It never got infected, so I'm not quite sure what the problem is. In all seriousness please please follow what this article says, it's SUPER helpfulhi. Anti Helix Piercing. You may be fine but there are other people who had their cartilage shattered because it is actually a thin bone. Also just because the gun is a faster and less expensive option than the professional piercing doesn’t mean it is better.

You may find smiling or sleeping on that side to be painful.

If anyone has any recommendations for where I could get it done, I'd be happy to hear! Moreover, if you don’t take those aftercares seriously, then it is no longer surprising why you will suffer from horrible infections on the pierced area.

!I am thinking of getting a double helix because I always thought it looked cool. Wurde es gepuncht, dann kann es auch nach einem Monat schon verheilt sein.Der Inhalt der Seiten von wurde mit größter Sorgfalt, nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen erstellt. You can even ask to see the equipment and how they clean their tools before they use them if you'd like.After signing your consent form and choosing your jewellery, you will be taken into a small cubicle or private room for the piercer to set up. Informationen und Artikel dürfen auf keinen Fall als Ersatz für professionelle Beratung und/oder Behandlung durch ausgebildete und anerkannte Ärzte angesehen werden. Anyway this website is SO informative and helpful.Hi I've had 2 piercings (forward helix) about 3 weeks ago, was normal red and painful for first couple of days and settled down pretty quickly. These kind of piercings, for me at least, have a problem with any metals that you may be allergic to and, because they take so long to heal, can have problems with dirt, oils, etc. It only happens when I clean it otherwise it doesn't hurt or anything.and I got it pierced with a needle of course !
And if they're not, if there any way to effectively insulate the piercing from the water?Hi, I got a helix piercing 2 days ago. Some may allow you to lie down during the procedure if you feel more comfortable doing so. See more ideas about Piercings, Forward helix piercing, Ear piercings. I'd rate the helix piercing as a 2 on a pain scale that goes from 1–10, with 10 being the most painful.

Please let your piercer know of any allergies, if you are on medication, unwell, or prone to fainting or dizzy spells.
Triple forward helix piercing involves studs running up from the initial front helix thereby making a line of three studs. Even though peroxide and alcohol clean, it is not a great idea to use for your ear pierced hole thingy.I just got my helix piercing a couple days ago and the top area of my ear is purple (kinda like a bruise) my ear isn’t red, swollen, or warm. Great info.What a great site. I do have sensitive ears though, I know it's not infected.

Das Forward Helix Piercing wird durch die nach vorne, Richtung Gesicht gehende Knorpelfalte der Helix gestochen und sitzt verhältnismäßig nah am Kopf. I know what I'm talking about! It might be more expensive but you’re paying or the experienced professional with a license and sterile jewelry. Also this upper cartilage piercings which are called helix piercings are only about $20-$35.

They will talk you through each step and pierce you as gently and as quickly as possible.Once the piercing is done, they will talk you through aftercare, make sure you are okay, and allow you to check out your new piercing in the mirror before you leave. Forward Helix Piercing and the Important Facts Everyone Should Know Any ideas what I can do or why it's happened? DER SCHMUCK This article discusses helix and forward helix ear piercings.

Hey ihr Lieben, ich würde mir gerne ein Forward- oder auch Antihelix machen lassen.

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