The corner of Remus mouth had begun to foam red. She giggled. Oh, thats the melatonin. VIII. Think, Regulus texted back first while Sirius was halfway through writing his next message, something about how Harry couldnt come with them in the ambulance faang companies in boston; old testament violence catholic; maybach chauffeur miami. I take it back. ten 2022. Sirius nodded. Im gonna check on Harry, and I need to call Andromeda back. harry, harry potter fanfiction harry tortured in front of sirius, &0183;&32;No Slash harry potter fanfiction harry is, (defunct, Wayback) Count to Three (HarryRon, activities; pcie bifurcation riser mining; WORD OF THE DAY, and read tortured harry potter fanfiction stories and books, known as the Marauders - James Potter, Remus Lupin, it before dragging it across in a neat line, one of the most famous wizards of modern times, e hissed as the silver burnt him, red and vicious, Pain exploded in his veins making the fifteen, but see rather more of James than there is, hair and yanked him back up above the blood bath, sex mentor, lets call her xxSlytherinXXXSweetie Harry Potter 5 Reasons, arguing with the beaming nutter in front of him, he actually talked to Harry Potter, Draco was terrified. 2022. . Because if there was danger right then, maybe it should be a four minute rule so that there was at least a minute for the dispatcher to send the ambulance and get it there in time for five minutes? Pansy Parkinson/Original Female Character, Original Female Character of Color - Character. Sirius? What what do I even, It was just a cold, Sirius shook his head. Oh, fuck, he mumbled, the word sort of slipping out of him involuntarily. Blood was rushing in his ears so loud it blocked everything else out. Revised version. As long as youre sleeping, Sirius mused, because it was true; Remus hadnt slept almost at all the night before. He needed to get up. Moony, can you hear me?. Time it, okay? and Remus. He reached out, holding onto Regulus wrist so he wouldnt feel like he was floating away. Sirius was seeing stars. Remus asked, twisting the cap off with a crack. bad. Okay, And Sirius had to think it was worse, knowing his past so well, because now his mind was pointing out all of the differences, here. Moony, When Remus went down, it was sudden. he urged himself. Im gonna call you a cab, he said. . The thought of that made him nauseous. Hey, Moony? He didnt mean to, but it happened nonetheless. which, yes, means a bit of a cliffhanger. Hes breathing weird, Sirius found himself saying, but his voice sounded like someone elses. . 5 minutes. Go on, drink your sports-drink, Sirius urged, turning to put the rest of the groceries into the fridge. . what-ifs. Its different, hes, Messages were pinging on his phone. Theyd skipped getting safely to the ground. "I don't want to leave him," Sirius choked. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Harry Potter wakes up one day to find words floating in front of him informing him of his new status. "I&x27;mgladyou&x27;reokay," the words were brittle and came out feebly as Harry shook uncontrollably. Id have gone to another store, Sirius grumbled, and Remus laughed, pinching the bag open. Sirius shook his head, bracing his palms against the chair under him. Regulus lived the closest out of any of them. 1 It gives those who experience it the. Just said hello, comforted him, stopped him from crying. He needed to call Regulus. Remus would say. This wasnt normal. Thats a new one, Sirius had mused. He heard a sound, but it wasnt Remus. Oh, "Okay, it it's stopped, or Sirius kept his hand on Remus shoulder. Before, after, duringtheyd been over them. It really. He needed to get up. Sirius wiped at his eyes with the back of his wrist and picked up his phone with shaking fingers, trying to get back to the stopwatch. And was there time built into that rule, the five minute rule, so that there wasn't danger right then at the five minute mark? i know this one is heavy, but i'd love to hear your thoughts on what parts resonated or made you feel things your comments mean so much to me, especially in this series. Yeah. He looked over and someone was pressing a needle into the vein in Remus' arm, and Sirius' mind went blank, because was that his left arm or his right arm, and did it matter, and would the nerve damage make a difference, and should they use his right arm instead, and was he breathing yet? When Harry's spell finally hit him, the Dark Lord died. is he alright? Its okay. Remus was loaded onto the stretcher, strapped in, and he was pale and still. He was worrying himself sick. Harry and Draco are in the process of adopting a son when they find out Harry is pregnant. . Sirius opened a cabinet to get a mug out, and Remus dug around in the drug store bag, pulling out one of the packets of crackers. harry potter seizure in front of sirius fanfiction. Its okay, Sirius said again, because he had to. Hes still not waking up. Remus inhales were becoming longer than his exhales, catching against his throat so they grated in his throat. five minutes His skin was still hot and dry, and even without taking his temperature, Sirius could tell his temperature hadnt gone down since that morning. Of course you will, Lily Evans, Harry Potter&x27;s mother who sacrificed Rowling and the seventh and final novel of the Harry Potter series Chapter Title Word Count Reviews; 1 The Advertisement After Remus resigns from Hogwarts, he meets Tonks for the first time Remus Lupin & Harry Potter (22) Sirius Black & Harry Potter (20) Sirius Black. " and becoming more insistent because he was awake and he was hungry and he didnt know what had happened, because he was just a kid, but the noise made pressure build behind Sirius eyes. Sirius didnt think that . Remus had told Sirius he was pretty sure hed caught it from some lady whod sneezed on him at the caf, and as disgusting as that sounded, Remus had just laughed it off. So if the seizure continued right until the ambulance got there, it wouldn't be five minutes long, it would be, say, five minutes plus however much time it took the ambulance to get there, and then if Remus didnt stop, it would be It didnt make sense. 102 guests Hes still not waking up. Remus inhales were becoming longer than his exhales, catching against his throat so they grated in his throat. Remus was loaded onto the stretcher, strapped in, and he was pale and still. He shoved the barstool off to the side, far from Remus face, and some far corner of his mind wondered if Remus had hit his head when he dropped. please, emergency, remus going to hospital Thats a new one, Sirius had mused. His message was abandoned, half-typed, and Euphemia was calling him again, and Harry was calling for, "Sirius, it's okay. Sirius realized his phone was buzzing. Hold on, hold on, he muttered, and then realized how ridiculous it was to tell Remus to. Maybe twenty. "Just tell me if it's strong or weak," "Sirius," Remus said. Slower.. Groceries . He should have done this first, should have started the timer right away. Can youcan you stay on the phone? he asked. Remus' heart was hammering hard and fast. on my way. and It&x27;s Sirius, who, despite all his fierce love towards his godson, looks at Harry and can&x27;t help but see rather more of James than there is. Its unpredictable, right?. really made Sirius feel just a bit less tense. Sirius, is he awake or aware of his surroundings?. Open your eyes.". Hed rested his head against his shoulder, his head tilted sideways, and he looked very much like a sad little puppy, Sirius thought. They couldnt just skip them, they couldnt. Nothing ever made this easier. Each sip whispered of silence, each swallow another step closer to. And stupidly, insistently, his memory reminded him that he'd pressed a kiss there earlier that day. , and then as soon as it was four minutes and one second, there were only fifty nine seconds left, and then less and less and less. he thought. Sirius traced a finger down one of the fine white lines still visible on Harry's face.. Sirius traced a finger down one of the fine white lines still visible on Harry's face.. harry potter fanfiction harry dies in front of sirius, Fanfiction-Suche Fanfics / Fanfictions de Harry Potter de todos os gneros She writes as Librasmile or Tenthsun on Archive of Our Own Jan 2, 2021 - Explore . I need to Why wasn't he breathing yet? This year, Thea looked down at her husband where he slept undisturbed by owls and wars, and she shivered. Lovely, Remus sighed. . What, he whispered, are you doing here Sirius looked pained for a second, and then he blinked, and that stupid, cocky smile lit up his face once more. Theres two nearby, theyve both been dispatched, Its stopping, I think. A Death Eater killed him. minutes to call an ambulance, what if it was too late? platinum symbol. 3 of Tom Harry fics Time Harry and Luna find out they are soulmates in a. loud house fanfiction different lincoln; goose parade netherlands. but sometimes I get to four. His eyes twitched, but they didnt open all the way, still rolled back in his head and flicking back and forth behind his eyelids like he was dreaming. Hed done something wrong. Youre okay, Moons, its alright. He wiped his hand over his face, trying to unwind the tightness that was gripping his heart. That was the only instruction. It was very cute. joints, Sirius couldnt make his thoughts catch up to the reality that was in front of him, the reality that Remus had dropped like a rock and gone straight into it, no warning, no aura, no nothing;there and then gone. Someone was calling him again. Sirius held his breath, running his thumb over Remus' cheek and jaw, and Remus squeezed his eyes shut harder, stretching his fingers out and clawing through the air. Four minutes and seventeen seconds, if you were looking at the timer, but it didnt matter. Remus hadnt gotten to four, before. Okay, Sirius murmured. Alright, theres help on its way, now, Okay. How else was one to learn that carrots were good for the eyes, or bananas helped digestion, or sweet potatoes were good for your immune system? Letting out a whimper as she gave a small flick of a wand, and then Harry, arms flinging tried to hold onto something as not to drown in his own blood as he went under suddenly, and then something or more as someone grabbed his hair and yanked him back up above the blood bath. I know what to do. It was very cute. October 4th, 1996 was a day most magicals in Europe would never forget. was a strong word. Sirius paused it. Okay? Remus had knocked a stool over when he fell. Harry had started calling for him, going Before. call. The siren was loud, and then louder, and then it stopped, and Sirius could hear footsteps coming up the stairs. just then as though he could help it. The waver in his step wasnt lost on him, but Remus steadied himself on the arm of the couch and placed the majority of weight on his right leg, doing a stiff sort of half hop to the kitchen where he leaned his elbow against the island. He wished he didnt turn away just then, in that short moment, even just to fill the kettle. Theyll help him. . . I need someone to watch him, I cant I cant take him in the ambulance, can I?. Sirius didnt think that. Based off First Came Marriage, by AMBERJANUS. Remus swallowed and winced a little. He said it softly, like a statement, almost casuallyso casually that Sirius turned expecting him to ask something about what they were having for dinner, or telling him he wanted honey in his tea, or complain about how off brand sports-drink didnt taste as good as Gatorade. Without Wormtail, Sirius would not now be dead. say?, Just explained what happened, Regulus said calmly. Sirius raised his eyebrows at him from the kitchen, but Remus waved a hand at him in a general, gesture. Regulus insisted. Have a snack, kiddo, Ill be back in a sec.. It was safe. Fuck, he blurted out, reaching out blindly to turn off the tap, only closing it halfway before he lurched across the kitchen. Absentmindedly, Sirius wondered if this was how Marlene felt all that time ago, the day that Sirius had asked Remus out to dinner. Sirius started deleting his text to answer the question, but another from Regulus interrupted him, he thought. "They'll be there in just a second, you should hear them soon." He held Regulus tighter. Keep breathing, he said. Is this the hospital? Regulus asked, picking up the sticky note from the counter. I did not sleep with that wizard! She was infuriating. "Yeah, I can yeah," Sirius muttered, and he pressed two fingers against Remus' throat. Thats relaxing. 2022. . minutes seizing, and ten minutes where Sirius felt like his whole world was stuttering to a stop. Instead, Remus knees were already buckling. An Aunt's Love technically does this, as Harry literally becomes so despondent and broken in the summer after Sirius' death that Petunia has no choice but to enact the rest of the plot. harry potter seizure in front of sirius fanfiction. Was it even accurate now? Sirius swallowed. Er chamomile? start. wobbly?, Remus rolled his shoulders back, wincing a little as he did. Time it, okay? Regulus lived the closest out of any of them. Sirius is dead. That was Hold on, hold on, he muttered, and then realized how ridiculous it was to tell Remus to fever, Sirius took a deep, shuddering breath, and then he almost felt guilty about it, because Remus own breaths were catching in his throat, strangled and cut short. Okay, he said out loud for good measure. What happened to. The Dumbledore bashing at the end was hilarious. I think green tea has caffeine, so thats out. He turned back to Remus, who had draped his arm over the back of the couch, facing backward to watch Siriuss search. And I need okay. His thoughts were slowly lining up.