Our live chicks are shipped as soon as they are hatched. This hybridization eventually led to the emergence of the Red junglefowl as we know it today. You need to protect fresh plantings or they will dig them up. Send your wife out to deal with them. Accessed September 25, 2020 at https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Gallus_gallus/. They are that similar. Males are larger than females and measure 65-75cm (25.6-29.5in) long with females measuring 42-46cm (16.5-18in) long. Depends what kind of birds you want. As you may well know, modern chickens have never really lived in the wild. Studies suggest that this introgression likely occurred due to interbreeding between domestic chickens and local wild Red junglefowl populations in South Asia, resulting in an overlap of their geographic distributions. The 2 roosters are magnificent, and are bantam size, and very nice to the hens. Red junglefowl communicate with the help of various calls. It may take up to 20 hours for them to break out of their shell. I could not measure them individually as the kitchen scale did not have the accuracy. If you can improve it, please do. During the breeding period, they perform courtship displays. It is likely that domestication took place because the people who tried to domesticate the Red Junglefowl were looking for ways in which they could get it to produce more eggs fairly regularly. This is because more and more people are moving onto the chicken, simply because the chicken is easier to raise. K so I ordered 10 red jungle fowl and wen they got here only 4 were alive. They are beautiful to behold and have a proud posture that just cannot be ignored by passerbys. Yes, red jungle fowl are capable of flying, though the distance and duration is generally limited. It is thought to have been domesticated for human use around 8,000 years ago and is now a major source of food for humans. Our blogs and articles are updated regularly with many different important topics on care, purchasing tips, fun facts, and more. I had three jungle fowl hens in my flock along with a mix of buff orpingtons, barred rock, and Rhode Island Reds. I will never buy one of these types again. Male junglefowl are significantly larger than females and have brightly colored decorative feathers. The neck is yellow, with a bright reddish back. Do you have any information on subspecies of Red Jungle Fowl? Red Jungle Fowl, the wild relatives from whom domestic layer hens are descended, usally lay one to two clutches of eggs per year, with an average of 4 to 6 eggs per clutch. The Red Jungle Fowl is considered to be a good layer, and many keep them for their eggs, but most who know a little about the breed are interested in them because of their ancestry, and ability to take care of themselves. Model: IRJF. 2023 Bird Ecology Study Group - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP. If you appreciate the ancestry of this bird, you may want to add one to your flock. Chickens spread themselves out quite thinly, given the opportunity. Compare that to the oft quoted standard of a minimum of 4-10 square feet per chicken in captivity!! JavaScript is disabled. Red jungle fowl in Huai Kha Khaeng WS - A band of cocks. Far smaller than your average domestic chicken. Eggs hatch in 16-22 days. Research is still going on as to how this may have happened. It's estimated that wild red junglefowl will only produce somewhere between 10 to 15 eggs per year/breeding season, depending on broodiness*, weather, food availability, stress, and other factors. xq)p9l6N}E)B The red junglefowl was domesticated to create the domestic chicken around 8,000 years ago. At week 5 its looking like I got one hen and 4 roosters, which is disappointing as I hoped for more hens but it appears from other reviews that the RJF from Cackle tend to be rooster heavy. Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures, Coop & Run - Design, Construction, & Maintenance. The five junglefowl eggs came from a single clutch, laid on a scrape of a nest on the ground overgrown with tall grass. Compared to larger breeds such as the Brahma chicken, the Red Jungle Fowl looks like a bantam. Like all chickens with a large single comb, Red Jungle Fowl roosters are at risk for developing frostbite in the winter. The male has orange-red feathers running down across the head down to their back. This particulr species of bird is a wild relative of the domesticated chicken and has been used by humans as a source of food for thousands of years. These birds can be found in tropical moist forests, mangroves, scrub areas, tea, and palm-oil plantations and agricultural areas. Most of the birds have a slate blue or grey colored legs and have white earlobes. Egg Shell Color: Cream or Tinted. This is still a very domesticated breed and is not at all like the REAL red junglefowl, Gallus gallus. Hume gives the length of the male as 25.0 (63cm) to 28.2 inches (72cm); the female . The investigators measured dominance and inspection of strangers (birds new to the social group). So there is a good chance that the initial domestication was pretty much a solo process. Hawks can snatch a chick. She also has a very small comb and wattles (fleshy ornaments on the head that signal good health to rivals and potential mates) compared to the males. They feed on fallen fruit, seeds, grains, grasses and insects. Next to a larger chicken, like the Brahma, the Jungle Fowl looks as if it is a bantam. Grey jungle fowl, quail of several breeds, tragopan, red jungle fowl, black shoulder peacock, indi blue, ring neck, ayam cemani, ayam ketwa, yellow golden, sultan, mutant pheasants, mallard duck, serama. They were aggressive and stuck together like a team harassing and injuring the other hens. They have absolutely no fear of humans. If youre looking for a pet chicken or just want someting different from your regular flock then you should definitely consider getting some Red Jungle Fowl! At the end of the body is a tail of metallic green feathers which are sickle shaped. Tinted; 250-300 Eggs Average Annually; FEATURES. Click link for details: Vaccination Policy. They fledge in about 4 to 5 weeks, and at 12 weeks old they are chased out of the group by their mother - at which point they start a new group or join an existing one. Old English Pheasant Fowl Chicken Breed Info, Muffed Old English Game Chicken Breed Info, Can Chickens Smell? I ordered 4 chicks, as they only come in a straight run, I ended up with 3 roosters, 1 of which was malformed and had to be put down, and one hen. Red junglefowl are found in parts of Asia, Africa, and India and can be hunted or farmed for their meat and eggs. yUOUSz\[7M_Wf>lzO^}[T/VVUn]V@.BB6lXmefmm@V^mvdhyyV|3TRW7W~onvaeVfY~B_>O,xzysjXMXQ~Z>n6S#$M :{QCjM*%}OrUn#s45!nChOy1G\XaUpe:f+H6 cv_z_m Gallus Gallus, Red Junglefowl. So, where do chickens come from? Red junglefowl is part of WikiProject Birds, an attempt at creating a standardized, informative and easy-to-use ornithological resource. document.write(CurrentYear) They are wary of predators but not invincible. EGG FACTS. It ranges across much of Southeast Asia and parts of South Asia. They have tight feathering, a shorter tail than most birds and as a 2-3 year old becomes very muscular, with an upright posture. For example, wild chickens tend to have longer legs and necks as well as more colorful feathers. They can be easily trained to do tricks or lay eggs when theyre young, but they may become more independent as they get older. The Red Junglefowl is a chicken that you can still find in the wild today, although you may also find that some people own the Red or Green Junglefowl. It is an excellent layer; Lay White Eggs; White, slender . Number of eggs laid: 5-7 eggs. Red Jungle Fowl chickens retain some of their wild characteristics, so they prefer to be in free range rather than in confinement. They come from the Red Junglefowl. The Red Jungle fowl subsists on seeds, fruit, and insects. 2nd Ed. Red Junglefowl. Unlock the secrets of the Red Jungle Fowl chicken breed! Order now for estimated delivery by April 27, 2023. This is not the case, however, and their small petite frames are just one of their special characteristics. It is the species that gave rise to the chicken (Gallus domesticus ); the grey junglefowl, Sri Lankan junglefowl and green junglefowl have also contributed genetic material to the gene pool of the chicken. The birds has soft neck feathers with golden brown and yellow. Two sub-species of red jungle fowl live in Thailand. Although they are not found in the wild in India anymore, they have an extensive range that stretches from Indochina and southern China, through Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Indonesia. More than a year ago; Item is broken,cant do anything with it. Write Review. By Lip Kee Yap from Singapore, Republic of Singapore Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus), CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11391112, By Philip Pikart Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=39531989, Burnie, D., 2011. Cream. Brown Breasted Brown Red Jungle Fowl & Cuckoo Standard Old English Chicks, Not Sexed No reviews yet $11.50. Red Jungefowl (Gallus gallus) The classification of today's chicken ( Gallus gallus domesticus) recognizes its primary origin, the Red Junglefowl. They can fly amazingly well, almost like quail or pheasants. Water will be drunk where available though they do seem to get most of their water needs from their food. The most commonly kept Red are the Indian Red or Burmese but these have been widely interbred in captivity. They would gang up on the others and eventually killed one of my barred rocks. These birds are wild and do not enjoy being handled, so they are great if you want independent chickens in your backyard but a poor choice if youre looking for a pet chicken. As you can likely imagine, the domestication of an animal is never, ever going to be a simple process! You are using an out of date browser. Egg Production: Poor - 120 eggs per year Egg Shell Color: Cream or Tinted Egg Size: Small-Medium Temperament: Active . Status: The Indian Red Jungle Fowl are a rare chicken breed. Domestication probably occurred 7,000-10,000 years ago in Southeast Asia and Oceana. The investigators measured dominance and inspection of strangers (birds new to the social group). Ornamental & Exhibition. They prefer disturbed habitats and edges, both natural and human-created. I did a bad thing.. i took a hen and a rooster because the lady just wanted to get rid of them.. they are far from skittish and house perfectly at night but the are the most clingy chickens I have. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. They are believed to be the ancestor of all common domestic chickens! Males have an anti-predator call . A spur these birds have on the lower leg just behind and above the foot serves in such fighting. Any chickens that can actually be found in the world will have descended from domestic chickens. Andalusian. Mexicos Courageous Stand in the Battle of Puebla. 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This relatively low number of eggs compared to domesticated hens is due to the high amount of energy and labor required for making and passing an egg in nature. Jungle fowl are predominantly ground-dwelling birds living in areas with dense overhead vegetation. Eggs Despite the fact that the Red Jungle Fowl is extremely petite, hens are happy to lay medium sized eggs. You also may likely enjoy the fact that the original bird is still out there. Red Jungle fowl of Bangladesh. The eggs are now with the Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, National University of Singapore. Some, who have raised this breed, suggest using heat lamps to keep them alive and well during the winter, however, they will do just fine if kept out of the bitter cold. Singapore Naturally they make their home in forests. There is an abundance of this breed available to purchase with hatching on July 6, 2022 and prices ranging from $13.00 $12.00 depending on the quantity purchased. They may even consume mammalian feces. When it is kept as a pet, it is slightly more productive than the wild counterparts, but not drastically so. Red junglefowl are active during the day and usually feed in the early morning and late afternoon. This is because it is considered to be the great-great-great-great (ok you get the idea) grandfather of all domestic chickens and can still be found in the wild in the Caribbean and Asia, so they are truly wild at heart. Purpose: Exhibition. Both male and female Red Jungle Fowl are a small breed of chicken. QTY: QTY. - The Happy Chicken Coop - All Rights Reserved. Its not that they are mean, they just prefer to be left alone. Your email address will not be published. He has a similar look to that of the Kellogg (Welsummer) rooster, with a smaller frame and few more color variations, and the upright posture of an Old English Game Hen. Males are known to perform a food-related display called tidbitting, where they make cluck-like calls and bob and twitch their head and neck when they find food in front of a female. I see they are pretty small birds. Indigenous breed Examples: Red jungle fowl; Ghatikhuele; Grey jungle fowl . Developing my own breeds of gamefowl and bantam. I am very happy with my order. Dont let their opinion of your well-placed nesting box hurt your feelings, its nothing personalthey just know better. Birds in North Central India visit water holes frequently during the dry season, although not all junglefowl in the region live close enough to water to do so. RED JUNGLEFOWL. So I ordered 80 checks 29 were dead including six of the red jungle fowl 17 Wheaton dead out of 20 six Phoenix dead out of 20 I am not pleased with this shipment. I am pleased with the Red Jungle Fowl I received , the males are a very brilliant color and the female has the conformity and color that I expected. Our Range: Food Habits: Omnivorous; feed mainly on seeds, fruits, and small insects . KZabw84vgIo[;>(tks usee0T_oV~m6U_U&% the Cochin-Chinese red jungle fowl, the Javan red jungle fowl. While they look similar to their domesticated relatives, there are a few distinct differences. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'chickenmag_com-box-4','ezslot_4',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-chickenmag_com-box-4-0'); However, at this stage, it is pretty tough to tell exactly what happened as this happened so many years ago. A very cool breed somewhat on the wild side. The red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) is native to a wide range of habitats throughout South and Southeast Asia. Red Jungle Fowl can make great pets or working birds because they are active, intelligent, and relatively easy to train. When taking care of Red Jungle Fowls, its important to provide them with plenty of space so they can move around freely and express their natural behaviors. How Easy is it to Keep Red Jungle Fowl Chickens? If you want to know more about chickens, quail, and goats, The Happy Chicken Coop is the place to be! Since then, their domestic form has spread around the world where they are kept by humans for their meat, eggs, and companionship. Formally known as the Shanghai Chicken, the Cochin breed was created in China and imported to the US in the 1800s. Red junglefowl are very noisy, vocal birds and call mostly in the morning. 3rd ed. The breed shows strong sexual dimorphism, so the males and females are easily identifiable. However, they can fly for short distances to escape predators or to roost in trees. They sense your weakness. This breed is often found mixed with domestic birds and our stock is a very pure example of zoo stock. They are very independent and tend to do their own thing. Red junglefowl drink surface water when it is available, but they apparently do not require it. Red junglefowl will dust bathe to help keep their feathers in good condition. Hens naturally know where the best place to lay their eggs is, so they may need extra training to go into the coop at night to roost and lay their eggs. Chicks will gain their place in the pecking order at 1 week old. Hen is brown with numerous light and dark streaks. A wild jungle fowl may produce less than ten eggs per year. He does like to fly out of the uncovered part of the coop, and can go a good 20 feet up and over, so make sure you clip their wings or keep them in a covered coop. At night they will roost in a tree which offer a level of protection against predators. Copyright 2022 Chicken and Chicks Info LLC. 2016. The yield on this little bird is hardly worth harvesting, but thats not saying you couldnt. Subscribe my Newsletter for new blog posts, tips & new photos. The underparts are dark with grey feet, while the arched tail and wing feathers are a glossy . Join More Than 15,000 Chicken Enthusiasts Who Have Already Subscribed. Apparently the incubating bird flew off suddenly when disturbed, thus exposing the location of the nest. This breed is considered to be very skittish and wants nothing to do with human companionship. DESCRIPTION: The Red Junglefowl male has orange-red crown and neck feathers, a red face, comb and wattles. Their weight is between 0.5 and 1.5kg (1-3.25lbs). They have been found to have introgression from crossbreeding between domestic chicken and local wild Red junglefowl, as evidenced by the sample from Yunnan Province in China. All chicks arrived vigorous and alive. The bird has been repurposed as more of a show bird and for ornamental or brooding use these days. Infrequent. Hawks and eagles will swoop down from the sky to snatch up the smaller birds, whle reptiles such as snakes, lizards, and monitor lizards will stalk them on the ground. David is passionate about quality-focused journalism and has worked in the publishing industry for over 10 years. Of course, it was a rather slow process, and the full split from the pheasant didnt occur until around 6-million years ago. They forage in much the same way. This is the case with most chickens. Remember; no matter what breed of chicken you actually have, there will always be a small amount of Red Junglefowl in it. The under parts and wings are black and there's a white patch on the lower back. Cackle Hatchery has been breeding our bloodline/strain since 1984. London: DK. A hen can lay over 250 eggs per year, so she knows how to keep up with the best of them, and eggs are lightly tintedan extremely light brown egg. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); National During the breeding season, males perform courtship displays. All in all, the Red Jungle Fowl is an interesting breed of chicken that deserves recognition for its history and usefulness as a food source over the centuries. Chickenmag.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Free or royalty-free photos and images. If you want a productive bird, then it will almost certainly be the chicken that you want.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'chickenmag_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-chickenmag_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); When we talk about the domestication of this bird, we are talking about how the Red Junglefowl gradually became a domestic creature i.e. This is where we actually see some differences between the Junglefowl and the domestic chicken. Very desirable and hard to come by, these birds are our pride and joy. They will visit burnt areas to access the seeds which are more present after burning. 6 Females to 1 Male. Bobcats can occasionally be successful. BirdLife International. This is true in parts of India, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos. and they are seasonal egg layers they don't lay year round Ordered list Unordered list Indent Outdent Then there are the other 3 species of Jungle Fowl: the Grey, aka Sonnerat Jungle Fowl which can be found in better pheasant collections; this is the bird that many believe contributed the yellow leg gene into domestic chickens. They do not bother our perennials, grape vines, fruit trees. Eggs take 21 days to develop. Junglefowl are also behaviourally different from domestic chickens; they are naturally very shy of humans compared to the much tamer domesticated subspecies. Of course, the original chickens had to come from somewhere, right? All are drinking and eating. The crowing sound serves both to attract potential mates and to make other males in the area aware of the risk of fighting a breeding competitor. Male and female Red Jungle Fowls show very . How do they reproduce? Males have an anti-predator call, and females camouflage with their surroundings, making them great low-maintenance birds. Gautier, Z. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'chickenmag_com-box-3','ezslot_6',127,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-chickenmag_com-box-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'chickenmag_com-box-3','ezslot_7',127,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-chickenmag_com-box-3-0_1');.box-3-multi-127{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}But it is not really a productive bird, so this is probably just for the thrill of raising a unique bird as opposed to anything else. Got 1 extra for 5 total. Red Jungle Fowl Chicks As low as:$12.50 - Read reviews. Wild populations of this species are also at risk from hybridization with feral and domesticated chickens; when these birds interbreed the purity of the wild birds is lost. In Singapore, it is a threatened animal, and is on the 'Endangered' list in the Red Data Book. We believe that family edutainment should be engaging, inspiring and always on trend so that every member of the family can benefit from it! Sometimes they have a moss green leg color and red earlobes because of some differences in the sub-species that were used in our original breeding. Claire. These birds also regularly bathe in dust to keep the right balance of oil in their plumage; the dust absorbs extra oil and then falls off. Temperament: Active/Flighty. The roosters will fly off yep they fly very good much like a pheasant, and live to free range. Hens may or may not go broody. These jungle fowl were very aggressive with the other breeds, acting more like roosters. Poultry Red junglefowl have a slightly different flavor than domesticated chicken, but they are still considered to be a delicious delicacy in some areas. Heres where the Red Jungle Fowl becomes the superstar of the backyard. The head of the cock has ear wattles and a red comb. A dominant male will attempt to maintain the exclusive mating rights over his females but some subordinate males are able to breed. There are some parts of the year where it will lay eggs regularly (this will normally be during the dryest parts of the year), and other times where it will not lay anything. He also has long, golden hackle feathers on his neck and on his back. Females lay 3 to 7 eggs and incubate them for about 21 days. Evidence suggests that the process happened at least 8,000 years ago. Red junglefowl are generally considered common and widespread within their range. A study in India showed that a flock of about 5 red jungle fowl occupies, on average, an area of 12.5 acres. Yes, the Red Jungle Fowl is a type of chicken. Incubation period: 24-26 days. I have jungle fowl chickens. Roosters have bright, contrasting colors that include blue-green buff, and of course a lovely iridescent blackish blue in their tail-feathers. The red junglefowl is a species of wild chicken native to Southeast Asia and is the ancestor of all domesticated chickens. The Red Jungle Fowl is a small breed of chicken that has been around for thousands of years. This breed does better in hot, humid climates because of where they originated from. Wild Red Jungle Fowl males resemble well-conditioned fighting cocks in size and weight. Evidence from the molecular level derived from whole-genome sequencing revealed that the chicken was domesticated from red junglefowl about 8,000 years ago, with this domestication event involving multiple maternal origins. This, of course, is not really something that you will see in the domestic chicken. The Red junglefowl was domesticated for human use well over 5,000 years ago. Jungle birds are the original bird from which all varieties and strains of domesticated chickens arrived based on comments and observations made by Darwin. During the laying season, hens will lay an egg every day. they do not lay many eggs A hen requires only 24 to 26 hours, 140 grams of feed and 300 millilitres of water to produce an egg. The male and female Red Jungle Fowl both have a similar appearance: they are relatively small, with reddish-brown feathers and a distinctive red comb on their heads. PubMed. How many eggs to wild chickens lay? Jungle fowls male = $50Jungle fowl female = $30Phoenix chickens = $20Serama chickens = $20Price are negotiable Contact Us Minneapolis, MN 2 years ago Indian Red Jungle Fowl - $25 (Visalia) So, once again, this is likely a trait that those who domesticated them wanted to improve.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'chickenmag_com-leader-3','ezslot_14',135,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-chickenmag_com-leader-3-0'); Once they have produced offspring, they tend not to keep them around that long either. The Blog Digger team is on a mission to open minds and ignite a love of learning in families all over the world. If you like the idea of keeping an old breed of chicken that still maintains the traits of chickens prior to domestication, you need to take a look at this pretty little breed. Red Jungle Fowl - Sold as Baby Chicks Only - No Sexing Available Minimums - Not Sexed = 3 Total of 3 birds to ship Seasonal/Shipped Feb thru mid August Anytime the dog goes near they know exackty where to jump to or hide while our other chickens havent figured that out yet. Red junglefowl are attracted to areas with ripe fruit or seeds. You can expect 4-5 medium-sized, brown eggs per chicken every week during the spring, summer, and fall. They are good layers, laying an average of 220 eggs per year, with little tendency to broodiness. A renowned dual-purpose breed, this common chicken lays up to 300 tinted eggs annually. Everyone arrived alive and well. Obviously, one of the main products from a chicken would be an egg, yes? As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. The creamy white eggs of the junglefowl are glossy and the mean length x breadth = 45.1 x 33.9 mm (43.4 x 33.5; 45.1 x 33.9; 44.9 x 32.7; 46.6 x 35.0 and 45.4 x 34.6). I see they are pretty small birds. It is believed that about 75% of the initial genes of a chicken come from the Red Junglefowl. While it is not important to know the history of the Red Junglefowl if you want to raise your own chickens, we thought you would enjoy learning the history of how and where the domestic chicken came to be. They are excellent foragers. They prefer disturbed habitats and edges, both natural and human-created such as open woodlands, savannas, scrublands, coastal mangrove forests, plantations, and even urban parks. despite their reputation. For cackle's chickens, I would guess that they can lay up to that amount under extended light conditions. It is the primary ancestor of the domestic chicken. They carry themselves in a very upright position similar to that of a pheasant. Females appear significantly different to males. Red Junglefowl takes a lot longer to reach sexual maturity in comparison to domesticated chickens too. Across the rest of the body are brown, red, gold, grey, white and olive feathers. Food includes various types of grains, seeds, insects etc. [online] Chehaw.org. Good. November 9, 2015. During their mating season, males announce their presence with the well known "cock-a-doodle-doo" call or crowing. Amniotic eggs, which are the type of egg associated with chickens, evolved roughly 340 million years ago. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Estimated Number of Eggs Per Year: 300: Likeliness to Brood Eggs/Raise Chicks: Moderate: Red Jungle Fowl Meat Production. Home Science & Education Wildlife Discovering the Wild Wonders of Red Junglefowl. Obviously, the 30-eggs per year is a stark contrast to the domesticated chicken that produces at least 150 in most cases. The red jungle fowl ( G. gallus) is the ancestor of the domestic fowl. Females have no fleshy wattles or combs on their heads.