculate as long as you were looking at the natal part, not the progessions. I think Aphrodite asteroid has a lot to do with your fashion style. The opposite sex will, likely, not be able to resist him. Its the battle of the ego versus others, of autonomy versus dependency, of following ones path regardless of obstacles. Thoughts on Aquarius aphrodite in 10h trine Saturn, conjunct Uranus, and square asc? 7. It defines your true horoscope and explains why generic horoscope columns do not work for you. asteroid aphrodite in 12th house cooking with miss quad pdf. Rahu in Taurus in 10th house will transform Rahu as Venus as Rahu changes its nature as per the lord of sign it is placed in. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. You are made for da stage girl! S--ual Planets in Fire signs I.e Venus in Sagittarius, Venus in Aries or Mars in Leo, Mars in Aries, Will cause natives sexual energies to sort of "burn" through them. You're very curious, quick witted and very likeable, - Quite popular and always surrounded by people. To my Mercury/Pluto people please protect yourself. You may hear from your network, or need to go on a trip, perhaps something you hadnt planned. or you may have harsh aspects to your rising sign. VALENTINE22' cancer11th houseconjunct Armor 19' cancersquare moon in 8th 2degsquare venus in 8th EXACTsextile mars in 9th EXACTtrine neptune in 3rd 3degsextile pluto in 1st 1degSEEMS like it aspects all my sex planets LOL, DRACONIC NATAL VALENTiNE3' cancer11th house, CUPID12' cancer11th houseno major aspects, APHRODITE20' gemini10th housesextile venus 1degsemi sextile mars EXACTsquare pluto EXACT, DRACONIC NATAL APHRODITE1' gemini10th house, PSYCHE17' scorpio3rd houseopposes mars 3degsextile pluto 2degopposes MC 1deg, EROS4' libra2nd houseopposes chiron 2degsemi square (?) Power is very sexy. There are many different neighborhoods, locations, and easy transportation in Berlin. - His SApprho conj my Psyche:he feels very passionated and attracted when i show him our psysich/intuitive conection, - my VX/DC conj his Aprhodite:it was fated in double:fated to meet me as a partner with impulsive love and attraction. taurus/libra/venus in the 2nd house: these natives are so naturally beautiful & radiant. It's an expression of your public persona, how you're seen as a figure on the world stage. I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. lolI will have to look up all my sabian's, houses, aspects etc.Have a great afternoon! This house may also help you to polish your self-image, and you may expand your social circle. MC (Aries) trine mars,pluto and chiron, and square eros independent energy Especially anything related to beauty. 5)his Cupido in my 1st houseconjuncts my Venus/Mars-mp exactly, 6)his Sappho in my 2nd houseconjunct my Moon, ruler of my 8th house, 7)my Anteros:conjunct his Valentine exactly, 8)my Sappho:conjunct his Pluto, Adonis and Anteros, my Sun/Moon= his Anterosmy Sun/Mars= his Panmy Venus/Mars = his Cupidomy Venus / ASC = his Cupidomy Venus / MC = his VAlentine, his Sun /MOon = my Sun (or my Moon if he is indeed Leo-ASC)his Sun / Venus = my Psyche = my Lilith = my Valentinehis Venus / Mars = my Cupido = my Anteros = my MChis Venus / Pluto = my ASC = my Sappho. I GOT LILITH CONJ ASC IN SCORPIO, LEO MIDHEAVEN CONJ MERCURY, SUN 10H, VARUNA CONJ MC n SQUARE ASC AND CONJ MERCURY n also my venus conjuncts jupiter, can any of u guess wats gonna happen? However, according to Homer, in Iliad, Aphrodite may instead be the . her parents were childhood friends- her mom has an aquarius venus which can be a friends to lovers type of placement. Aphrodite's Own . Venus in the 6th house: Charismatic in the workplace. Venus in the 4th house: Loving home. Funny enough, a friend once called me with a nickname that is translated into "Butterfly". This is one of the career houses and rules your values, resources and material possessions. Hesiod's account of her birth allegorizes the powerful sexuality of her nature. Lilith/True Lilith - Mars aspects (can have a very big appeal/high drive). I could always see my grandmas house from my window. . Earth/Air Mercuries and Sun conjunction Mercury people are usually the top students in your school/classroom. How long you stay angry at someone got a lot to do with your own placements BUT it also got a lot to do with the other persons placement. The tenth house is also associated with the Midheaven (on the tenth house cusp). Jealous of people with beautiful spouse. Cheat sheets for learning astrology: Zodiac Signs, Planets, Planets In Houses, Elements, Modalities, and Aspects, Astrology house wheel with general meanings per house, Personalised guide to your natal houses and their meanings, Meaning of each house in your personal chart: the sign on the cusp of each house and what it means for you, Ruling planet of each house and how to understand its effect in your chart, Planets in the house, with guidance on how to interpret them. Rahu in 10th house gives an unusual relation with Father. If they don't feel recognition, it can result in moodiness . It governs your physical appearance, the image you portray, and the first impression you make on others. If you pick two, I will try to help and Welcome Ida! 6. 3.Apollo Conjunct the Ascendant Jupiter brings abundance, good cheer and optimism that can help an Now I definitely would not underestimate the Draconics. Powered by Infopop 2000 You can find 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom and 3-bedroom housing rentals in Berlin. A lot of mothers with Moon aspecting Pluto can feel like they have a hard time bonding with their daughters because they never bonded with their own mother or with women in general. Listed as a minor planet, Medusa is commonly classed as an asteroidnumber 149 to be . )trine his dr Sun in 8th (1,5)(probably) trines his dr Moon in 8th, My dr Valentine in Pisces in 3rd:trine his VAlentine in Scorpio in 11th (2)trine his dr Neptune in Cancer in 8th (1,5), His Cupido in Sagittarius in 1st housetrine my Chiron in Aries in 4th (1,5)trines my Cupido in Leo in 8th (2), His dr Cupido in Cancer in 8thconjuncts my Saturn in Cancer in 8th (3,5)conjuncts my Eros in Cancer in 8th (0,5)trines my dr Amor in Pisces in 3rd (1,5), My Cupido in Leo in 8thtrine his Neptune in Sagittarius in 1st (0,5), My dr Cupido in Sagittarius in 1st conjunct his Mercury in Sagittarius in 1st (002! these are just a collection of some observations, thoughts, theories, and personal experiences. Please take note that these observations doesn't resonate with everyone. might have piercings there too Intrinsically. quick note: i'm absolutely not an astrologer. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 I`m very much into chartrulers, too.I actually think that a big part of the attraction I feel to that guy may stem from the fact that his Sun (and Moon) is exactly conjunct my 7th house ruler (Mercury). It signifies your early education, your thinking and speaking style, your attitude to learning, emailing, texting, posting, talking, reading, as well as your siblings, and neighbours. you could be attracted to confidence, the way a person carries themselves. This is because Aquariuses are unique and often think differently than other people, so they might do things that are new and unique from the eyes of others. NATALLY I have Adonis and Aphrodite conjunct in Libra Aphrodite is conjunct my natal Pluto and trines my POF and all of them trine my Venus in Gemini! Potent tie. If you have Fixed star Antares (9 Sagittarius) in conjunction with a personal planet you have to be careful with becoming to obsessed. The Air Signs will use their intellect and communication to produce. At the same time, Rahu's basic nature of being insatiable will remain there. No, no, no, no and no.. it's not just a planet of Love / Lust. (And if I say so myself, my bf is f***ing hot!). Cancer placements/Moon 1st housers might want to live close to their parents. When he was young, he was the favorite child because of how kind he is, but through meeting his friends, he became the worst. a dark but unique style and aesthetic Aquarius placements tend to be copied a lot by other people. Venus in the 5th house: Lucky in love & Love their children. above all this is just for fun. In aspect to Midheaven the people around you can see you as a very attractive person., Leo/Libra/Scorpio/Capricorn/ in big 6 (Sun,Moon, Ascendant, Venus, Mars, Mercury OR Midheaven/MC/10th house, ASC - Mars/Venus/Sun/Neptune/Uranus/Saturn aspects. Cupid conjunct Venus conjunct Mars? Pluto in the 10th house/Scorpio Midheaven can be such a lonely placement because people are sooo competetive with you. Interestingly, it also rules your short-term priorities and your short trips including driving, your car and your commute. they share the same faith but they also have some important differences regarding their religious beliefs. This house is on an axis with the 4th house and is also called the Medium Coeli, MC for short, or more usually the Midheaven, and sometimes the Zenith. This is the house of communication in all its forms. Dont be too nosy because you will see and hear things that will hurt you. Note. genuinely enjoy the finer things in life's purpose; build your dream" R. Hey, I just found out about asteroids and am curious about the meanings of these aspects I have in my natal chart: Jealous of people with healthy self-expression. saturn dominant 1st house- intimidating smaller eyes, mature face, sharp facial structure/features. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. You're most likely going to shine when you reach the peak of your career. Hardly does the native ever lose their temper publicly or make a scene and they are very socially refined. Apollo, Union, Adonis (and Sappho widely) are conjunct in Libra in 10th house;the stellium sextiles my Sun and MErcury and trines my Psyche and Lilith. Capricorn in 2nd house - these people tend to value status. Hades, even though one of the more humble of the Gods when he wanted something he made sure he got it. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. neptune-venus aspects: wanting to fix or save him/her fall in love during the process and live happily ever after. Go forth down new roads and be the iconic pioneer you're capable of. This house represents your physical, historical and psychological roots. Its also the house of contracts, mediators, diplomats, competitors, open enemies, buyers or sellers and your closest friend. they have a personal sense of style. Here we want to be alone, take a backseat, and focus on our inner life. Venus oppose the Ascendant Plutonians be acting so funny. It is your home, past, childhood, family, family line, as well as your actual living situation. Asteroids definitely make connections in our synastry filling up those missing links like 7th house connections. Combat boots and anything black is my style. The 5th house is all aboutlove affairs, creativity,fertility, sex drive, dating, romance, fun, attention, and drama. jupiter in the 5th or positively aspecting your ascendant or inner planets in the 5th house: winning games, contests, bets, money, prizes without much effort. Thank you. The moon in the 10th house will focus on a person's feelings about their job. In 2015, Bullock was chosen as People's Most Beautiful Woman and was included in Time's 100 most influential people in the world in 2010. Venus in the 7th house: Beautiful spouse. Fixed Star Denebola 21 Virgo conjunct Sun or Ascendant gives a strong desire to rebel against what society says to be normal. My brother who is a Libra is easily influenced by his friends. Are you planning to move, enhance, or renovate your place? might get called shallow and superficial (sq. Or quite simply you make new, like-minded friends. The natal chart by it's self is the first selection in the drop down section: "Please select the type of chart you want.". Apollo Sextile Asc, I just discovered that my Sun and Mercury conjunct asteroid Apollo and Aphrodite in Libra, 8th house. Venus 10th house people are so blessed. This is an introspective, reserved, spiritual house. Its also how we take care of number one. They need to feel a part of society, to feel recognised and acknowledged by the people. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. Does anyone has any clue on how Aphrodite would work in synstry? But I LOVE Adonis, he ALWAYS plays a big role if I feel an attraction to someone, which is true even in regards to celebrities I like (or liked for a time). Was a long list but i just discovered about asteroids lol and i am very curious. People with Ceres(1) in the 1st house or conjunct Sun look better without makeup than with it. People with Neptune in the 1st house have this vulnerability to their appearance. very devoted individuals. Aphrodite Conjunct the Ascendant This asteroid confers physical beauty, as well as grace. Angel & Karma in Scorp both square Moon.Karma Square Venus,Mercury & Moon. Along with the 2nd and 6th houses, it's one of the career houses and shows what professions a person would be best at. You charm your coworkers or anyone you have an interaction with while you're working. Adonis(libra in 3rd house) sextile apollo(leo in 2nd house) Aphrodite conjunct Mercury Aphrodite in the Trojan War Aphrodite, as seen in "Cypria," is the root cause of the Trojan War. In aspect to ascendant you can appear as very pretty, attractive and charming. Plutonians are seen as calculating. My Aphrodite is trine my ASC, along with Venus, Sun, Merc and Saturn. She is a contender in the story of the Golden Apple, when Paris chooses her as the fairest of the three goddesses (the others were Hera and Athena).Aphrodite decides to reward him for giving her the Golden Apple (the . the house your venus is in can show what you like or love about yourself, what others like/love about you. Poets. Power and danger kind of go hand in hand. loves their freedom; hard to pin down can l get back to you tonight because you have set a rather large benchmark there!!! So it's a little bit of everything? Aphrodite Hills, Paphos. Putin is sexy because he is powerful. Sometimes its okay to close your eyes to protect your heart. Charm in social situations, especially one-on-one with others, able to make them feel comfortable and appreciated and more. Tenth House. Since Fire signs are confident, aggressive and usually extroverted in nature. hii^o^ can you explain the meaning of Apollo and Aphrodite in 10th house? some of your attractive traits & qualities. lol aphrodite in pisces conjunct venus and ascendent in 1st, and my venus is exalted whatever that actually means (it doesn't sounds like a bad thing to have though) word! Remember to schedule some downtime with family, too, when this happens. Jealous of people who have better friends. Painters. People seem to like Part One, so I will do a Part Two! If the tenth house is set in the sign of Aries, there is a natural need of a person to focus their energy on career goals and the material future they can build. Jealous of successful people. His realm is a place of freedom from the pain of the world and his Queen, Persephone offers rebirth and a blessed afterlife. In a birth chart, the cusp of the 10th house . The tenth house is one that is mindful about how we appear to the general population. Really intersting information She was the highest paid actress in the world in 2010 and 2014. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I have venus in libra semisextile my ascendant Ceres Conjunct the Ascendant There is renewed zeal in this area of life. 763 -- Cupido -- The look of love, aware of image, being tantalized by the reflection, seeing is exciting or foreboding. Thank you:)). This placement can indicate a very attractive person, they likely take care of themselves and their physical appearance, These people are likely to be very artistic and intelligent, these traits probably help them make a good and lasting impression on others, This placement can make for someone who projects feminine beauty in their public/ career life, they're likely artistic and enjoy taking care of themselves. 8. Sex is the most important thing to you. 01 Aphrodite is one of the goddesses that reside in Mount Olympus. My dad rescued me. - great one for synastry haha. Aphrodite (aphros=foam) was born from the foam of the splashing ocean water the moment Uranus` genitals and semen fell into the sea at Petra tou Romiou near Paphos on the island of Cyprus. venus in the 3rd house: you may like the way you think/your way of applying logic and processing information. Venus Taurus magnetizes naturally -- with an easy going sensuality that puts others at ease too. Aphrodite easily seduced those around her because she was gorgeous, and both men and women worshipped her. One of the keyphrases here is "Identification through worship" - I think you can call my liking of musical-theatre as some kind of worship. Meryl Streep mars dominant 1st house- strong/defined face & forehead, could be androgynous, lusty eyes. Venus square the Ascendant Another singer I had a shortlived "liking" for: A real life and very romantic, yet hopeless crush: Another real life crush or flirt; well we didn`T have a real relationship, yet there was something: My Adonis:conjuncts hs Mercuryconjuncts his Uranus, His Adonis:conjuncts my Plutotrine my Moontrine my Karma. Yes, thank you, how about you? MC EXACT, His VALENTINE in Sagittarius in his 2nd and in my 4th housetrine my moon in aries in 8th (2)bi-quintile my mars (0)trine my jupiter in leo in 12th (0)square my uranus in virgo in 1st (1)trine my AC in leo (2), His DR VALENTINE in capricorn in his 2nd house and my 6th house, My VALENTINE in cancer in my 2nd and in his 8th housequintile his venus (0)trine AC (1), My DR VALENTINE in cancer in my 11th house and his 7th housetrine his venus (1)bi-quintile his jupiter (0)trine his uranus (0)conjunct his juno (0)square his MC (0), His CUPID in Aries in his 5th house and my 8th housebi-quintile my AC (0), His DR CUPID in Taurus in his 5th house and my 9th houseconjunct my mars (0)square my jupiter (3)trine my uranus (3)trine my pluto (1)conjunct my MC (3), My CUPID in Cancer in my 11th house and his 8th housesquare his chiron (2), My DR CUPID in gemini in my 11th house and his 7th houseopposing his neptune (1)trine his pluto (0)opposing his AC (2), His APHRODITE in scorpio in his 12th house and my 3rd houseopposes my sun (1)opposes my mercury (2), His DR APHRODITE in sagittarius in his 12th house and my 4th housetrine my moon (3)trine my venus (0)trine my saturn (2)square my pluto (0), My APHRODITE in gemini in my 10th house and his 7th housesextile his sun (0)opposes his moon (1)squares his mercury (3), My DR APHRODITE in gemini in my 10th house and his 6th housetrine his MC (2), His PSYCHE in gemini in his 7th and my 10th house, His DR PSYCHE in cancer in his 7th house and my 11th housesquare my moon (2)square my venus (0)sextile my mars (0)trine my neptune (3) sextile my pluto (1)conjunct my valentine (0), My PSYCHE in scorpio in my 3rd house and his 12th housesquare his sun (1)sextile his mercury (0)square his mars (1), My DR PSYCHE in libra in my 3rd house and his 11th houseconjunct his venus (2)semi square his mars (0), His EROS in capricorn in his 2nd house and my 5th housesquare my chiron (0)trine my AC (1), His DR EROS in capricorn in his 2nd house and my 6th housesextile my saturn (1)square my MC (2), My EROS in libra in my 2nd house and his 11th housesemi square his sun (0)conjunct his venus (0)conjunct his uranus (2)trine his psyche (2)*sigh* lol, My DR EROS in virgo in my 2nd house and his 6th houseconjunct his sun (1)trine his moon (1)semi square his venus (1)conjunct his mars (1)square his saturn (3), his ADONiSopposes my venus (2)opposes my saturn (1)quincunx my MC (0), my ADONISsextile his mercury (1)squares his mars (0)squares his neptune (1)opposes his NN (3)conjunct his lilith (1), DW's of (tropical and draco)valentine/ACvalentine/jupitervalentine/uranuscupid/ACcupid/plutoaphrodite/sunaphrodite/mercuryaphrodite/moonpsyche/marspsyche/venuseros/saturn. Mars Conjunct the MC We all crave love. If you would like to choose one I will try to help, my Friend. Also when a Plutonian does something hurtful people will think they planned it. Read the Medusa myth). You are also very possessive of your partner and prone to obsession and . Venus in the 9th house: Tourists. I can tell you from the top of my head where those asteroids are in my natal chart. Either Medusa is overcome by Neptune and gives in to temptation, or she's raped by Neptune. might want/have dyed hair, tattoos and piercings Idk if this considered a good aspects Jealous of people who might be richer than them. The 10th house in astrology stands for social status and professional life prospects. The sixth house also rules pets, so something could come up with them. Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs tagged as #aphrodite in the 10th with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience | Tumpik And much more! aphrodite in 10th house June 24, 2022 by are eddie and venom in a relationship / Friday, 24 June 2022 / Published in ansible yum check if package is installed 02 She is known as the goddess of love, sexuality, pleasure, beauty, and passion. This is the most visible house highlighting your career, vocation, or status in the world. For some, there is no reason sexual encounters need to be kept between four walls. Isabella Rossellini has Aphrodite and Venus in Gemini giving her a peculiar masculine look, with the help of 7th house toning it down, which I believe gave her a . Im picking : They are the kind of people who have thousands of people watching them do their makeup on tiktok live. unique beauty Aquarius Aphrodite in 10H (Conjunct Uranus, Trine Saturn, Square Asc) They are also good at coming up with witty comebacks towards rude customers. This clearly was the catalyst behind Lancome dropping her after 14 years; due to her declining beauty.