The words in 55:33 ascertain that we will not be able to penetrate through the different regions of the heavens or the Earth. Please read the following commentary for the next few pages linked:®ion=E54. But only for those who would make use of their reason. We Muslims are in the sorry state we are today because we put this so called Science above the Quran. The Quran describes the Earth as having two Easts and two Wests. The mountain range is formed by the very act of seafloor spreading. : the origin of life. Yes Asif, its so obvious. also, Babylonian mythology says stars at lower heaven does that mean they believed in the multi-universe. earth is stationary quran verse. Ko is like it or sometimes s like Danias pen. If you sincere answer this question. are not physical objects that can be rolled like a ball, but only visual phenomena, the rolling can only be related to the physical object on which these phenomena occur, which is the Earth. Urdu/Hindi: Dharti gol hai It is therefore highly significant that the Quran directly links the process of the Earth spreading out to the formation of underwater mountains, in the following verses: And the earth have We spread out [madadna], and set therein firm mountains [Rawaasiya] and caused everything to grow therein in proper proportion. [15:20], And the earth We have spread it out [madadna-ha], and placed therein firm mountains [Rawaasiya]; and We have made to grow therein every kind of beautiful pair. [50:8]. So, verily, with every difficulty, there is ease. It may reasonably be asked that if the Quran genuinely refers to seafloor spreading, then does it refer to the destruction of the Earths crust which is an equally important and fundamental part of the story? If that were true, the setting Sun would appear to get smaller (which it doesn't) and it would also stay above the horizon (which it doesn't). The Quran never said that earth is flat. I mean, it literally says so outright. The upshot is that it is not obligatory to believe that the sun revolves around the earth. Note on that verse. Because in our Islam, Prophet Suleiman indeed knew the languages of animals, He was granted the kingdom of Jinn. If lamps mean either planets or stars, I think the lowest heaven either means the solar system (with the planets reflecting sunlight as the lamps) or a cluster of stars. i do not need scientific theory to tell me that earth is a sphere. From the above discovery, we now know that the Earth was, quite literally spread out. English: , and He subjected the sun and the moon, each running for a specified term. The answer is yes: Do they not see that We are visiting the land, reducing it from its outlying borders? The Quran says that every living creature came from water, some crawl on their belies and some on two legs and some on four. Earth is geospherical in shape + The Quran mentions the actual shape of the earth in the following verse: "And we have made the earth egg shaped". The (Actual) Shape of the Earth in the Quran It was one of the greatest geological discoveries of history. In reality the prophetic words relate to the great and mighty powers, mountains standing figuratively in the Quran for mighty powers or leaders. As the plates move away from each other, the molten magma from under the Earths crust bubbles up, being given an opportunity to burst out under high pressure. If seven heavens means literally seven it could refer to different levels of structures of the universe, with the solar system being the first heaven, a star cluster the second, the galaxy the third, a cluster of galaxies the fourth etc. $18.00. earth is stationary quran verse . Trying to bend the verses to fit the narrative of the modern science is literally pushing donw the scripture, Earth is flat and geocentric as we experience , NASA LIES SO DOES ALL GOVERMENTS. And each is floating in an orbit. and His Messenger, even though they be their fathers or their sons or their brotheren or their kinsmen." If the earth is really a sphere why did not God say it is a ball, or even hint to that, not once. Wikislam might have said Quran is a flat earth book , and they have done pretty good research on the root words and its meanings, i see you offend a brother who said his opinion . And He makes His wrath descend on those who will not use their reason. [10:101]. Isnt it more likely that the verse is simply describing a flat-Earth idea? To understand the significance of this, lets look at the words the Quran uses for the term mountain. Besides the above verses, there are numerous other verses of the Holy Qur'an that prove that the earth is stationary and the sun is in rotation. was the deepest man has ever dug through the Earth. After reading and pondering on the content of the verses presented in this article, there can be little doubt that the Flat Earth Model is in total contradiction to the Quranic information God gives us about the Earth as well as the Sun, Moon and the universe we live in. Click on the Arabic text to below to see word by word details of the verse's morphology. If they are lying (whoever) it is about the size of the earth. Holy Quran 51:48 This astonishing verse does not just tell us that the universe has expanded. Also, it cannot move swiftly like the moon; therefore the stages which the moon completes in twenty-eight days are completed by the sun in one year. Allahs each word is full of meanings. In his commentary, Imam Alusi (d. 1317/1854) states that some philosophers in his time argued that it was the sun that was stationary and the earth that revolved around it. They claimed that the spherical Earth conspiracy is run by NASA and the UN (even though it has been known that the earth is round for many centuries, long before these 2 organisations were formed.) The earth's crust is a solidified shell on which we can live. He cannot explain that because the article is pathetic, contradictory, and twisting the Quranic verses to suit his science And the stars are subservient by His command. The simple one word answer is "Yes", I was writing about this a few days ago and clarified that the Quran does indeed promote a flat-earth view. Allahu Akbar, Waseem, may Allah grant you Jannatul Firdaus. The Quran was sent down before that. By virtue of a worldwide treaty between all governments of the world, the ice wall is protected by soldiers to stop anyone from crossing it. The Arabic word for Earth is / l-ari. But I also heard the explanation that seven is used to mean many or an endless repetition in the arabic language, in the same way thousands is used in English to mean many. 15:19 And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due . One question remains, and it is applicable to all verses of the Quran on scientific topics. I was once like you brothers, but now I praise my Lord because he has awoken me to the falsehood of the Jesuit priests, secret worshippers of the sun, the son. And there is it I take my leave from the people who have furthur gone Astray. 1 Sometimes it is considered that this verse has connection with Qiyamat. quran assumes all other planets are stars not planets, but we know there is only one star in our solar system is the Sun. As you have disassociate yourself from the disbelieving folks, thesame way our father Abrahim did. geocentrism. The arabic 'la-msina' tells us that the universe is continuing to expand. Quran Miracle As It Says Sun Is Not Stationary But Quran almost around 1400 years ago told us that the Sun is also not stationary and also tells about the movement of planets, Earth and all celestial bodies in space and also around their own axis. He wont answer man, but here I will tell you, this seven heavens being troposphere and all is BS, They are only trying to fit Quran into how science interprets the universe`. so you mean the sun and moon are in another universe. It now takes Allahs grace and guidance to understand the truth. We all know NASA only show us CGI images of Earth. Digging had to be abandoned at that depth because the temperature reached 180 C which was damaging to the equipment used in the drilling. Zameen = land. With their objections they prove that they are narrow-minded and possess an unprincipled nature, otherwise they would not have raised objections against what is, in fact, a mine of deep and true knowledge. Click here to download this article as a pdf. The process of consumption of the Earths crust occurs at ocean ridges. Like Like They use fish eye cameras in ISS thats why we see the curveture. seven universes and of the earth their like. I think that you should inform yourself some more about the Michaelson and Morley experiment, which was one of the scientific experiments that became famous because it failed completely. Therefore it is a clear denial and rejection of the Quranic verses to accept the sun as the static centre and the earth revolving around it. One explanation has come to light only recently, as more and more scientists believe that the perfect conditions for the origin of life are found in undersea hydrothermal vents, at these very mountain ridges. One interpretation given for this verse by classical exegetes is that the sun and moon actually move in an orbit around the earth. In fact he even went on to refute, with numerous proofs, the assumption of scientists that the atmosphere also rotates with the earth, i.e. The earth occupied a unique position in the cosmos, the like of which did not exist anywhere else in space. There is no religion in the Quran, Muslims invented a religion called Islam, nowhere mentioned in the Quran, the Quran calls all mankind to submit to God the creator of the heavens and the earth. It simply states that when the mountains are crushed and scattered, there will be no elevation or depression in the Earth. If the mountains are stationary today the humans would certainly see them to be stationary. We know that because the waters God created had to have been flat, just as they are today. The Quran implies that the earth is stationary in relation to the sun and moon. There is NO verse in the whole Quran saying that the Earth is stationary or the sun is rotating around the Earth or the Earth has square or any other non spheroidal shape. It is for this reason that I advise you to pursue your search for the truth with gentleness and patience.. Verily, in it there are signs for the wise people. [, And it is He Who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon. Your email address will not be published. The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. Also, to translate this verse to indicate that though humans today consider the mountains to be stationary, they are not so because in future they will fly, would be evidently wrong. Not to burst their bubble, but the atmosphere of Earth actually is composed of multiple layers. You would see everything outside the train window moving and it would feel to you that you are stationary. and the quoransays stars are at lowest heaven. This page shows seven parallel translations in English for the 97th verse of chapter 4 ( srat l-nisa ). It is a matter of choice; believe in God and his Quran and his laws, or believe Hollywood, the ruling elites, NASA jokes, and the so called Gravity and Science. The FEM suggests a static universe that does not change in size. Why this logically follows is beyond me. Because had it done so, it would run the risk of being rejected by the people of the 7th century on the basis of an irrelevant scientific fact that bears no relation to the purpose for which the Quran was sent spiritual development. Insha Allah hereunder you will find proof from the Holy Qur'an that the earth is in fact stationary and the sun revolves around in an orbit. They are however so absurd that they dont really require much refutation. As it happens, the majority of the features of the FEM contradict and discredit a large number of scientific theories and scientific knowledge that has been known and accepted for many centuries. Why didnt the Quran just explicitly describe the Earth as a globe rotating around the Earth? I still believe in Allah I do not need Quran to suit the views of disbelievers. Just another site. The Earth is indeed flat, that is what the Quran and the Bible say. A person standing at the centre of the flat disc of the Earth would be pulled downwards to the same spot he is standing, not any different from how we feel gravity today. This is an irrelevance and carries no weight. The Quran clearly describes in many instances that the sky is a ceiling and cannot be penetrated, and never once mentions galaxies or space or void. 4 Will Surprise Is the Earth Really Flat According to the Quran? The Holy Quran classified to 30 chapters contain 119 Sura, where each Sura contains many Ayat (verses). There has been disagreement over as to which of these two forces is most responsible for seafloor spreading. Besides the above verses, there are numerous other verses of the Holy Quran that prove that the earth is stationary and the sun is in rotation. it could also be that the whole material and space in the universe including the billions stars and galaxies and deep space far beyond our imagination is in fact still below the seven heaven. In other words, there is nothing decisive in the meaning indicated by such verses that would prevent us from understanding them in a manner that corresponds to contemporary scientific evidence. Cannot refer to sea floor spreading. heavens and the earth were a joined entity then We ripped them apart. The 7.6 miles man has dug is less than one fifth of one percent of the Earth's depth. We can therefore see that without doubt the earth is stationary. do you now what happen if all the stars are at the lowest heaven. Each one is floating in a circumference. [, O listener! Such a statement is a sure sign of the Prophet Muhammad's truth, peace be upon him. O tribes of jinn and humans, if you are able to penetrate through. Also funny how the exact same language of God spreading out the Earth appears in pre-Islamic texts describing a flat Earth. Earth ( ) Earth (. , thinking they are standing still, when in fact. [Allah] Created the heavens and the Earth in truth. Ala Hazrat Imam Ahle Sunnat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (Radiallahu Taala Anh) has explained the Islamic theory (based on Quran and Hadith) that the earth is static. Previously, I used to think that Quran isnt a science book to explain each stuff that goes in the world. In fact, wonder upon wonder is heaped in these verses. His view at the time was dismissed and regarded as outlandish. 240 inch tension rod; SMOJ. Ibn Hazm and others quoted this verse as evidence. So He completed them into seven heavens in two days, and He revealed to each heaven its function. People have been brain washed in believing in satanist and darwin evolution theories. According to his model, which was accepted for around 14 centuries, the Earth was believed to be stationary and positioned at the centre of the universe while the Sun, Moon, planets and all stars revolved around the Earth. The Qur'an rightly refers to it like a carpet spread out, so that we can travel along its roads and paths. I wanted to ask you that the words you mentioned above which are firash, farash, bisaat, madadna etc I cant find these arabic words in the quranic verses and you mentioned a quranic verse 20:54 it dont say anything about earth but it only says bout pasture the livestock.. And you also said that dhul qarnayn is referred to cyrus the great but as far as I know dhul qarnayn was Allahs prophet whi sealed yog and magog in a wall away from humanity so youre saying cyrus did that? It is almost perfectly spherical and consists of hot plasma interwoven with magnetic fields. These two forces combined account for the process of seafloor spreading: new crust pushes old crust away, and old crust pulls new crust along. Regards. The consequence is the formation of a mountain. They are in constant movement for millions of years so that we can determine our time for work and rest and derive countless benefits from them. May Allah Taala grant us the Taufeeq and Hidayat to accept the truth and to reject the falsehood which the west is spreading throughout the world, Ameen. This is the Black Sea, containing muddy springs (hence named Black) and sitting at the Western extent of Cyrus empire. Subhanallah the world is flat and the seas are level. pizzeria storgatan 27 borgholm; why does grapefruit taste like soap; nome astratto di vedere SO when Allah says earth is a bed spread out, it is an expanse I feel that is so true and I feel that is what earth means, not a spinning ball. Does it mean that Earth is flat? It talks about a tribe of humans called the Namlites, ie: they were named after ants. The Quran would have said You know them to be stationary and so they are but in future they will no longer be so. Sheikh Bandar al-Khaibari stunned students at a university in the. The evidence that the earth is round includes the following: Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): "He created the heavens and earth for a true purpose; He wraps the night around the day and the day around the night" [az-Zumar 39:5]. As in one verse it says the Mountains are moving like clouds and in the other it says the Mountains are firmly rooted in the Earth both things can only be true if either the Earth is spinning on its axis or there is continental drift. - In order for the FEM to work, a great number of scientific phenomena are discarded and labelled to be a hoax, such as: gravity, plate tectonics, expanding universe, nuclear fusion, pressure gradient, and many other long approved scientific phenomena. Great read there, taught me a thing or two! Nowadays, the spheroid shape of earth is an undisputable scientific fact that is . Home; Help; Search; Listen to the Quran; Login; Register Only the stars, the moon and the sun are in motion. Whereas, the whole world was considering that earth was stationary: earth is stationary quran verse shadow stats australia] figurative language about mom; madden 20 cpu vs cpu franchise mode; bloomfield baptist church newsletter; ancel ad410 car compatibility; earth is stationary quran verse | . So what are Jinn, another tribe with flat noses? I will give you three proofs for you to begin your own inquisition into this matter. I would be glad to have a discussion with you. The original landmass from which all the continents broke apart was termed Pangaea, Greek for All Land. Login with username, password and session length. And Allah judges; there is none to reverse His judgement. There is not a single place in the Quran saying the Earth orbits the Sun. (79:31-33). So be patient in the face of what they say, and glorify your Lord with praise before the. The same happens to us while standing on earth. Growing up reading the Holy Quran from a young age, it was very obvious that either the Earth is spinning according to the Holy Quran or there is continental drift. Now if I wanted to make a house in a hilly area I have to level up the land so in English I will say: Can you tell me what belief we should have? [Tafseer Noorul Irfaan], The Glorious Quran further tells us, And He made the sun and moon subservient for you which are constantly moving, and made the day and night subservient for you. [Surah 14, Verse 33], The sun and the moon are constant without any breakage in them, nor do they take any leave for the purpose of resting. May be were not understanding it correctly. 2 . It is the sun that moves around the earth WHILE THE EARTH DOES NOT MOVE AROUND THE SUN. Membantu dewasa baca Al-Quran lancar & tajwid tepat dengan lebih MUDAH + SANTAI.Watch the latest video from Bijak Quran (@bijakquran). This is because they can see further and thus they see the Sun for 2 minutes longer than those on ground level. Each moves on its course to an appointed time. There is no point in reinventing the wheel, and as such, I will simply quote the remarkable and beautiful elucidation of the Fourth Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh, to explain the definitive evidence of a planetary model in the Quran: Now we turn to another aspect of the description of the cosmos which relates to the motion of the heavenly bodies. Each one runs to a term stated. As mentioned, the Night and the Day are not physical objects, thus cannot be travelling as such. - They are cold bodies in comparison with their mother star. Answered by Shaykh Yusuf Weltch Question I heard from a shaykh about waking up f, why only mentioned about sun, earth, and moon in quran, not about other planets, it shows that the quran is written by a human as like he imagined what he have seen in their 40 year life, as we can see sun and moon only from earth. DONATE TODAY to Ex-Muslims of North America: scholar teaches kids that science is wrong and that the earth does not rota. seven-layer of the atmosphere is wrong because the Quran says the star is at the lower sky/heaven. OMG this is a parody of sort, Why didnt Allah mention earth is round because people will not understand that in that time? He 'yukkawwir' (rolls) the night over the day and 'yukkawwir' (rolls) the day over the night. Zameen ko barabr karo (b) that the primary texts themselves allow for a sufficient scope of interpretation that would allow for such a position. Now look in the previous sentence This is all according to a hadith I heard. Zameen meant Earth in the first sentence and in the second sentence it ment land. There are other verses, besides those given at the beginning of this article, using which WikiIslam argues that the Quran presents a flat Earth. The existence of lengthy days at the polar regions do not affect more than 1% of the worlds population, and so is irrelevant; fasting in normal daylight times would still be considered a valid practice. The Big Bang model is thus rejected since it suggests that the universe started to expand immediately after its creation and is continuing to do so. In this verse, God describes how He is literally destroying land at its outlying borders. As new crust forms at mid-ocean ridges, it produces a force termed ridge-push and as the lithosphere of one tectonic plate subducts into the mantle, it produces another force called slab-pull. Far from it. That the Quran uses that term specifically should be cause for anyone with sense to pause, and think. Required fields are marked *. ) From the Quranic Arabic Corpus - Ontology of Quranic Concepts. To refer this part of the statement to the future is impermissible. So when the Quran describes the Earth as , not only is it describing the physical shape of the Earth, but also it is providing a depiction of the cross-section of the Earth, as well as describing that it is being spread in the form of continental drift. If this is the knowledge of the slave of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), then what must be the knowledge of the Beloved Rasool (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) himself? However, in 20:130 God does not speak of a Sun that diminishes in size due to getting further away in distance, God deliberately mentioned the, The act of rising and setting requires a horizon or an edge. Rather, the principles of our tradition dictate that we accept the heliocentric model of the universe that currently stands as the consensus position of those specializing in the study of celestial bodies. What is travelling in an orbit can only be the physical object on which the Night and Day occur, which is planet Earth. The reason can only be because of the dipping of the Sun below the curved surface of the Earth. It will confirm the words and will confirm the truth. It is likely that the people may have believed verse 89 of Surah Al-Naml, referred to a future event associated with Doomsday. Theres so many weasel arguments here that its ridiculous. This is the idea that all continents were once one land mass, and slowly drifted apart to their present-day positions. To find someone with the same intellect. [Tafseer Noorul Irfaan]. The first argument is that the Quran describes the journey of Dhul Qarnain (Cyrus the Great) Westwards, stopping at a point where the sun sets into a body of water, muddy in nature. God is Benevolent and Merciful towards the people. Carpet can also be . The mid-ocean ridges are formed at the edges of two tectonic plates. Allah plans every affair and explains clearly the signs so that you may believe the meeting with your Lord. [, And He made the sun and moon and stars subservient to His command. [, And He made the day and the night, the sun and the moon subservient to you. So ask the writer of the Article to refute that if he can, he is just as blind as those who believe and belittle Gods creation of the Earth. Do you hear? Allah says in the Quran: "Surely Allah holds the heavens and the earth (so) that they do not cease to exist; and indeed in case they cease to exist, decidedly no one would hold them both after Him. These are deep trenches in the ocean where the lithosphere of one tectonic plate slides or subducts under another plate, resulting in the recycling of the Earths crust. That is the decree of the Mighty, the All-Knowing. When the parents flatten out the terrain before laying. The reference to Cyrus the Great is more weasel words Dhu al-Qarnayn is Alexander the Great, and the Quranic story of Dhu al-Qarnayn clearly has a relationship with the Syriac Alexander Legend, whether direct or indirect, which states that Alexander the Great reached the end of the world where he found the place where the sun sets. Sponsored by Sane Solution Throat phlegm? The Quran does not talk about talking ants. thirdly it is only talking about the solar system with seven earth of the solar system. Go check the old Tafsir. The Earth is round Earth is here and you can go from anywhere you are to makkah from the east or the west on a plane and still arrive in mecca. The laws of Inertia state that when we are on a moving body, we would not feel or detect our movement. The underlined words in 39:5 therefore confirm the rolling/spinning of the Earth. The earth is subjected to about 20 volcanic eruptions every fifty years, with an average of one volcanic eruption every 2.5 years. The term seafloor spreading, dont forget, was not coined by Muslims. Likewise, if a person near the edge of the flat Earth throws a ball upwards above his head, it will be pulled sideways and would land a few feet away from where he is standing, and in the direction of the centre of the disc-shaped Earth. Keeping the above mind, there are a number of ways to interpret verses that seemingly indicate the movement of the sun: (a) Looking at it from the perspective of the purpose of the Quran as a book of guidance calling upon creation to reflect, these verses are simply describing celestial bodies as they appear to the onlooker. The Quran is a religious text that claims to be word-for-word revealed from the All-Knowing God, so if the Quran did state quite clearly that the world was flat, then that would indeed be a serious problem for Muslims. Menu and widgets According to the western world, the sun is the stationary centre of the universe and the earth revolves on its own axis as well as around the sun. God ends the verse by referring to His concern to protect and provide for His creatures. Some of these verses are quoted hereunder: If someone insists on defending the western way of thought, then the following verse should suffice in answering them, Does He not know, Who created? Verse (4:97) - English Translation. It describes the celestial in a manner that people were accustomed to and described it in a language they understood. Hi there Ayse. Verse 32 uses wal-jibala and not rawasiyya, when verse 30 talks about the earth being spread out. That is not the case, however. But thanks to the masterly language of the Quran this observation went unnoticed. This verse confirms that the Earth with its 2 sides: a dark side (Night) and a lit side (Day) travels in an orbit. He has written for the Huffington Post, Patheos and the Guardian. Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource for the Holy Quran. And yes, the Quran holds that the sun set in a spring of muddy water. However, it is too complicated to discuss here. In favour of this Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) wrote the following treatises: In his first treatise, Ala Hazrat (Radiallahu Taala Anh) has discussed the earth theory in light of the Quran and Hadith that the earth and sky are static, by quoting several verses from the Holy Quran. SPHERICAL EARTH & STATIONARY.. 3) QURAN HADITH INTERPRETATION BY ALA HAZRAT R.A (FLAT OR STATIONARY) EARTH Mohd Farhan Ali, Apr 3, 2022 #41. The most striking feature of this description relates to the way the motion of the earth is described without glaringly contradicting the popular view prevailing in that age. Maybe devils in that verse means devil-like people, maybe there were evil people back then that were scared of shooting stars for some reason, but that is just my theory. The Holy Quran clearly suggests the spheroid shape of the Earth in many verses See The Holy Quran also mentions the movement of sun and planetary objects clearly 36:40 Zameen gol hai If you want to be scientific then Despite the fact that it took science this long, this motion of the sun had already been told 1400 years ago in the Quran. Tahir also enjoys writing fiction and has published his first novel, The Day They All Died Young. They look the same from the earth, traversing through the sky; but as everyone knows in reality their orbits .